In the realm of neuroscience, the workings of the human brain continue to intrigue and inspire. Among its many complex structures lies the anterior mid-cingulate cortex (aMCC), a brain area recently highlighted for its role in resilience and willpower. Many people, unaware of its significance, are missing out on understanding how their brain influences behavior, particularly when faced with challenges they don't want to tackle. In this article, we will explore the aMCC's role in willpower, its relationship to obesity and longevity, and its implications for personal growth.
What is the Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex?
The anterior mid-cingulate cortex is situated in the medial prefrontal area of the brain. It plays a pivotal role in several cognitive processes, including:
- Emotion Regulation: Helping individuals manage stress and emotional responses.
- Decision Making: Involved in weighing the pros and cons of choices, especially when facing discomfort.
- Pain Perception: Processing and reacting to painful stimuli both physically and emotionally.
Current research has shown that an individual’s willingness to do difficult tasks—tasks which they might inherently resist—is linked to changes in the size and function of the aMCC.
The Connection Between Challenge and Growth
As studies increasingly reveal, engaging in challenging tasks fosters the growth of the aMCC. Some critical findings include:
- Growth in Response to Resistance: When individuals perform actions they resist (like a strenuous workout or dieting), the aMCC tends to enlarge. This growth demonstrates a physiological response to mental and physical challenges.
- Implications for Obesity and Longevity: Interestingly, research indicates that the aMCC is smaller in obese individuals. However, as they endeavor to lose weight and overcome dietary issues, growth in this area has been noted. Concurrently, those who live longer tend to maintain a larger aMCC.
These observations contribute to the idea that our brain’s structure can be shaped by our experiences and the challenges we face.
Willpower: More Than Merely a Trait
The Importance of Willpower
The concept of willpower is often misunderstood as an innate trait—something you're born with. However, emerging data suggests that willpower can be developed and strengthened through intentional effort and practice. The aMCC serves as a neurological seat of willpower, changing in response to behavioral patterns such as:
- Exercising self-control by resisting temptations (e.g., junk food).
- Pursuing long-term goals despite immediate opposition, such as maintaining a diet.
The Role of Willpower in Addiction Recovery
Drawing connections with addiction recovery, it's essential to recognize that sustaining willpower often requires daily effort and renewal. Just as a muscle requires regular exercise to grow, the aMCC needs continual engagement to maintain its development.
Building Willpower Through Discomfort
One profound lesson regarding the development of willpower is that growth springs from doing things you do not want to do. This aligns with companionship from motivational figures, such as David Goggins, who champion the virtue of embracing discomfort. Some practical approaches include:
- Seek Out Challenges: Actively pursue activities that force you out of your comfort zone—anything that may elicit anxiety or reluctance.
- Reflect on Past Successes: Recapturing the feeling of success when overcoming discomfort can anchor motivation during new trials.
- Committing to Consistency: Follow through on challenges daily, reinforcing endurance and demonstrating to the brain that hard work yields rewards.
The Temporary Nature of Gains
An Ongoing Commitment
It’s crucial to understand that the benefits associated with a developed aMCC can diminish without perseverance. For instance, fostering a love for cold exposure—such as ice baths—will not contribute to the size of the aMCC if it becomes a source of joy rather than discomfort. Engaging thoroughly in activities you dislike will bolster growth in this key brain area.
Real-Life Application
Consider the case study of Goggins again, whose spartan approach demands consistent engagement in strenuous and oftentimes unwanted tasks. He illustrates that willpower is not a mere bug that can be installed, but rather a software program that requires constant updates through ongoing challenges.
The Biochemical Response to Adversity
The Sympathetic Nervous System
Another fascinating aspect is the connection between the aMCC and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which manages the body’s response to stress and danger. When faced with hardship, the aMCC engages the SNS, propelling individuals into a fight-or-flight response. Some components include:
- Increased Heart Rate: A physiological response assisting the individual to meet challenges head-on.
- Adrenaline Rush: Often perceived as a natural stimulant, spurring a surge of energy during difficult tasks.
Understanding the anterior mid-cingulate cortex sheds light on why undertaking challenges—however daunting—has profound implications for personal growth, resilience, and effective living. By actively engaging in activities that require effort and mental fortitude, individuals not only strengthen this area of the brain but also cultivate exceptional willpower.
This exploration dispels the myth that willpower is an intrinsic trait. Instead, it reveals that anyone can build a more resilient mind by withstanding discomfort and persisting in the face of adversity. As neuroscience continues to evolve, the key takeaway remains: the path toward growth runs through hard choices and uncomfortable trials.
I'm going to share a little Neuroscience tidbit but I think it's one that you'll appreciate um most people don't know
this but there's a brain structure called the anterior mid singulate cortex but what's interesting about this brain
area is there now a lot of data mhm in humans showing that when people do something they don't want to do like add
3 hours of exercise per day or per week or when people who are trying to diet and lose weight resist eating something
right when people do anything that they don't want to do it's not about adding more work it's about adding more work
that you don't want to do yes this brain area gets bigger yep now here's what's especially interesting about this brain
area to me and by the way I'm only learning this recently MH because it's new data but there's a lot of it the
anterior mid singulate cortex is smaller in obese people it gets bigger when they
diet it's larger in athlet it's especially large or grows larger in people that see themselves as challenged
and overcome some challenge right and in people that live a very long time
mhm this area keeps its size in many ways scientists are starting to think of the
anterior mid singulate cortex not just as one of the seats of willpower right but perhaps actually the seat of of the
will to live and when I learned about the anterior mid singulate cortex I was like almost out of my seat and I've been
in the Neuroscience game since I was 20 you're the same age and I was so pumped cuz I've heard of the amydala fear
prefrontal cortex it's planning and action I could tell you every brain area and every I teach neuro Anatomy to
magical students but when I started seeing the data on the anter mid singulate cortex I was like whoa this is
interesting Y and all the data point to the fact that we can build this area up y but that as quickly as we build it up
if we don't continue to invest in things that are hard for us that we don't want to do that's the part that feels so
gogin esque sir to me that we don't want to do like if you love the ice bath yeah I love the ice bath you go from 1 minute
to 10 minutes guess what your anterior mid singulate cortex did not grow none but if you hate the cold water if you're
afraid of drowning and you get into water and put your head on Y and survive then the ENT mid singulate cortex gets
bigger but if you don't do it the next day or if you do it the next day and you enjoy it cuz hey hey I did it yesterday
woohoo happy me Merry Christmas as you say Merry Christmas guess what the an mid singulate cortex shrinks again yep
to me this is one of the most important discoveries that Neuroscience has ever made mhm because it's that I don't want
to do something but do it anyway that's right that grows this area and it's almost like I have a a friend he's been
sober 30 years from alcohol and he always says you know the amazing thing about addiction is there's a cure the
problem is it only works one day at a time yep and so you have to renew it every day that's right so the an mid
singulate cortex to me when I learned about it two two things went off in my head whoa this is super interesting and
two I got to tell David Goggins about this and I waited until now to tell you because I felt like I well for obvious
reasons I wanted to tell you and I wanted to tell you here well I love that because that's how I've lived my entire
life I don't know anything about that but people go man you have such a strong will it's something that you build like
I never forgot I was on a podcast one time and this dude goes you were blessed with a strong
mind like the hell you talking about it's blessed with a strong mind you that's
something that you have to develop you develop that over years decades of suffering and going
back into the suffer that's why a lot of people who graduate Navy SE training they want know like in my I talk about
very openly all the time a lot of guys don't go don't want to go back into that water don't want to
go back into the hard stuff maybe not in anything hard anything hard in life once you get through it it's like you become
a p like how many PS you know want to go back to p camp
none when something sucks so bad in life this is on this that we're talking about now very few people want to go back
they're happy they graduated I realized I'm the same way I don't want to go
back I have to go back I must go back because that is exactly where all the knowledge of my life is exists was back
there and what you're exactly what you're talking about well I I didn't know anything about this but how I grew
a will was constantly doing these things to now it's just life I wake up while I still sucks it's
just life you don't sit back and like oh my God like I have days I don't want to do but I know I'm going to do
it I know from years of just doing it so that that that's that's beautiful and this is why I came on here with you
today and I'm I'm glad you're talking about this because human beings need to hear this they need to stop hearing
these hacks on this and that there's noing hack bro there's noing hack yeah you may
this and that and saunas and all this that they yeah it's great there is noing life hack to grow that thing how do you
grow it do it and do it and do it and do it that's the hack the hack is going toing suck and that's what I realized
that's what I realized life that's why I wanted to come on here today I didn't want to come on here and talk about
noing passion and purpose and how to get the out of bed and how to hit a [ __ ] alarm clock and all this catchphrase
[ __ ] cuz that wasn't how I lived it wasn't how I lived I lived I woke up like every human being does and
goes man I'm a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] today how the hell is this going to work work out for me and you fight that and
you fight that you don't override it it's no override button it's the conversation in your in your head so how
do you do that we don't have enough these conversations about the real conversation that every human being is
having and they have no idea how to get out of it but they do it's that right there man you got to
build your will how do you build your will exactly what you said man exactly what you he
said your knee looks pretty bad Goggins no [ __ ] [ __ ] doc with two days to go in walk week I'd come by medical for a
followup the doctor rolled up my camo pants and when he gave my right kneecap a gentle squeeze pain seized my brain
but I couldn't show it I was playing a role I was the beat up but otherwise healthy Bud student ready for the fight
and I couldn't so much as Grimace to pull it off I already knew the knee wased and that the odds of getting
through another five months of training on one leg Rel low but accepting another roll back meant enduring another hell
week and that was way too much to process the swelling hasn't gone down much how's it feel the doctor was
playing a role too seal candidates had a don't ask don't tell agreement with most of the medical staff at Naval special
Warfare command I wasn't about to make the doctor's job easier by revealing anything to him and he wasn't going to
take caution side and pull the rip cord on a man's dream he lifted his hand and my pain
faded I coughed and pneumonia once again rattled in my lungs until I felt the cold truth of his stethoscope on my skin
ever since hell week was called I've been coughing up brown knots of mucus for the first two days I lay in bed day
and night spitting them into a Gade bottle where I stored them like so many nickels I could barely breathe and
couldn't move much either I may have been a bad [ __ ] in hell week but that [ __ ] was over and I had to deal
with the fact of the devil and those instructors branded me too it's all
right doc I said a little stiff is all time is what I needed I knew how to push through pain and my body had almost
always responded with performance I wasn't going to quit just because my knee was barking it would
come around eventually the doc prescribed medicine to reduce the congestion in my lungs and sinuses and
gave me some Motrin for my knee within two days my breathing improved but I still couldn't bend my right leg this
would be a problem of all the moments and buds that I thought could break me a not Ty exercise never registered on my
radar then again this wasn't theing Boy Scouts this was an underwater not time drill
held in the 15 foot section of the pool and while the pool didn't strike mortal fear into me like it once did being
negatively buoyant I knew that any pool Evolution could be my undoing especially those that demanded Treading Water even
before hell week we've been tested in the pool we had to perform mock rescues on the instructors and do a 50 your
underwater swim without fins on a single breath that swim started with a giant stride into the water followed by a full
somersault to sien off any moment whatsoever then without kicking off the side we swam along the lane lines to the
end of our 25 met pool on the far side we were allowed to kick off the wall then swim back when I
arrived at the 50m Mark I rose up and gasped for air my heart hammered until my breath smoothed
and I grasped that I'd actually passed the first of a series of complicated underwater Evolutions that were supposed
to teach us to be calm cool and collected underwater on a breath
hoold the not tying Evolution was next in the series and it wasn't about our ability
to tie various knots or a way to time our Max breath hold sure both skills come in handy on amphibian operations
but this drill was more about our capacity to juggle multiple stressors in an environment that's not sustainable
for human life despite my health I was heading into the drill with some confidence things changed when I started
Treading Water that's how the drill began with eight students strung out across the pool moving our hands and
legs like egg beers that's hard enough for me on two good legs but because my right knee didn't work I was forced to
tread water with just my left that spiked the degree of difficulty and my heart
rate which sa my energy each student had an instructor assigned to them for this Evolution and psychop Pete specifically
requested me it was obvious I was struggling and psycho and his bruised Pride were hungry
for a little payback with each revolution of my right leg shock WS of pain exploded like fireworks
even with psycho eyeballing me I couldn't hide it when I grimaced he smiled like a kid on Christmas morning
tie a square knot then a bow line he shouted I was working so hard it was difficult to catch my breath but psycho
didn't give two FS now damn it I gulped air bent from the waist and kicked down there were five knots in the drill all
together and each student was told to grab their 8 in slic of rope and tie them off one at a time at the bottom of
the pool we were all out of the breath in between but could do as many as all five knots on a single breath the
instructor called out the knots but the pacing was up to each student we weren't allowed to use a mask
or goggles to complete the evolution and the instructor had to approve each knot with a thumbs up before we were
permitted to surface if they flashed a thumbs down instead we had to retie that knot
correctly and if we surfaced before a given knot was approved that meant failure in a ticket home once back at
the surface there was no resting or relaxing between tasks treading water was the constant
refrain which meant soaring heart rates and the continual burning up of oxygen in the bloodstream for the one-legged
man translation the Dives were uncomfortable as hell and blacking out was a real possibility psycho glared at
me through his mask as I worked my knots after about 30 seconds he'd approve both and we surfaced he breathed
free and easy but I was gasping and panting like a wet tired dog the pain in my knee was so bad I felt sweat beat up
on my forehead when you're sweating in an unheated pool you know sh up I was breathless low on energy and wanted to
quit but quitting this Evolution meant quitting butts all together and that wasn't
happening oh no are you hurt Goggins did you get some sand in your [ __ ] psycho
[Music] asked I'll bet you can't do the last three knots on one breath he said it
with a smirk like he was daring me I knew the rules I didn't have to accept this
challenge but that would have made psycho just a little too happy and I couldn't allow that I nodded and kept
Treading Water delaying my dive until my pulse evened out and I could score one deep nourishing breath psycho wasn't
having it whenever I opened my mouth he splashed water in my face to stress me out even more a tactic used when trainee
started to panic that made breathing impossible go under now or you fail I'd run out of time I tried to gulp some air
before my duck dive and tasted a mouth full of psycho Splash Water instead as I dove to the bottom of the pool on a
negative breath hold my lungs were damn near empty which meant I was in pain from the jump but I knocked the first
one out in a few seconds psycho took his sweet time examining my work my heart was thrumming like high alert Morse code
I felt it flip-flop in my chest like it was trying to break through my rib cage and fly to
Freedom psycho stared at the twine flipped it over and perused it with his eyes and fingers before offering a
thumbs up in slow motion I shook my head untied the rope and hit the next one again he gave it a close inspection
while my chest burned and diaphragm contracted trying to force air into my empty lungs the pain level in my knee
was at a 10 Stars gathered in my peripheral vision those multiple stressors had me
teetering like a Jinga Tower and I felt like I was about to black out if that happened I'd have to depend on psycho to
swim me to the surface and bring me around did I really trust this man to do that he hated me what if he failed to
execute what if my body was too burned out that even a rescue breath couldn't Rouse me my mind was spun with those
simple toxic questions that never go away why was I here why suffer when I could quit and be comfortable again
why risk passing out or even death for a fing notot drill I knew that if I succumbed and bolted to the surface my
seal career would have ended then and there but in that moment I couldn't figure out why I ever gave a I looked
over at psycho he held both thumbs up and sported a big goofy smile on his face like he was watching a damn comedy
show his Split Second of pleasure in my pain reminded me of all the bullying and taunts I felt as a teenager
but instead of playing the victim and letting negative emotions sap my energy and force me to the surface a failure it
was as if a new light blazed in my brain that allowed me to flip that script time Stood Still as I realized for the first
time that I'd always looked at my entire life everything i' been through from the wrong
perspective yes all the abuse I'd experienced and the negativity I had to put push through challenged me to the
core but in that moment I stopped seeing myself as the victim of bad circumstance and saw my life as the ultimate training
ground instead my disadvantages had been callousing my
mind all along and had prepared me for that moment in that pool with psychop Pete I remember my very first day in the
gym back in Indiana my Palms were soft and quickly got torn up on the bars because they weren't accustomed to
gripping and steal but over time after thousands of reps my Palms built up a thick callus as protection the same
principle works when it comes to mindset until you experience hardships like abuse and bullying failures and
disappointments your mind will remain soft and exposed life experience especially negative experiences helps
callous the mind but it's up to you where that callous lines up if you choose to see yourself as a victim of
circum an into adulthood that callous will become resentment that protects you from the unfamiliar it will make you too
cautious and untrusting and possibly too angry at the world it will make you fearful of change and hard to reach but
not hard of mine that's where I was as a teenager but after my second hell week I become someone new I fought through so
many horrible situations by then and remained open and ready for more my ability to stay open represented a
willingness to fight for my own life which allowed me to withstand Hill storms of pain and use it to callous
over my victim's mentality that was gone buried under layers of sweat and hard fcking flesh and I was starting to
callous over my fears too that realization gave me the mental Edge I needed to outlast psychop Pete one more
time to show him he couldn't hurt me anymore I smiled back and the feeling of being on the edge of a blackout went
away suddenly I was energized the pain faded and I felt like I could stay under all day
psycho saw that in my eyes I tied off the last knot at a leisurely Pace glaring at him the whole
time he gestured with his hands for me to hurry up as his diaphragm contracted I finally finished he gave me a quick
affirmative and kicked to the surface desperate for a breath I took my time joined him topside and found him gasping
while I felt strangely relaxed when the chips were down at the pool during Air Force par Rescue Training I'd
buckled this time I won a major battle in the water it was a big victory but the war wasn't over after I passed the
not tying Evolution we had 2 minutes to climb out onto the deck get dressed and head back to the classroom during first
phase that's usually plenty of time but a lot of us not just me were still healing from hell week and not moving at
our typical lightning Pace on top of that once we got through hell week class 231 went through a bit of an attitude
adjustment hell week is designed to show you that a human is capable of much more than you know it opens your mind to the
true possibilities of human potential and with that comes a change in your mentality you no longer fear cold water
or doing push-ups all day you realize that no matter what they do to you they will never break you so you don't rush
as much to make their arbitrary deadlines you know if you don't make it the instructors will beat you down
meaning push-ups getting wet and Sandy anything to up the pain and discomfort quotient but for those of us knuckle
draggers still in the mix our attitude was so the be it none of us feared the instructors anymore and we weren't about
to rush they didn't like that one damn bit I had seen a lot of beatdowns while it buds but the one we received that day
will go down as one of the worst in history we did push-ups until we couldn't pick ourselves up off the deck
then they turned us on our backs and demanded flutter kicks each Kick was torture for me I kept putting my legs
down because of the pain I was showing weakness and if you show weakness it is on psycho and SB gep descended and took
turns on me I went from push-ups to flutter kicks to bear crawls until they got tired I could feel the moving parts
of my knee shifting floating and grabbing every time I B it to do those bear crawls and it was agonizing I moved
slower than normal and knew I was broken that simple question bubbled up again why what was I trying to prove quitting
seemed the same Choice the comfort of mediocrity sounded like sweet relief until psycho screamed
in my ear move faster [ __ ] once again an amazing feeling washed over me I wasn't focused on outdoing him
this time I was in the worst pain of my life but my victory in the pool minutes
before came rushing back I'd finally proved to myself that I was a decent enough Waterman to belong in the Navy
Seals he stuff for a negatively buoyant Kid that never took a swim lesson in his entire life and the reason I got there
was because I put in the work the pool had been my kryptonite even though I was a far better swimmer as a seal candidate
I was still so stressed about water Evolutions that I used to hit the pool after a day of training at least three
times a week I scaled the 15 foot fence just to gain after hours access other than the academic aspect nothing scared
me as much about the prospects of Butters like the swimming drills and by dedicating time I was able to callous
over that fear and hit new levels on under water when the pressure was on I thought about the incredible power of a
callous mind on task as psycho and SBG beat me down and that thought became a feeling that took over my body and made
me move as fast as a bear around that pool I couldn't believe what I was doing the intense pain was gone and so were
those nagging questions I was putting out harder than ever breaking through the limitations of injury and pain
tolerance and riding a second when delivered by a callous mind after the bear crawls I went back to doing flutter
kicks and I still had no pain as we were leaving the pool a half hour later SBG asked
gogin what got into your ass to make you Superman I just smiled and left the pool I didn't want to say anything
because I didn't yet understand what I now know similar to using an opponent's energy to gain an advantage leaning on
your callous mind In the Heat of battle can shift your thinking as well remembering what you've been through and
how that has strengthened your mindset can lift you out of a negative brain Loop and help you bypass those weak onec
impulses to give in so you can power through obstacles and when you leverage a callous mind like I did around the
pool that day and keep fighting through pain it can help you push your limits because if you accept the pain as a
natural process and refuse to give in and give up you will Engage The sympathetic nervous system which shifts
your hormonal flow the sympathetic nervous system is your fight or flight reflex it's bubbling just below the
surface and when you are lost stressed out or struggling like I was when I was a down andout kid that's the part of
your mind that's driving the bus we've all tasted this feeling before those mornings when going on a
run is the last thing you want to do but then 20 minutes into to it you feel energized that's the work of the
sympathetic nervous system what I found is that you can tap into it on call as long as you know how to manage your own
mind when you indulge in negative selft talk the gifts of a sympathetic response will remain Out Of Reach however if you
can manage those moments of pain that come with maximum effort by remembering what you've been through to get to that
point in your life you will be in a better position to persevere and choose fight over flight that will allow you to
use the adrenaline that comes with a sympathetic response to go even harder obstacles at work and school can also be
overcome with your callous mind in those cases pushing through a given flasho isn't likely to lead to a sympathetic
response but it will keep you motivated to push through any doubt you feel about your own abilities no matter the task at
hand there is always opportunity for self-doubt whenever you decide to follow dream or set a goal you are just as
likely to come up with all the reasons why the likelihood of success is low blame it on theed up evolutionary wiring
of the human mind but you don't have to let your doubt into the cockpit you can tolerate doubt as a backseat driver but
if you put doubt in the Pilot's seat defeat is guaranteed remembering that you've been through difficulties before
and have always survived to fight again shifts the conversation in your head it will allow you to control and manage
doubt and keep you focused on taking each and every step necessary to achieve the task at hand sounds simple right it
is it very few people even bother to try to control the way their thoughts and doubts Bubble Up the vast majority of us
are slaves to our minds most don't even make the first effort when it comes comes to mastering their thought process
because it's a NeverEnding chore and impossible to get right every time the average person thinks 2,000 3,000
thoughts per hour that's 30 to 50 per minute some of those shots will slip by the goalie it's
inevitable especially if you Coast through life physical training is the perfect Crucible to learn how to manage
your thought process because when you're working out your focus is more likely to be single pointed and your response to
stress and pain is immediate and measurable do you Hammer hard and snag that personal best like you said you
would or do you crumble that decision rarely comes down to physical ability it's almost always a
test of how well you are managing your own mind if you push yourself through each split and use that energy to
maintain a strong Pace you have a great chance of recording a faster time granted some days it's easier to do that
than others and the clock or the score doesn't matter anyway the reason it's important to push
hardest when you want to quit the most is because it helps you callous your mind it's the same reason why you have
to do your best work when you are the least motivated that's why I love Pete and
Buddhism why I still love it today physical challenges strengthen my mind so I'm ready for whatever life throws at
me and it will do the same for you but no matter how well you deploy it a callous mind can't heal broken bones
on the mile long hike back to the buds compound the feeling of Victory evaporated and I could feel the Damage
i' Done I had 20 weeks of training in front of me dozens of Evolutions ahead and I could barely walk while I wanted
to deny the pain in my knee I knew I was so I limped straight to Medical when he saw my knee the doc didn't say a damn
thing he just shook his head and sent me to get an x-ray that revealed a fractured kneecap in buds when reservist
sustain injuries that take a long time to heal they're sent home and that's what happened to me I crutch my ass back
to the barracks demoralized and while checking out I saw some of the guys that quit during hell week when I first
glimpsed their helmets lined up beneath the bell I felt sorry for them because I knew the empty feeling of giving up but
seeing them face to face reminded me that failure is a part of life and now we all had to press on I hadn't quit so
I knew I'd be invited back but I had no idea if that meant a third hell week or not or if after getting rolled twice I
still had the burning desire to fight through another hurricane of pain with no guarantee of success given my injury
record how could I I left the buds compound with more self-awareness and more Mastery over my mind than I'd ever
had before but my future was just as uncertain
Heads up!
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