Overcoming the Spirit of Fear: A 25-Day Fast Journey


In this live session, we dive deep into the topic of the spirit of fear and how it affects our lives, relationships, and spiritual walks. Over the next 25 days, we are embarking on a fast intended not only to strengthen our faith but also to confront and overcome the fears that hold us back. Fear is more than an emotion; it is a spiritual stronghold that can sap our strength and confidence. This article will guide you through understanding fear, its origins, and how we can actively combat it through prayer, fasting, and God’s Word.

The Importance of the Fast

We are committing to a fast between the hours of 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM for the next 25 days, accompanied by prayer and repentance. The purpose of this fast is to build a solid foundation spiritually and to break the legal rights fear has over our lives due to unresolved emotions and earthly ties.

Preparing for the Fast

  • Sign Up: If you're new to this journey, please subscribe to our YouTube channel for notifications about each live session.
  • Instructions: For detailed instructions on the fast, visit Covered By God to enter your name and email.
  • Reading Material: Throughout the fast, read "Deliverance from Demonic Covenants and Curses" by Reverend James Solomon. This book provides insight into the spiritual strongholds that fear creates.

Understanding the Spirit of Fear

Fear operates as both an emotion and a demonic spirit. This duality makes it imperative to recognize that we are not just engaging with temporary feelings but with a formidable spirit intended to siphon away our joy, peace, and confidence.

Biblical Foundation Against Fear

As outlined in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, love, and a sound mind." This scripture provides us with the core elements needed to combat fear:

  1. Power - The divine strength granted to us to overcome obstacles.
  2. Love - A perfect love that casts out fear.
  3. Sound Mind - Stability and discipline to act contrary to fear.

The Danger of Fear

Fear can manifest in various forms:

  • Fear of rejection or failure can prevent meaningful relationships.
  • Fear of abandonment can lead to unhealthy attachments.
  • The fear of death or illness can paralyze individuals, causing them to miss life's opportunities.

Understanding these fears as spiritual attacks helps us formulate strategies to resist them.

Strategies to Overcome Fear

To effectively combat the spirit of fear, it is crucial to employ several strategies:

1. Repentance

Acknowledge and repent for the sin of fear. Acknowledging fear opens the door for healing and allows God to replace that fear with His love.

2. Breaking Soul Ties

Identify and break ungodly soul ties that bind you to fear. These may include negative affirmations and beliefs influenced by family or society.

3. Renouncing Covenants

Renounce any evil covenants made with the spirit of fear and replace them with the Word of God. Claim scriptures that reinforce your identity in Christ and security in His promises.

4. Engaging in Prayer

Utilize strong prayer practices throughout the fast:

  • Pray against fear specifically, declaring that the spirit of fear no longer holds sway in your life.
  • Engage in communal prayer where believers come together to support each other in this fight.

5. Utilizing God’s Word

Memorize and declare scriptures daily to anchor your soul against fear. Use verses from the Bible that emphasize God’s power and love to counter feelings of inadequacy or fearfulness.

6. Cultivating Faith

Remember that fear and faith cannot coexist. Focus on building your faith through regular scripture reading, worship, and staying connected with fellow believers.


As we embark on this journey of overcoming the spirit of fear, it is vital to continue to rely on God through fasting, prayer, and scriptural declarations. Remember that fear is a spirit, not merely an emotion. By embracing the power of God, His love, and maintaining a sound mind, we can effectively confront and conquer the fears that hinder us. Join us in the upcoming fast, and let us journey together toward healing and liberation from fear that has kept us in bondage for too long.

Heads up!

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