Navigating Stock Market Crashes: Strategies for Wise Investors
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The world of investing is often chaotic and unpredictable, especially when it comes to the stock market. It’s essential for every investor to comprehend that market crashes are not just a possibility; they are an inevitability. With numerous crashes having occurred over decades, those who equip themselves with knowledge and strategic foresight can emerge wealthier than before. In this article, I will share insights from my 35 years of investing experience, discussing how to spot the signs of an impending crash and the strategies that can lead to profitable outcomes even in turbulent times.
Understanding Market Declines
Before we explore strategies, let’s identify the various types of market declines and how frequently they occur.
Types of Market Declines
Market Correction
- Definition: A decline of at least 10% from a recent market high.
- Frequency: Occurs approximately once every 1.2 years since 1980.
- Cause: Often driven by the market realizing it has become overvalued.
Bear Market
- Definition: A bear market is identified by a decline of 20% or more.
- Frequency: On average, bear markets appear every 4 years and last around 289 days.
Market Collapse
- Definition: A catastrophic fall of over 30% in a short period.
- Frequency: Uncommon but can occur, often triggered by significant geopolitical or economic events.
Understanding these different phases is critical, as each offers unique opportunities for the prepared investor.
Spotting a Market Crash: The Three Phases
Recognizing the signs leading up to a crash can help investors position themselves advantageously.
Phase 1: The Euphoria Phase
During this phase, the market often reaches unprecedented highs fueled by excessive optimism and overvaluation. Here are some indicators:
- Irrational Excitement: An environment where everyone feels overly optimistic, creating unsustainable price levels.
- Booming Consumer Spending: Noticeable spikes in consumer expenditure often indicate excess liquidity in the market.
- Unprecedented Trends: Trends, like the NFT craze, may signal excessive speculation.
Preparedness Strategies:
- Evaluate and minimize risk levels.
- Reduce leverage to avoid margin calls from sudden downturns.
- Maintain cash reserves to capitalize on buying opportunities during downturns.
- Diversify investments to spread risk across various sectors, preventing exposure from a single investment's downturn.
Phase 2: The Reckoning Phase
At this point, reality sets in. The overvaluation becomes clear, leading to panic selling and a sharp decline in stock prices.
- Market Sentiment: All too often, investors panic and sell off their investments to cut losses. This is where psychological strength is tested.
- Identifying Opportunities: With prices falling, those who hold firm may find investment opportunities in quality stocks at lower prices.
Preparedness Strategies:
- Hold firm to your investments when you understand their fundamental value.
- Engage in dollar-cost averaging to buy consistent amounts over time, minimizing the impact of volatility.
- Keep a steady income stream, possibly supplemented with a side hustle, enabling you to invest even during a downturn.
Phase 3: The Phoenix Phase
In this phase, the market begins recovery, often surpassing previous highs. The catalysts for growth can include economic stimulus, improved consumer confidence, and increased hiring rates.
- Rebound Opportunities: Those who invested during the downturn often see significant returns.
Being aware of the cycles in the stock market and preparing accordingly is vital for any investor. While crashes can be daunting, utilizing the right strategies—like diversification, maintaining cash reserves, and understanding the market phases—can help safeguard investments and position one to thrive in recovery.
Remember, while nobody can predict the market with absolute certainty, informed preparedness allows you to weather the storm and capitalize on the opportunities that follow. If you need further clarification or assistance in the investing process, feel free to explore more or ask for guidance!
so the stock market will crash it's happened time and time again this is the scary truth however it doesn't have to
be a bad thing as long as you're properly prepared you can benefit from the chaos I've been investing for more
than 35 years and as you can imagine during that time I've experienced lots of these crashes however I always seem
to come out the other side wealthier than before so today I want to share the knowledge that helped me make millions
through multiple Market crashes by understanding these strategies you can spot the warning signs of a crash and
use them to your advantage so how common is a market crash well there are three different types of market decline first
is the most common type of decline a market correction this is defined as at least a 10% drop from a recent High
these can be caused by various factors but think of it as the stock market realizing is getting a bit expensive and
cutting back prices on average these have happened around every 1.2 years since 1980 the second most common type
of decline is a bare market now you know when you're in a bare Market when prices have drop more than 20% since 1932 these
bare markets have popped up on average every 4 years and 8 months they tend to keep dragging the market down for about
289 days or roughly 9.6 months sure that sounds like a long time but keep in mind that ball markets which is when the
market is going up usually last around 965 days or 2.6 years the third type is a stock market collapse which I class as
an over 30% drop in the stock market normally within a very short amount of time although these are very uncommon
they can happen in my opinion if Trump had been unived then this could have been a very real scenario that isn't a
political view just a logical one due to the way the stock market reacts to this kind of thing the main takeaway from all
of this is that if you aren't ready for the stock market to go down sometimes then you shouldn't be investing in
stocks so how do you spot a market crash well let's discuss the three phases of a market crash so you'll know what to look
out for I'll also share the strategies I use at each stage backed by real life examples from my experience this way
you'll be better prepared than most investors remember I'm not a financial advisor and this isn't financial advice
I'm just sharing what's worked for me over the years number one the eor phase this is a stage where the market is at
its peak and irrational excitement drives prices to unsustainable levels during this stage everyone is happy and
flying high when I start seeing this blind happiness I prepare my investments for when everything comes crashing back
to reality before the 2008 financial crisis there was a couple of things that I noticed that really made me cautious
about investing first was the Boom in consumer spending every everyone had money they were spending thousands and
the economy was thriving a more recent example of this is the nft craze a couple of years ago never in a million
years would I have thought that people would buy jpeg image files for millions of dollars things like this are a clear
sign of too much money in circulation the second thing I noticed in 2008 was the increase in the number of people
housing market was booming which meant if people were unable to pay their mortgages then the banks could take back
the properties without losing any money now it's one thing noticing these little Clues but it's another thing actually
taking action and preparing yourself between 200 seven and8 I could have just gone along with the crowd as the general
herd mentality was that everything was great and nothing would ever go wrong but instead I started to prepare my
investments for the worst at the time lots of my friends and fellow business owners didn't quite understand the
decisions I was making they may have even seen me as a bit of a coward but from my perspective I don't think they
understood how much risk they were taken so if your Spidey senses start tinkling these are some of the things you can do
to prepare yourself for the worst first I would evaluate and minimize your risk level wherever possible personally I'm
not focused on chasing crazy high returns as that's unsustainable for the long term I just want to be making
reasonable gains consistently so my money compounds I always think about the story of the toris and the hair I know
it might sound boring especially coming from a boomer but slow and steady does win the race if you're new to investing
there's a high chance you haven't experienced a real market crash it can be horrifying to see your portfolio
completely halfing in value and sitting deep in the red for a brief period of time so you have to ask yourself if you
could mentally handle this kind of drop without selling your investment secondly I would start to reduce my leverage now
on one hand Leverage is a great way to accelerate wealth but it can also be very dangerous the thing is if a stock
crashed too far then your investing platform May issue a margin call which means you have a limited amount of time
to pay off your debts and if you don't your brokerage may sell your stocks at the bottom of the market to recover the
money you borrowed if this is something you're considering or even doing then if I were you I would be paying some of
this debt off I never use margin but that's a personal choice and I'm well aware that by not taking on this risk
I'm missing out on some potential profits the truth is I've seen too many of my friends go from millionaire status
to broke in the blink of an eye and now I just stay well clear of it thirdly I'd start saving some extra cash in a highin
savings account I know I bang on about having an emergency fund of 3 to five months of your living EXP expenses but
I'm talking about saving even more I did this between 2007 and 8 from the outside it looked a bit strange the market was
booming by leaving my money in the bank I wasn't taking advantage of it however I noticed that more and more people were
getting interested in investing which tipped me off that there was a bit of a bubble forming you see when everyone
starts getting comfortable with the idea of investing it can be a sign that things are about to pop as pricing is
being propped up by inexperienced investors the trouble is that at the first sign of a crash lots of these
people panic sell which drives the prices down even further leading to a spiral of Doom finally in this stage I
would make sure my investments were properly spread out this is called diversification and it's one of the best
ways to help withstand a market crash as quite simply put you haven't got all your eggs in one basket this is all
because you never know what sector is going to be hit the hardest during the good times it can be very common for
people to do very well with one or two stocks and end up with most of their money focused in only a couple of
different companies even if they start out with lots of different stocks it can almost seem silly to put your money into
other things when one stock outperforms all your others let's use some of my favorite stocks as an example say you
have $1,000 to invest now you could put all of that into Tesla with the hopes of it going into the moon but if Tesla gets
hit the hardest in the market crash it won't be great news for your money whereas investing into a total us stock
market fund would spread your money across multiple different Industries look nobody can predict if the stock
market is going to go up or continue downwards however diversifying goes some way to reducing your risk yes you can't
guarantee returns but at least you're investing in a broad range of sectors another great way to diversify while
guaranteeing a return on investment is through something called a high yield cash account take a look at this for
example let's say you have $5,000 to put by with an additional $250 being saved monthly within 5 years you'd have earned
$3,493 without making a risky investment because the account pays you 5.1% interest that compounds daily public
offer this account with zero fees or subscriptions required as well as has given you the ability to invest in
thousands of stocks and ETFs with very low fees I was planning on mentioning public anyway so I reached out to them
to see if they were interested in sponsoring this video they agreed and are offering a free stock worth up to
$300 to anyone that signs up and funds their account just sign up for public deposit $20 or more and enter the code
Mark 2024 via the rewards hub in the public app I'll leave a link in the description if you're interested along
with some other options if you're not in the USA number two the Reckoning phase I like to call it this as everyone gets
rudely punched in the face with the truth and only the ones that know how to navigate it will be able to hold their
nerve and make some money this is the phase where the reality of overvaluation sets in triggering Widespread Panic and
sell-offs what I'm trying to get at is in this phase the stock market just comes tumbling down and it's next to
impossible to be unaffected even my son knew something was happening in 2008 and he was only 10 the number of customers
that came into my hobby stores hared overnight and even when they did come in they didn't spend anything on the bright
side I had lots of products which I owned and my warehouses were full it was sort of a bit like a safety blanket I
suppose in 2008 I saw dollar stores opening up everywhere it was the perfect mixture of demand for cheap goods and
supply of products from failing businesses even if you managed to predict all the signs of the crash and
in Phase One prepared correctly phase two is really where you get tested it's more about human psychology as most
people's initial reaction is to sell their Investments and cut their losses you need to seriously ask yourself what
you going to do when the market goes down everyone says their long-term investors until the market crashes it's
very easy to be a long-term investor while everything's going up if you believe in your Investments then you
have to hold firm to have this kind of belief you need to know why you invested in something that's why it's so
important to understand the fundamentals of a company before investing in their stock this reminds me of a story Peter
Lynch once shared he's a well-known investor and back in the day he bought shares in Kaiser Industries when they
dropped significantly the company had zero debt making bankruptcy very unlikely he thought to himself how much
lower can it go but the price kept dropping to under $10 he was shocked but held on then the stock eventually
rebounded to $50 the point is if you don't understand the company what will you do when the stock keeps dropping
probably sell and lose out on potential gains this applies to Index Fund investors as well a study by Fidelity
actually found out that if you invested $10,000 in a simple S&P 500 Index Fund between the 1st of January 1980 and the
smart by timing the market but in the long run you're probably only going to hurt your own profits but if you believe
believe in your stocks for the long term there is a lot more to it than just holding firm in 2008 I saw what the
dollar stores were doing and instead of seeing a competitor I saw an opportunity if they could buy things for a bargain
price then it must mean there were amazing deals available so I went out hunting I went on a bit of a buying
spree over the next couple of years and acquired lots of different assets including stocks and even entire
businesses I knew that I would be unable to I'm the exact bottom of the market so I invested every week this is called
dollar cost averaging cash is really King if you have cash you can snap up some amazing Investments during this
time that's why it's super important to keep a steady income and super charge it with a side hustle during Times Like
These as the more assets you can invest in the better you'll probably end up doing in the next phase the bottom line
here is that while some choose to panic sell and lose all their money others choose to Double Down and buy the dip
which you've done correctly can make you a fortune I feel like I should also mention that some investors like to
short stocks which is basically betting that stock will go down it's not something I personally do however people
like Michael bur have been very successful with this strategy if you want to know more about this then let me
know in the comments I also recommend The Big Short if you feel like watching an entertaining and informative
investing film number three the Phoenix phase in in this Final Phase the market begins to recover and rebuild rising
from the ashes of the crash it usually pushes above and beyond the last Market highs I noticed that four years after
the 2008 crisis happened just after the London Olympics things started to improve businesses were hiring and money
was a bit easier to come by but even though people started to have cash again the mentality of not spending carried
through for a while so it was another 4 years really until everything was back to normal I've experienced a lot of
crashes I'm talking Black Monday the dotom bubble the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 pandemic one of the key
lessons I took from all of this was that a bull market almost always follows a bare market and that the seeds of your
fortune are often swn in times of Crisis and uncertainty as long as you're able to handle your level of risk and you're
buying into the stock market consistently with a diversified portfolio then you stand a much better
chance than most at making some real money if you want me to walk you through exactly how to start investing in the
stock market then I'm going to leave that video right up there but don't click on it just yet make sure to