If you’ve been searching for a name-brand webcam without breaking the bank, the Razer Kio might have popped up on your radar. Priced under $100, it’s designed to rival popular budget webcams like the Logitech C920. But in terms of performance, features, and overall value, how does the Kio hold up against its well-known competitor in 2021? Let’s dive into the details and find out!
Unboxing the Razer Kio
Upon unboxing the Razer Kio, you’re welcomed with a thoughtful thank-you note from Razer, some documentation, and stickers, making for a pleasant first impression.
The Kio offers:
- Resolution: 1080p at 30 frames per second and 720p at 60 frames per second.
- Mounting Options: A quarter-inch mount for tripod attachment or simply sitting atop your monitor.
- Adjustability: While it tilts up or down, it lacks a swivel feature found in its more premium counterparts.
Key Feature: Built-in Ring Light
The standout feature of the Razer Kio is its built-in ring light, which lights up upon connection and can be adjusted using a built-in dial. However, it requires proper lighting conditions to shine its best.
Setting Up with OBS
To analyze performance, I compared both the Razer Kio and Logitech C920 side-by-side using OBS (Open Broadcaster Software).
Initial Impressions
- The Razer Kio: Right from the start, it exhibited vibrant colors that felt more natural compared to the C920's slightly pinkish tint in skin tones.
- The Logitech C920: Followed with a more subdued color profile that could use some tweaking.
Color Quality
- The Kio tends to handle colors more accurately, making it a preferable option for users concerned about color fidelity.
Low-Light Performance
One of the negative aspects observed in the Kio is its performance in low-light conditions where it suffered from significant noise levels, particularly around darker colors and shadows. The C920 showed better resilience in low-light situations, maintaining a clearer image with less noise.
- Advantages of Razer Kio:
- Better color representation.
- Built-in ring light for additional lighting.
- Advantages of Logitech C920:
- Superior low-light performance.
- Less noise in darker areas of the image.
The Autofocus Comparison
The autofocus of the Razer Kio posed some challenges, often resulting in noticeable pulsing as the camera struggled to focus. This can be distracting during video calls or livestreams.
- Kio: Autofocus is inconsistent, particularly under varying light conditions.
- C920: Offers more stable autofocus, enhancing the overall user experience.
Frame Rate Performance
Discussing frame rates, the Kio provides a competitive edge with advertised 60 FPS at 720p. However, achieving this requires turning off auto exposure, which can lead to undesirable results in varying light conditions.
For most casual users:
- Stick with 1080p at 30 FPS for steady performance and better overall image quality.
- The 60 FPS setting is impractical unless you have controlled lighting conditions.
Audio Quality Assessment
Both webcams feature built-in microphones, though neither showcases stellar audio quality:
- Razer Kio: Slightly less sensitive, producing a more muted sound.
- Logitech C920: More sensitive, potentially leading to harsher audio quality.
In summary, the Razer Kio is a solid option for those needing decent webcam performance, especially with its unique built-in ring light and vibrant color output. However, it has significant challenges regarding low-light performance and autofocus functionality. If you're looking for better low-light performance and reliable autofocus, the Logitech C920 remains a strong contender.
Regardless of your choice, both webcams serve users looking for budget-friendly solutions in a world increasingly reliant on video communications. Thank you for joining me in this comparison – I hope it helps you make an informed decision on your next webcam purchase!
if you've been in the market for a name brand webcam but you didn't want to spend too much money
the razer kio may have crossed your path at some point at the sub 100 price range it's aimed to compete with
other more popular budget webcams like the ubiquitous c920 for example but in 2021 how does this webcam stack
up to logitech well let's find out [Music] all right so let's start with the
unboxing upon opening the box you get a little thank you note from razer some documentation with some stickers
inside and then of course you get the webcam itself the kio has a resolution of 1080p
at 30 frames a second and 720p at 60 frames per second but i'll talk a bit more about that later it
has a quarter inch mount if you want to attach it to a tripod otherwise you can simply place it on top
of a monitor like most other webcams you can tilt the camera up or down like a lot of standard webcams but sadly unlike
its pro variant there is no swivel option the biggest highlight to this webcam is undoubtedly the built-in ring
light it turns on by default when you plug it in and can be dimmed or brightened with
the turn of its built-in dial it downloads the razer synapse software when you first plug it in and
it's honestly a bit underwhelming since it doesn't go into too much depth in terms of the tweaks that you can make
you have some basic controls and some presets you can apply but there's not much else if you need to make any
adjustments just do it through obs and you'll be fine speaking of obs this is a webcam after
all so let's go ahead and put it through its paces and make some comparisons to that of the
c920 all right so we have both webcam setup and obs i have the razer keyo right here um
which is at the bottom of your screen and then we have the logitech c920 which is at the top
um i have the c920 myself and yeah this i basically chose this because it is the probably the most
popular the most ubiquitous whatever you want to use for webcams out there and it's about the same price range
right now on amazon in comparison to that of the keo um i do have the kios uh ring light set
to max right now and i will play with the settings a little bit as we go on
um i have three different settings uh excuse me three different scenes set up so we can take a look here
um we have the keo and then we have the c920 in case you wanted to see these images in large so um
first impressions right off the bat with the keo here um i think the image looks fine um
it really it looks very similar to the c920 i i wouldn't be surprised if i found out a lot of the hardware or
the the same hardware was used in the keo that is in the c920 if i were to venture a guess i'd probably
guess that the software side of things is the most differentiating thing between these two cameras
but then again i don't really know to be completely honest with you i could be totally wrong for immediate first
impressions with the kio in comparison to the c920 um i don't and i don't know if this will
show up very well on youtube or not the keo right off the gate seems to have
much better colors i think right out the gate the colors seem much more
natural the logitech seems to especially with skin tones tends to make my face a little bit pink
i'll i'll switch over to the uh logitech here all right so the logitech as you can see
um it makes my skin a little pinkish just at default settings you know you can you can tweak this a little bit
um in the settings on obs and that sort of thing um but yeah i think colors overall look
just a little bit better on the razer keyo um let's go back here and yeah i the other thing i do notice
more so in a negative light with the keo and and maybe it's just me um maybe we'll we'll be able to tell
better once we upload this to youtube obviously but it seems that with uh this way oh in
it with darker colors and that sort of thing um there's a lot of camera noise it seems to have
a much tougher time with like lower light colors or darker colors or whatever the words that i'm trying to
say are there's camera noise um right around the couch and i noticed like on the dark parts of this cabinet
here whereas the c920 seems to not have as much of a problem with that
um one other thing i do want to mention too is it may seem that the kio has a bit wider depth of field
i it does look that way to me just by a thin margin but again these cameras aren't
perfectly aligned with each other so um i'm going to just say that they're roughly the same uh
let's go ahead and turn the ring light on this guy all the way down so i turned it off now
the ring light is completely off um it looks fine with or without the ring light i think the ring light is
just like that extra bonus feature if you have it in a well lit room
one thing i will say if you have all the lights off the ring light isn't gonna do much it's
just a tiny little light and it's just gonna look like you're shining a flashlight into your face in fact
i will be right back and quickly edit this out i'll turn the lights off and i'll show
you what i mean all right so man this looks terrible on a webcam um the lights are off all the lights all
the overhead lights are off this is how it would look if you had say
two leds on the outside of your desk because that's what i have i have two led lamps on each side of the desk right
now and that's the only light source apart from the keo ring light right here um
if i turn this off you will see that they kind of perform the same i'm just going to go ahead and take it a step
further and turn these lamps off okay so now everything in this room is
pretty much pitch black um the only light is really coming from my computer monitor here
so if you you can see with the kio there is a lot of noise going on this is what i was
talking about um a little out of focus there um yeah there we go um there's a lot of
there's a lot of noise in low light so let's turn that back up and just see how this light handles with
okay so now yep see this is exactly what i'm talking about um it's just kind of the ring light if you don't have proper
lighting in your room it's just going to seem like a big flashlight on your face which for some
people it might not matter and yeah i guess this is a good segue to to my next point but yeah as you can
see like this is the c920 um you don't get as much camera noise right here
like you did with the kio um you see some of it kind of right around here right on this gray
part of the cabinet but there's far less compared to that of the keo if we go back
to that and now we just get a lot and i don't know maybe this doesn't show up on youtube i hope it does but definitely in
obs i can clearly see this and the autofocus especially
um really seems to struggle here so even even if i turn the light on here and it just looks like i'm
shining this like weird light on my face and it looks really bad um but yeah let's fix the lighting here
and i'll continue to talk about these all right much better um let's let's go back to
what i was talking about before with the autofocus uh the autofocus on the keo
is probably another weak point if i'm to compare these two webcams um you may have
noticed a lot of that like kind of almost shaking camera that pulsing that you see that's the camera trying to
autofocus um it it does fine it seems i don't seem to go blurry a lot if
i'm in a well-lit room but it's still it seems to be trying hard to focus a lot you know if we go back to the c920
here um the autofocus has been turned on this whole time i have both
i'm set to default as far as settings go and obs and i have autofocus auto white balance
auto exposure all on and i think both of these webcams side by side seem to look fine as they
are they just have their kind of own pros and cons um let's start with the
let's go into the c920 again personally i don't like the colors as much how the colors look compared to the keo
and you know this could be just like a sample size of one thing because it's only happened to me and i don't
know other people's experiences with it but with the kio every time i've plugged it in and i've used it
it just has worked every single time i i had no issues of it crashing or freezing or anything like that
just in trying to record this video i've had the logitech webcam crashed twice and i've had to
unplug it and plug it back in or hit deactivate and activate on obs and i admit the c920 is an older webcam
so take that with a grain of salt um but in just in my personal experience you know
if you're looking at the c920 or you're looking at the razer keyo functionality wise the keel works
um it does have its gripes that autofocus is a little bit annoying but you can you
can turn that off and you can dial it in exactly to what you want and that's what i would recommend doing if you're doing
something like like live streaming um if you're doing like a work call or
or using it for school it doesn't really matter that doesn't that sort of thing doesn't matter
um so yeah i think that's covered everything uh one last thing i wanted to mention
too is um some of you who may be interested in doing live streaming for gaming
um you may be interested in the keo because of its 60 frames per second advertised uh frame rate and
okay here's the thing it does work at 720p but i don't recommend using this not
because it's a 720p because i mean if you're streaming as you can see on the screen here it's so
small that it doesn't really make that big of a difference however for me at least
when using this and please let me know in the comments if i am wrong to anybody who might have this webcam
but from what i've gathered the 60 frames a second thing only really works if you turn auto exposure off and i'll
just show you how that looks in a second and it's not pretty okay so i have set the kio to 720p at 60
frames a second and as you can probably tell um one is much more fluid than the other
if i wave my hand or move my fingers that sort of thing um but it's not really worth it to me
because when you turn the auto exposure off if i were to crank the exposure anymore
it looks really bad and if i try to turn the exposure down it looks
really bad so um yeah it's just it doesn't work out that well especially for a webcam when it's something that
you kind of just want to set and forget kind of thing you want to just plug in and play
um getting rid of auto exposure is something that's really kind of baffling and i wouldn't really recommend
doing that personally um i mean teach their own if this is something that you can make work
excellent um but for most people who are using a webcam you're using it for budget and for simplicity
and personally i just wouldn't recommend using the 60 frames a second stick to 1080p 30 get that higher
resolution and yeah nobody's gonna really care if your camera's at 30 frames a second
if you want 60 frames a second just set your gameplay to 60 frames a second that's all people really care about
all right so we're back to 1080p at 30 frames a second and yeah i think as far as this setting goes both webcams
are excellent right out the gate i think the keo looks fine
again with these webcams make sure you're in a well-lit room because they're just webcams after all but
the kio does not seem to handle low light as well as the logitech does um the logitech
seems to work really well however if for some reason with skin tones it seems to at least for me anyway
it makes everything just a little pinkish but then again with the logitech camera the autofocus is just miles
better than the kiosk so you know you just kind of have to decide what you like in terms of your
overall visual quality you can of course tweak a lot of different things in the settings on obs
but yeah this is basically what you get with these cameras as far as visual quality goes
let's quickly talk about audio all right so this is the microphone for the razer kio i'm about a foot and a
half away and as you can tell it's not very good it's a webcam microphone it's usually the feature
on webcams that are focused on the least because with webcams you're trying to get
the best visual quality in a small form factor so either of these webcam microphones
aren't going to sound very good let's head over to the c920 all right and this is the
logitech built-in microphone as you can hear it's not very good either um again their webcam microphones
you get what you get and i don't really recommend using these if you're streaming
just use any sort of usb mic that you can get or a headset microphone if you're using this for conference calls
for work or for school or something like that they'll do the job fine the logitech
microphone is a bit more sensitive than the keos if we switch back to that so yeah the
keo is a little less sensitive and because of that i kind of tend to prefer that just a little bit more
i don't like how harsh the c920 sounds by comparison to the kio that being said they're both webcam microphones they
both sound fine for what they are again this is all basically subjective opinion
yeah we're back to the um kind of overall stream windows here and yeah that was
the audio and the video of these webcams i hope this was a helpful comparison for you
if you have any questions let me know in the comments down below i'll try to answer them
as best as i can so what are my thoughts overall on this webcam by and large i think the razer keo is a perfectly fine
webcam especially for its price point i mean it's not perfect by any means don't get me wrong it definitely has its
gripes as i've mentioned i do think the built-in ring light is a nice feature but basically
if you just need a good 1080p 30 frames a second video signal then yeah this webcam will do just fine
and that about does it for this one ladies and gentlemen thank you again as always for checking out this video and
checking out the channel if you like this video be sure to hit that thumbs up button as it is a great
way to help a small channel like us get seen by the youtube algorithm and if you like
this type of content and want to see more like it be sure to hit that subscribe button and ring that
notification bell icon to stay updated on everything that we're doing we upload new videos
every monday and saturday and live stream every wednesday night usually around 9pm central time and if you have
any questions about the razer kio or the logitech c920 i'll be happy to answer anything
that i can in the comments down below but that's about enough rambling out of me thank you again so much for watching
my name is blake and for all things tech games movies to anything nerdy in between
be sure to subscribe to digital cynics have a go on everyone we'll see you next [Music]
time [Music] you
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