In this live session, we dive deep into the topic of the spirit of fear and how it affects our lives, relationships, and spiritual walks. Over the next 25 days, we are embarking on a fast intended not only to strengthen our faith but also to confront and overcome the fears that hold us back. Fear is more than an emotion; it is a spiritual stronghold that can sap our strength and confidence. This article will guide you through understanding fear, its origins, and how we can actively combat it through prayer, fasting, and God’s Word.
The Importance of the Fast
We are committing to a fast between the hours of 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM for the next 25 days, accompanied by prayer and repentance. The purpose of this fast is to build a solid foundation spiritually and to break the legal rights fear has over our lives due to unresolved emotions and earthly ties.
Preparing for the Fast
- Sign Up: If you're new to this journey, please subscribe to our YouTube channel for notifications about each live session.
- Instructions: For detailed instructions on the fast, visit Covered By God to enter your name and email.
- Reading Material: Throughout the fast, read "Deliverance from Demonic Covenants and Curses" by Reverend James Solomon. This book provides insight into the spiritual strongholds that fear creates.
Understanding the Spirit of Fear
Fear operates as both an emotion and a demonic spirit. This duality makes it imperative to recognize that we are not just engaging with temporary feelings but with a formidable spirit intended to siphon away our joy, peace, and confidence.
Biblical Foundation Against Fear
As outlined in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, love, and a sound mind." This scripture provides us with the core elements needed to combat fear:
- Power - The divine strength granted to us to overcome obstacles.
- Love - A perfect love that casts out fear.
- Sound Mind - Stability and discipline to act contrary to fear.
The Danger of Fear
Fear can manifest in various forms:
- Fear of rejection or failure can prevent meaningful relationships.
- Fear of abandonment can lead to unhealthy attachments.
- The fear of death or illness can paralyze individuals, causing them to miss life's opportunities.
Understanding these fears as spiritual attacks helps us formulate strategies to resist them.
Strategies to Overcome Fear
To effectively combat the spirit of fear, it is crucial to employ several strategies:
1. Repentance
Acknowledge and repent for the sin of fear. Acknowledging fear opens the door for healing and allows God to replace that fear with His love.
2. Breaking Soul Ties
Identify and break ungodly soul ties that bind you to fear. These may include negative affirmations and beliefs influenced by family or society.
3. Renouncing Covenants
Renounce any evil covenants made with the spirit of fear and replace them with the Word of God. Claim scriptures that reinforce your identity in Christ and security in His promises.
4. Engaging in Prayer
Utilize strong prayer practices throughout the fast:
- Pray against fear specifically, declaring that the spirit of fear no longer holds sway in your life.
- Engage in communal prayer where believers come together to support each other in this fight.
5. Utilizing God’s Word
Memorize and declare scriptures daily to anchor your soul against fear. Use verses from the Bible that emphasize God’s power and love to counter feelings of inadequacy or fearfulness.
6. Cultivating Faith
Remember that fear and faith cannot coexist. Focus on building your faith through regular scripture reading, worship, and staying connected with fellow believers.
As we embark on this journey of overcoming the spirit of fear, it is vital to continue to rely on God through fasting, prayer, and scriptural declarations. Remember that fear is a spirit, not merely an emotion. By embracing the power of God, His love, and maintaining a sound mind, we can effectively confront and conquer the fears that hinder us. Join us in the upcoming fast, and let us journey together toward healing and liberation from fear that has kept us in bondage for too long.
7 of the year of the brid Fest I'm excited to get started this live is specifically um for the war against the
spirit of fear it is about the war against the spirit of fear so if you're joining for the first time or the for
the 10,000th time go ahead and subscribe to my YouTube channel because we are live over here and it's just really good
to subscribe to the channel so you get the notifications that we've gone live and then um if you want all of the
instructions on the fast I'm not going to waste your time and break those down to you we are fasting for the next 25
days between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 300 p.m. every day for 25 days and so um I want you to go to www.c coveredby god.
again that is www. covered BYOD doco and when you enter your name and
email address I ALS also want you to check your spam folder and uh because sometimes the emails land there if it's
not in your inbox so um there is that also I want you to spend um the next couple of days
catching up on all of the videos so if you're joining today and you're like Tiff I'm really falling behind that's
fine um but I do want you to start at day one and just binge watch until you catch up to today or whatever day you're
catching up to and the reason why that's so important is because this fast is really kind of like a gamification if
you will that you start off at the very first part everybody should always be joining a fast by um going through
repentance by going through um re announcements of things and and all of the things that build for
a very solid foundation and so if you start today and you haven't gone back to start at day one you're really working
backwards because half of the stuff that is given the enemy legal right to attack your life and your marriage and your
marital Destiny is the things that you have not repented from and the things that you have not gotten Revelation from
so yeah I wanted you to do that you are also supposed to be reading um the book called deliverance from demonic
covenants and curses by Reverend James Solomon you can find that on Amazon again that book is called uh deliverance
from demonic covenants and curses by Reverend James Solomon and he has the audio B available and so um you'll find
that you'll be able to find a lot of time if you stay off of social media if you stay off of having unnecessary phone
calls by the time you get off a phone with one person it's like two hours has gone by you know what I'm saying and by
that time you could have watched two videos and so just keep that in mind that you know there's always ways to add
more time to your day you could be watching one of the videos in the shower when you're away from the family you can
be watching the video on the way to work right instead of having conversations on the phone or doing whatever else You' be
doing listen to pop in one of the videos and listen to them on the phone at work or or on your break and things of that
nature so you can find time we find time for everything else to work out for us we can find time to um get this stuff in
as well so please keep that in mind but I do want you to catch up but I also want you to go back to the very first
day and watch that so that you're not working backwards so I hope that helps all right let's go right into it just
because we have prayer again at 9 uh 4 a.m. eastern standard time which is 900 a.m. my time because I'm in Ghana right
now and so I want us to make sure that um I don't want this one to be too long so that I can sleep and go and get
ready for the fast that starts in a few hours but anyway this one is about the war against the spirit of fear now this
is just lipstick guys I get that off of me that's just lipstick but anyway yesterday um day six was about
the war against worry w r r y and today we're going against the war against the spirit of fear now this is very
important because fear is very dangerous fear is very diabolical and I believe fear is um the majority of the reasons
why people are not married yet I believe that fear is the reason why people are in very bad marriages and I feel like
fear is the reason why most people get abused right and so what do I mean by fear is a reason people don't get
married you'd be surprised as to how many little boys were told by their fathers and mothers that they should not
get married right during times of anger times of flare with the parent the parent says something stupid like you
should don't never get married and they think that they're saying something you know that somebody's going to forget but
it's actually a now core belief that this child has taken on and now is manifesting that in their life or you
have people that say things like you'll never be a good wife you'll never be a good husband nobody will ever marry you
look at you you got all them kids you got five kids five different men you got three kids three different men nobody's
ever going to want to your worthless well if you don't rebuke those words as soon as they say them you have not
opened up the door for that spirit of fear to come in and come in you you've now come into agreement with it that
maybe you can't get married maybe nobody is going to want you maybe um you're not worthy of love and worthy of marriage
and things of that nature and so it is your responsibility to um you have to look at
your life and your spiritual life like a house right and yes people can scream what they want to scream to you outside
of your house but you have the right to close your door lock your door and shoot them in the head if they want to you
know run in but my point is so many of you leave your door wide open and so not only is the person putting word curses
on you outside of your house you also leave your door open so that they can come in and out your house whenever they
feel like it but you are the one that has the responsibility to protect what's inside
of your house or in other words what's inside of your mind you understand and so um and so this this live I I believe
is very important I believe really over the last seven days each and every one of the lives that we've been doing have
been very pertinent to our lives and to our marital Destinies whether you are single whether you are newly engaged
whether you've been engaged for 10 years and you need to get y'all need to break up because you shouldn't be engaged to
nobody for 10 years whether you are happily married right and you're doing this fast for to sustain the marriage
and just you know build stronger intimacy between you two and seeing what God wants to do with you all next
whether you just got divorced or separated or you're widowed whatever your situation is um the spirit of fear
does not discriminate and so we want to make sure that we're very Vigilant against the spirit especially over the
next 25 days you know one one thing I think is so powerful about fasting is how the enemy tried to tempt Jesus
during his fast and so we often think that when we see the enemy coming to tempt US during a fast that we're not
doing something right right you end up talking um you you end up talking yourself out of faith and you're like
there's no way I'm doing this fast and all hell is breaking loose right there's no way I'm doing this fast and all hell
is breaking loose but the truth is the devil tempted Jesus during the fast the devil tempted
Jesus during a fast and so if he tempted Jesus how much more will he tempt US during a fast and so I want us to be
very Vigilant about the spirit of fear anyway the first thing I want you to knowe is that fear is a spirit it is not
just an emotion the emotional part of it is the fruit on the tree but when you look at the root of the tree you'll see
that this thing is a spirit so that's the first thing I want you to understand is that you're not dealing with an emot
you're not dealing with a feeling you're actually dealing with a demonic Spirit called fear if you go to the book of 2
Timothy ver 1: 7 the bible says for God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind now
the word given here means to pay wages to to reward and to suffer so what he's saying is is God has not given you this
this as a reward God hasn't given you this as um wages that he's paying you right God has not given you this to
suffer but he's um he hasn't given you this which means that if God didn't give it to you it came from hell it did God
did not give you this right he gave you power love and a very sound mind okay and so um what does this mean this means
that the prescription or in other words the medicine that you're going to take for this disease of the spirit of fear
because fear becomes very debilitating it comes fear does a lot of things and we'll talk about that in a second but
your medicine for this disease called fear is number one to operate in God's power number two to operate in God's
love because scripture says that it's perfect love that cast out all fear um perfect love cast out of here and then
number three his sound mind so let me just show you really quickly what some of these things mean if you have your
blue light blue letter bible app like I kind of showed you all let me grab this let me show you hold
on okay so we have power love and a sound mind I want to give you guys a better understanding of what all of that
looks like um let's go to my Bible app right here I was already over there but uh
verse 7 for God has not given us a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind I read out of KJ V just in
case any of you guys want to correct me about something I say wrong but I actually said it right so we're going to
go click on here I'm going to go to the concordance because I want to see what the Greek definition of the words are
and so if God is telling me that he has not given me the spirit of fear but he gave me power love and a sound mind I
want to know what these are so I'm going to click right here to see what power is so what God gave me was not the spirit
of fear but he gave me strength power and ability which means I should not be disa bold in anything because God has
given me the ability to do all things through Christ that strengthens me the word power also means uh Power residing
In A Thing by virtue of its nature or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth I don't know what none of that
means so I'm go down here U power means P because this is the word is dunamis but it means um Power for
performing Miracles God has given us moral power and the Excellence of Soul God has given us the power and influence
which belongs to riches and wealth this is for those of you that think that you're supposed to be poor actually one
of the definitions of the word Miracles or dunamis power is the power and influence that belongs to riches and
wealth this is why you see so many superstars getting big all of a sudden that's because the devil gives um
influence and power and miracles as well and that's what you see there the word power also means power and resources
arising from numbers power consisting in or resting upon on armies forces and hosts right and so God has not given you
a spirit of fear cuz fear is like cowardice but he has giv you this power abundance he's giving you Supernatural
ability miraculous power he's giving you violence because the kingdom of God suffer violence and the Violence takeen
by force he's giving you mighty wonderful works okay um let me see what the spirit of
fear means I never looked that up so fear means timidity those of you that feel very timid you know this it
also means you're a coward I know many cowards especially you Christians I know many Christian cowards many of them
y'all need to stop being cowards y'all need to stop being cowards all the time you're
cowards and God says that that's a spirit your fearfulness is a spirit your timidity is not is not a good thing you
guys it is a spirit these are all Spirits it's a demon okay just so we're clear you being
a coward is a demon he's given us love affection Goodwill love this is agape love so this
is Brotherly Love okay and he's also giv us a sound mind which is self-control
moderation uh discipline which most of you don't have either let me put my face back on here so that you can see me and
see me good so what is your prescription to timidity to cowardice to the spirit of um fear fearfulness it is you
operating in God's power which he gave us he gave us his power and his authority to tread on serpents and
scorpions and over everything of the earth and nothing shall I enemies hurt or harm us you know exactly um thank you
Apostle she said in Revelations 218 cowards won't even inherit the kingdom of heaven and so your prescription for
this disease called fear is to operate in God's power to operate in his love cuz perfect
love cast out all fear number three have a sound mind have a sound
mind so so in the book Deliverance demonic covenants and curses which I want all of you to read um there is an
audio book to this and so you guys can pick up the audio book but I want you um whenever you get a chance I want you to
read chapter 10 I want you to read chapter 10 and the reason I want you to read chapter 10 is because this chapter
is called why do some Christians Die Young this chapter is specifically called why do some Christians Die Young
and one of the reasons why why is the door of fear and so for those of you that do not understand how dangerous and
diabolical fear is fear is the believer's Kryptonite so it is that thing that will take a Christian down do
you understand me it will take you down and it is Satan's biggest and best weapon he uses against the body of
Christ okay um whether it's the fear of death whether it's the fear of illness whether it's the fear you know there's
some people who um are so afraid to let their children go out that it then allows the spirit of fear to go into
them in some way right um the child in some way this is the book that I'm referring to you can find this book on
Amazon this book is called deliverance from demonic covenants and curses by Reverend James Solomon and there is a
paperback version a a Kindle version and an AUD audible version you can listen to the book I would just suggest getting a
version so that you can get this accomplished um cuz I want it done as soon as possible that was your homework
assignment for last week to have it finished by Monday but go ahead and get this book and start listening to the
audible this book is fire okay pure fire do you understand me and so um whether your fear is a fear
of death fear of poverty fear of accidents you know what I'm saying fear of illnesses some of you are afraid of
being married some of you afraid afraid of being abandoned and you are married and you just your marriage is miserable
because you don't trust the person but you don't want them out of your sight you might have a fear of flying you
might have a fear of spiders you know whatever your illogical spirit of fear is it is the Devil's Playground okay it
is absolutely the Devil's Playground and it is the Kryptonite to every believer right it is Kryptonite to
every believer exactly some of you are writing down certain fears fear of the dark right fear of roaches well I think
that's probably legitimate cuz [Music] who want to see a
roach fear being alone fear of speaking right um some people still have a fear of covid some people have fear of
hard attack some people have fear of whatever sickness or illness some people just have fears okay so fear is a very
destructive emotion and it it's really designed to mock the hand of God fear is designed to mock God just keep that in
mind so when people say feel the fear and do it anyway and they come up with those cute quotes and things like that
none of that is God because of how diabolical the spirit of fear is the spirit of fear is so diabolical that God
God does not want you to feel it and do it anyway he wants you to kill the spirit of God do you understand me
because because fear mocks God it mocks god um the question really is why would any of us be afraid when we have the
King of Kings backing us and unless we don't really think that he's backing us is the only time we've allowed fear to
kind of infiltrate are our perimeters so fear and faith are also Rivals the Bible says that without faith is impossible to
please God fear and faith are absolutely the opposite of each other fear and faith are absolutely without a doubt the
opposite of each other okay they're competitors with each other they hate each
other they want to kill each other at all times and one has to give way to the other
so at all times you're either operating in the spirit of fear or you're operating with the spirit of Faith but
there is never a time you're doing both you're not doing both they cannot live in the same
space Darkness and Light cannot live in the same space one has to give way to the
other okay now why is fear so
effective why is fear so effective is being shy fear certainly it is a spirit of fear but why is fear so effective I I
believe that the number um one reason that fear is so effective is because of the lack of knowledge the
Bible says we are destroyed because we lack knowledge he said my people are destroyed because they lack knowledge
anybody that studies their Bible studies their scripture and knows the rules of God knows the covenants of God knows the
promises of God tend to not be afraid especially as much as those who do not read their Bible but still identify as a
Christian or a child of God and so there is a very strong difference between the two groups of people even if both of you
are saved right um and so if both of you are saved but one group really studies the scripture it's pretty hard to make
them afraid this is why Jesus was able to repeat back scripture to the devil while he was being tempted but when
you're on a fast and the enemy is coming to you in dreams you wake up defeated again wanting to quit and you just go
ahead and quit and say I'll join next year when I feel like I'm ready you know there's a difference between the two one
knows the word of God and the other one does not know the word of God and so just keep that in mind in job 3:25 he
said the thing that he feared the most comes upon him the thing that you that job feared
the most Came Upon him and so we have a very big reason why we want to kill this spirit of fear and that's because we do
not want the thing that we feared the most to come upon us okay so you have a lot of reason for wanting to make sure
that you pray these prayers today fear weakens fear weakens the immune system fear ruins relationships fear creates in
your mind and in your life what never existed in the first place right fear um has a voice fear talks to you at night
when you go to sleep that's why most of you have to go to sleep with some type of noise on or the the um TV on and
things of that nature because you want to have some type of noise on to kind of drown out the noise in your mind fear
torments you fear causes sickness in the body fear causes mental illness right fear fear causes all of these
things fear makes you paranoid that's right um yeah people are using the Rain app the fireplace crackling app doing
whatever you can and you might as well just burn sage like that stuff does not kill the spirit of fear it is a good
Band-Aid that's not going to work for long but it does not kill the spirit of fear okay fear creates what did not
exist somebody said that's why Hollywood pushes fear absolutely right the television is definitely a wonderful
portal that the enemy uses and um and we walk right into the Trap every single day okay and so just keep this in mind
that fear is diabolical fear is the enemy God hates fear God does not want you involved with
it now obviously that is a lot different than the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord is the reverence of God is the
respect of God is the awe of God um and so you want to make sure that you keep the fear of the Lord which is different
from the fear that I'm talking about today okay it's different from the fear that I'm talking about today fear causes
Obsession absolutely thank you fear is a form of Mind Control absolutely um excessive sweating
somebody said is a manifestation of the spirit of fear um that is so powerful and
um yeah it's it's all fear you have all of these some people have fear of um divorce and so they they stay and get
beat up for 50 years and never leave God did not call you to get beat up by your husband or your wife if she's swinging
on you you know what I'm saying like God didn't the Covenant of life I heard a minister say this the Covenant of Life
supersedes The Covenant of of marriage so somebody is Molly whopping you around the house girl leave
him now shouldn't no man be beating on you like that God did not give his daughter
over to a man for him to be punching her in the mouth I don't care what nobody say and don't send me no email about it
neither the Covenant of Life supersedes The Covenant of marriage God don't want you to be
murdered by your husband men God doesn't want you to be murdered by your
wife somebody said um the fear of getting old the fear of having babies the fear of not having enough money
right the fear of um being cheated on So You def the fear that all men are dogs like it doesn't even matter how
illogical or logical your fear is is just there okay is just there and so I want
us to make sure the fear of intimacy for sure the fear of intimacy and things of that nature U fear of the future fear of
being homeless fear of rejection all of these are definitely fears and it sound like all y'all are dealing with some
type of fear fear of Abandonment fear of death all of these things okay and so this is a very simple thing to kill but
we just had we just had to know that it existed in order for us to kill it you know one of the beautiful things about
God is that um the rules are really written out for us we just don't know what to do with them and
so the prayer points are very simple today and one thing you have to know about certain prayer points is sometimes
you got to hammer in on this stuff to make sure that these things are dead and so I find that many of you pray these
prayers one time or three times or say Tiffany I joined the fast with you last time I prayed these prayers nothing
happened and I'm like okay that's cool did you take your medicine though every single
day did you take your medicine every day for 365 days did you take your medicine every day for 30 days or are you just
like the people that go to the doctor they give you a prescription for antibiotic they tell you to take it for
30 days you take it for 10 days and they also say the doctor hey your symptoms are going to actually start getting
better after 10 days but don't stop taking the medicine they say that all the time when you're getting ready to
take an antibiotic and guess what most people do after the 10th day they they feel much better they stop taking a
medicine cuz they don't like taking medicine no way and that's that and so it doesn't matter how long you've been
doing these fasts it doesn't matter how long you consider yourself praying too much there are many times in the Bible
where God tells the people like I said in Ezekiel 37 he said son of man can these he put um Prophet Ezekiel into the
valley of dry bones and he said son of man can these bones live and Ezekiel said only you know and he said prophesy
to this valley of dry bones and command them to live and when Prophet Ezekiel began to
prophesy to the valley of dry bones you know we would expect the bones to get up and start living again after the first
prophecy after the first time I prophesy over these bones they better get up and get to move in but that didn't happen
with Prophet Elijah he prophesied over the valley of dry bones and the bones began to shake and so here we had a
small manifestation of God hearing us and answering us but we didn't have what we wanted to see which was the greatest
seeding Army being risen up from this prayer right we just saw this shaking happen and normally when we see the
shaking happen we see something happening but we don't see what we want to see happening we quit after the first
prayer and that's not how that works especially because you don't know where the Covenant of fear came from it could
have been something that was in the bloodline 200 years ago you think you can pray against it one time and it's
going to leave you and that thing is like let me come back next year when she forgot about all the prayers and get it
going no baby we hammer in on it the Bible says is not my word like as fire and like a hammer that breth the rock
into pieces the word Rock in Jeremiah 23:29 means stronghold and so fear becomes a strong hold when you do not
kill it at its Inception we need to be Believers here at covered by God that learn how to kill the seed in its
Inception we need to learn how to be believe um we need to be learn how to take seeds and kill them before they
grow kill them before they germinate but not us we see a seed go on the ground and we don't want to kill it until it
turns into an oak tree a a 100-year oak tree that's when we want to get to killing a tree when it turns into a
sycamine tree okay and all them Roots just rooted all over the place you could have killed that you know you know a
sycamine tree starts off as a mustard seed what if we became a people that covered by God that started killing the
seed before it germinated start killing the seed at its Inception as opposed to waiting for this
seed to become a sycamine tree what if what if and so we're going to pray these
prayers until you don't have the spirit of fear anymore
period so the first thing we're going to do um is repent for the sin of fear I'm just going to break these down really
quick and then we'll pray the first thing we're going to do is we're going to repent for the sin of fear we're
going to repent for Bowing down to this spirit of fear we're going to repent for submitting ourselves to the spirit of
fear you're going to have to repent for worshiping the spirit of fear somebody said oh I just saw that so
good they said the scripture says have faith so ironic because he said for us to have faith like a mustard
seed God is so good everything in the Bible is like a little puzzle and when we figure it out you're like that's why
you put that in there God I thought the Mustard Seed was random and now I know that it grows up to be a SI ofine
tree crazy thank you um Miss ala wine she says and the shield of Faith that's down
and the fiery darts being removed after penetration so again yeah spirit of fear is actually like fiery darts coming at
your head and you're supposed to be lifting up the shield of Faith which is supposed to quench those fiery darts so
that it doesn't even hit you you're not supposed to be getting hit with this stuff you're literally not supposed to
be getting hit with this stuff okay and you getting beat up all over the place so the first thing we're going to do is
repent the second thing we're going to do is break all ungodly soul ties and attachments to the spirit of fear the
third thing we're going to do is renounce all evil covenants made with the spirit of fear and all all inner
vows um which again may be you saying you know you're never going to get married
or all men are dogs or all women are or you know um all men cheat that is rooted out of a spirit of fear right
and so um we're going to renounce all of the evil covenants that we made with the spirit of fear and we're going to also
um break the inner vows that we made with the spirit of fear and so then we're going to replace it with the word
of God that is the only thing that can replace anything dealing with the spirit of fear is Faith okay and so your
homework assignment before we get into prayer your homework assignment is very simple your homework assignment is to
take the lies that you've been telling yourself and to get scriptures that speak opposite of those lies and write
them down and begin to speak that over your life so I don't know if you remember I think it was day five I gave
you a homework assignment you're supposed to be taking um every Discord that you experience whether you have
disease in your body or your mind discomfort disunity in your marriage disagreement
disappointments this whatever um you're supposed to be taking that and you're supposed to be going to Romans 8 chapter
Romans chap 8: 38 and 39 and you're supposed to be declaring that over your life um three times a day for the rest
of this fast okay so I want you to make sure that you're doing that but the homework
assignment for today is you can't just repent for the sin of fear you can't just renounce the sin of
fear you can't just break these ungodly Soul tie with fears and go on about your life you can't do that you have to take
medicine to heal What Fear broken you and the medicine is the word of God that's the only thing that
works that's the only thing that works books are great but the word of God is the only thing that works you're going
to have to take scripture and you're going to have to break this stuff I do not think that IVF and a surrogate is a
resort to fear unless for you it is okay so father in the name of Jesus we thank you remember we always come to God
with the secret password thank you in Luke chapter 17 he tells us a story about how God healed 10 lepers but there
was only one leper that came back to thank God for what he had done only one and Jesus said in his word he said there
were nine that I healed but only one came back to see about me he said go because your faith has made you whole
the word whole there meant cured right it meant um he was healthy and he was restored back to health again and so we
have scripture in Luke 17 with this story of leprosy that your Thanksgiving his Thanksgiving prompted God to heal
him his Thanksgiving showed so much faith that God made the one person whole because of Thanksgiving and so I want
you to you know come away from this fast understanding how powerful Thanksgiving is it is not a light thing it is Warfare
and so I want you to thank God for what he's healed you from I want you to thank God for what he did for you I want you
to go back into your memory of some things that you did not remember to thank God for and just come back to
thank God so father in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you for today we thank you for your grace and bringing us to
another day of fasting we thank you Father for giving us the grace to sustain us in this fast we thank you
Father in the name of Jesus Christ for your love and being merciful towards us because we know God that it's not by
works that you're doing any of this but it is by your mercy and it's by your grace we thank you gracious father for
building more capacity in us to receive more of your love we thank you Father for making this a lot less frustrating
for us and we thank you God for what you're doing we thank you God for when the bullet missed us we thank you Father
for making a way of Escape out of that relationship that we wasn't supposed to be in in the first place thank you
Father for the red flags that you showed us that we definitely ignored but you showed us mercy God and you did not pay
us back with what we surely deserved we thank you Father for giving us another chance to be faithful to you we thank
you Father that the blood of Jesus Christ washed away our sins we thank you Father for the remission of our sins the
blood of Jesus Christ washed it away we thank you that the blood of Jesus Christ has nullified and neutralized any
consequence of any curse that was headed towards us we thank you Father in the name of Jesus Christ for teaching us how
to forgive we thank you for giving us the faith to forgive we thank you Father in the name of Jesus Christ for giving
us the ability to resist the devil and he has to flee from us we thank you Father in the name of Jesus Christ for
this um physical manifestations of this prayer and of these prayers we thank you Father that these prayers will not just
benefit us but it will benefit our Bloodlines and we thank you Father for just working with us and cleansing us
and purifying us and changing our motives and giving us a hard reset before the year is out we thank you for
the gift of the Holy Ghost who we need desperately in our lives and during this fast thank you God for the Holy Ghost
thank you for your helper thank you in the name of Jesus that the Holy Ghost is our advocate for our marriages thank you
that the Holy Ghost is our counsil of defense for our marriages thank you that the Holy Ghost father is um what is he
the our in our personal intercessor thank you Father for your for your Holy Spirit and um we just thank you that the
Holy Ghost is such a pivotal part in our marriages God and introducing us to our marriages and mending marriages back
together again we just thank you for it father in the name of Jesus Christ and father we come before you right now
um to repent for um the sin of fear we come before you right now we repent for the sin of fear the sin of Torment we
come before you right now to repent for um the sin of the fear of death the sin of the fear of being married the sin of
the fear of divorcing or um abandonment or rejection we repent for the sin of fear of um um
having children giving birth we repent for the sin of giving birth the the fear of giving birth we repent for the fear
of insects and just other phobias we repent for this uh sin of the fear of getting cancer or having a heart attack
or having a stroke we repent for the fear of um Su and becoming successful we repent for the fear of not having enough
money and always worrying about money father in the name of Jesus Christ I want you to open up your mouth and begin
to repent for whatever fear is coming up for you I want you to repent for the for the sin of the fear of being in an
accident the fear of being homeless the fear of being seen the fear of using your voice the fear of speaking out
repent for the fear of man because God says in Jeremiah chapter 1 um Don't Fear the faces of men which
means to not morally Revere them and don't put them on a pedestal uh father we repent rep for the fear of standing
up for what's right um because of what people are going to do we repent father for um having too much money because we
don't know what to do with it we repent for the fear of working for you God because we don't want to mess up we
repent God for the fear of Letting Go control and so we end up turning into Jezebel um because now we got to do
control and manipulation uh we repent for the sin uh or the fear of greed the fear of failure
um we repent for the sin of fear of not being provided for we repent God for the fear of not having enough food or money
we repent for all fears of having covid we repent for all fears of the next plague that's trying to come we repent
God for the fear of persecution the fear of being disappointed the fear of having wrong beliefs the fear of
everything father God in the name of Jesus Christ we repent for the sin of fear of
experiencing a third world war we repent for fear and all of those
things we repent for the sin of fear of being a um a mother or a father we repent for fear in the name of
Jesus Christ we repent for the fear of um experiencing another recession we repent for the fear of not being good
enough um and all of those things so father in the name of Jesus Christ we repent for all of those sins we repent
for Bowing down to those um spirits of fear we repent for submitting ourselves to those spirits of fear we repent for
worshiping those spirits of fear and father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we break every ungodly Soul tie
and every ungodly attachments with these spirits of fear in the name of Jesus Christ father we break every ungodly
Soul TI yeah we repent for the sin of a fear of being afraid that children would die our children will die we repent for
the sin of that God because we've given you custody over our children we don't have any control over our children but
you do in the name of Jesus Christ so we repent for that fear in the name of Jesus and father we break I want you to
open up your mouth and begin to break every ungodly Soul tie with what you said break every ungodly Soul tie with
what you just said father in the name of Jesus we break all ungodly soul ties with the spirit of death we break all
ungod Godly soul ties with the spirit of the fear of flying we break all ungodly soul ties with the spirit of the fear of
being successful or not having enough money we break all ungodly soul ties with the spirit of premature death we
break all ungodly soul ties with the spirit of fear concerning cancer we we break all ungodly soul ties with the
spirit of fear concerning giving birth to a child we break all ungodly soul ties with the spirit of uh fear
concerning children dying too early we were we break every ungodly Soul tie with the
fear of speaking we break all ungodly Soul tie with every fear known to man in the name of Jesus Christ we break we
break every ungodly Soul TI with the spirit of fear and every attachment God that we have to the spirit of fear we
break it now in the name of Jesus Christ and we renounce God every entry point that we allow the spirit of fear to come
in through we repent for not making sure that our doors were closed and our walls were up and father in the name of Jesus
Christ um yeah we break every ungodly soul tipe with the fear of sickness the fear the fear of illness the fear of
disease the fear of any plagues in the name of Jesus Christ we break all ungodly soul ties with the
fear of all of those things the fear of preaching the fear of ministering the good news of Jesus Christ the fear of
persecution in the name of Jesus Christ we break all ungodly soul ties with the fear of reading the book of Revelation
somebody said we break all ungodly soul ties with the fear of every phobia known to man in Jesus name and father we
renounce every evil covenant made with the spirit of fear in the mighty name of Jesus we break every evil covenant made
with the spirit of fear we break every evil Covenant god with the fear of rejection we break evil covenants god
with this fear of aband we break every evil Covenant with the fear of going to sleep in the dark we break all evil
Covenant in the name of Jesus Christ with the fear of divorce and the fear of getting married and the fear of um
nobody wanting you or nobody liking you we renounce all evil covenants with the fear of not being smart enough not being
wise enough not being pretty enough we break all evil covenants I need you to open up your mouth and I need you to
break these covenants that were made I I need you to renounce it in the name of Jesus Christ we renounce it we denounce
it we divorce ourselves from it in the name of Jesus Christ the fear of betrayal we we renounce God the fear of
the Covenant we made with cancer or the fear of cancer in the name of Jesus Christ we renounce all evil covenants
with the fear of infertility in the name of Jesus Christ we renounce all evil covenants made with molock that created
the fear of aborting things we start things but we don't finish them we renounce it God divorce ourselves from
it we um um denounce it in the name of Jesus let Heaven and Earth record this day that we have renounced the Covenant
that we made with bankruptcy or any evil Covenant God With Us losing money or any evil Covenant that we made with the
recession God we renounce it now in the name of Jesus Christ and we declare that these things do not apply to us we
renounce all evil covenants god with the spirit of postpartum we renounce all evil Covenant in the name of Jesus
Christ with the fear of having dreams or experiencing uh or or working for for God fulltime we renounce all evil
covenants in the name of Jesus Christ we come out of agreement with them we denounce them we break them now in the
mighty name of Jesus we break them God In The Name of Jesus Christ every evil Covenant with the Spirit of Rejection we
break it now in the name of Jesus Christ every evil Covenant with the spirit of fear concerning losing a child we break
that evil Covenant that you made with the devil in the name of Jesus Christ and we declare that it shall not stand
and it shall not come to pass according to Isaiah 7:7 in the name of Jesus Christ now father we declare that we are
now in Covenant with you we are in Covenant with the New Covenant of Jesus Christ and we pray God that the blood of
Jesus Christ washes over us we ask God that the blood of Jesus Christ purges us and purifies us let the blood of Jesus
Christ go to the foundation God of every evil Covenant that was ever um erected whether by our ancestors or by us and we
ask God that the blood of Jesus Christ goes in to completely demolish and Destroy every evil Covenant that is
still there even if it's hidden father I declare let there be light in the hearts of your people that as we go into day
seven of our fast you will shine your light on any hidden Covenant and any hidden fear that they don't know about
father in the name of Jesus Christ anybody that's dealing with a spirit of fear be out of the womb this is not even
their fault they were in the womb their mind was full of fear the umbilical cord is still intact and now they're
experiencing the same fears that their mother and father experienced father let the umbilical cord in the realm of the
spirit be cut now in the name of Jesus Christ let the silver cord between mother and daughter and mother and son
be cut in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and father we declare that we are in New Covenant with you and according
to your Covenant you said that you have been given us a spirit of fear but you gave us power love and a sound mind
father I pray that you would um give us the wisdom to show us how to operate with power give us the wisdom Now show
us how to operate with your agape love and I ask God In The Name of Jesus Christ that you would gift us with sound
mind show us how to walk in power love and a very sound mind in the name of Jesus Christ and I pray father that
everywhere your Bible your word says that you turn Every curse into a blessing and so I declare God that where
fear came in and weakened our immune system we cancel that assignment of Hell In The Name of Jesus Christ we've
already broken the evil Covenant for us and father we declare that by your stripe we were already healed we declare
God that you were bruised for our iniquities you you are bruised for our um BR Bru for our iniquities
chastisements of our peace was upon us what every strip you took we were already healed all I know is my immune
system is strong okay in Jesus name and so we thank you Father that you have reversed Every curse concerning our
immune system being weak because of the spirit of fear and we declare God that our immune systems are bulletproof we
declare in the name of Jesus Christ that the blood of Jesus Christ acts as a barricade around our immune system and
our immune system is impenetrable against any attack of the enemy we declare that faith has taken over our
immune system and faith has made our immune system strong father we declare that anywhere that fear has ruined our
relationship or our marriages we cancel the assignment let the blood of Jesus Christ nullify the effects of the spirit
of fear that has ruined relationships and we declare God that the opposite happens and that faith God mends these
relationships together again father your word says in Ephesians 214 what do you say uh the God of Peace who has made
both ones who has um torn down the middle wall of partition that was between them and so father any wall that
is between the husband and wife or these two people that you want to be married we thank you Father that the spirit of
faith has Torn Down the Walls that was between these two people father wherever fear created in our life what did not
once exist in the name of Jesus Christ we ask you in your mercy that you just as fast as it appeared out of nowhere we
command it to disappear out of nowhere in the name of Jesus Christ whereever fear cuz your word says job in 3:25 the
thing that he feared the most Came Upon him father we ask you for your mercy in this moment that you would show us Mercy
that we will not see what we were once afraid of father in the name of Jesus Christ anywhere in our life that fear
created something that did not once exist we cancel it with the blood of Jesus Christ we command the blood of
Jesus Christ to nullify whatever fear made manifest in our life we command the blood of Jesus Christ to neutralize
whatever the spirit of fear tried to create in our life that did not exist in the name of Jesus Christ and we declare
father that Faith um in the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel father the fear that has a
voice we command the voice to shut up in Jesus name we command every accusatory voice of the spirit of fear we command
every um lying voice um of the spirit of fear we command every harassing voice that is Whispering to your people at
night that's telling them that they're going to die telling them that they're never going to get married telling them
that they're wasting their time with this fast telling them that nobody's ever going to want them because they
have all of these kids telling them that somebody's going to molest their children telling them all of these
things father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we shut up the voice of fear with the blood of Jesus Christ your
word says in Hebrews 12:24 that Jesus is the mediator of the New Covenant and you said that the blood of Jesus Christ
speaks better things than the blood of Abel so we declare that anywhere the spirit of fear is speaking against God
your word we do what your word says which is cast down every vain imagination
cast down every vain imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God the spirit of fear has tried to
exalt itself against what you said about us and your word says in Romans 3:4 let God be true and let every man be a liar
father we declare that ourselves are a liar if it go up against the word of God we declare God that the spirit of fear
is a liar because it went up against the word of God and we command the spirit of fear to shut up in the name of Jesus
Christ father the spirit of fear that came to torment our mind we declare God that the peace you said don't worry
about anything you said cast your cares on you don't worry about anything pray about everything tell God what you need
thank you for all you have and if we do that we'll experience peace greater than the human I can understand which means
that we should not have torment in our minds so father in the name of Jesus Christ we cancel the assignment of
Torment because your word says that perfect love cast out all fear we are not a people that are going to be
tormented because you've given us power love and a sound mind so in the name of Jesus Christ we command the spirit of
Torment to die in the name of Jesus Christ we declare peace be still just like when you were on the sea and the
Sea went into a agitation and everything all hell broke loose on the sea and it became a big storm and you walked out
and you said peace be still we declare that over our minds our minds are trying to act like a raging sea the sea water
that's out of control and we get up just as calm as you were Jesus and we declare over our mind that has to bow to you
because now we're right standing because we've closed all the doors that had gave the devil the legal right he has no more
legal access to us we walk out just as calm as I'm praying this prayer right now and we declare over our minds peace
be still father every Spirit of sickness that has caused uh every spirit of fear that has caused sickness in anybody's
body in here in the name of Jesus Christ we ask you in your mercy for a Divine reversal we ask you in your mercy for a
Divine turnaround we ask you in your mercy gracious father father that anywhere the spirit of fear has caused
sickness to manifest in our minds and our bodies and our lives anywhere that pertains to us God let it die now in the
name of Jesus Christ we cancel the assignment of sickness that was rooted in the spirit of fear in the name of
Jesus Christ for your word said God that we were fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your Works God we declare
that every member in our body was already written in your book and so we father don't have to go to a mechanic we
can go to the manufacturer which is you and so father we come to the manufacturer today and we ask you we say
that we put the wrong oil in our body we put the wrong oil in our car God we put the cheap oil called fear in our car and
now our car or in other words our body is not working how it's supposed to work and instead of us going to the mechanic
we're just going to go to the manufacturer who created this and we're going to confess to you the sin that we
put the wrong oil in this body we put the 25 cent oil and a bentle body baby okay God and we are sorry so we're
coming to the manufacturer because only you can fix this okay I can't go to the you can go to the doctor right God is
not against doctors but what I'm saying is is that's the mechanic we have straight access to the doctor um to the
manufacturer okay and just tell him God I put oil called f which is fear in my body it's the 5cent oil you gave me a
Bentley body now it ain't working right the car is cranking all over the place it ain't it's shucking and driving
everywhere I can't get it right it's stopped on the side of the road it's hurting everywhere cuz I put the wrong
oil in my car and so father in the name of Jesus Christ as my manufacturer your I looked through the manual God and in
the manual it said that I this car or my body was fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your works and I don't see
the manifestation of that in my body so where fear came to cause sickness in my body I now take the manual and I cancel
the spirit of fear in Jesus name I command it to die by fire in the name of Jesus Christ right now father we have
broken every evil Covenant that we had with the spirit of fear and we command it to be cast out into the sea in the
name of Jesus Christ and we seal it there with the blood of Jesus Christ and any spirit of fear God that's tried to
cause mental torment mental anguish or mental illness father we cancel that assignment as well we command it to be
extinguished with the blood of Jesus Christ and we declare father father that there is no more residue of the spirit
of fear in our life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ simply because you didn't give it to us and if you didn't
give us the spirit of fear God we don't want it we repent father for worshiping the Devil with the spirit of fear we
repent God for partnering with the Devil with the spirit of fear in order to mock you because we know that the spirit of
fear doesn't glorify you in any ways so father in the name of Jesus we repent for all of those things we thank you for
your mercy and we ask God that even the things that we couldn't think to pray right now you would shine a light on it
with your people as they study these things throughout day seven of this fast and I pray God that as we go forth in
for the rest of these days of this fast god your people will not experience a spirit of fear and they know how to
resist the devil if it tries to pop up for them again uh father we thank you we love you we magnify you and um and we
declare that it is so and it will not be otherwise in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen amen amen amen um so make
sure you catch up with all of the other days we meet again for you know we're still doing our 3-day fast as well today
uh I'm in today already CU it's 3:00 a.m. where I'm at but um in a few hours we will be finishing up the last day of
our 3-day fast which is the last 3-day fast of 20123 I encourage you set your alarm clock wake up fast with us
because it's going to be good pray with us at 4:00 a.m. it's going to be good and so I love you guys um grab your
communion I don't have mine on me right now but father in the name of Jesus Christ we discern your body we thank you
Father for what this broken body represents to us which is the fact that with every single strike that you took
we are healed and so father we take this um with that knowledge God in Revelation that we are healed so I want you to take
the the bread and then um with the with the blood I want you to declare Every curse every Witchcraft and enemy
assignment against you every um every psychic prayer every Voodoo prayer every hoodoo prayer every
incantation everything that was against you the blood of Jesus Christ has broken that curse the blood of Jesus Christ has
broken the consequence of that curse in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I want you to take that with the knowledge
and Revelation and the knowing that the blood breaks curses the blood breaks curses um and that's all so love you
guys to life I'll see you at 4 a.m. eastern standard time 900 a.m. in Ghana and so we will see you soon if you
want the instructions for this fast it's not too late to join the fast go to covered BYOD doco again that is covered
BYOD doco enter your name and email address and check your inbox and spam folder because some of the um emails
land there so love you guys to live talk soon bye
Heads up!
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