In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of data-driven decision-making, particularly within the Human Resources (HR) department. This article delves into the essential approaches to developing an HR analytics unit within your organization, addressing key components such as stakeholder involvement, complexity and impact assessment, team capabilities, and fostering a culture of analytics. By leveraging data, organizations can streamline operations, improve decision accuracy, and gain a competitive advantage.
The Need for HR Analytics in Organizations
What is HR Analytics?
HR analytics, commonly referred to as people analytics or workforce analytics, involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of employee data to enhance organizational performance. It is pivotal in aiding businesses to make informed decisions concerning their workforce.
Why is HR Analytics Essential?
- Data-Driven Decisions: The primary reason for developing an HR analytics unit is the ability to make better decisions based on accurate data. Organizations that rely on data for decision-making increase their chances of achieving favorable outcomes.
- Competitive Advantage: With increased accuracy in decision-making, organizations can achieve a competitive edge over their rivals. Data allows HR departments to better understand employee performance and retention, thus influencing strategic planning and execution.
- Operational Efficiency: Implementing HR analytics helps streamline various HR functions, such as recruitment, selection, training, development, performance management, and compensation. By leveraging data, an organization can optimize these processes, ultimately leading to cost savings and enhanced efficiency.
Stakeholder Identification in HR Analytics Development
Who are the Stakeholders?
When considering the introduction of HR analytics, it's crucial to identify the relevant stakeholders involved in the process:
- Business Leaders: Understand how HR analytics can cater to their needs and enhance overall business strategies.
- HR Leaders and Board of Directors: Engage with upper management to garner their support and alignment.
- Data Owners: Recognize the significance of collaboration with those responsible for the handling and maintenance of data.
- Technology Owners: Acknowledge the need for technological infrastructure and associated expertise (e.g., tools like Tableau or Power BI).
- Subject Matter Experts: Involve specialists who can provide insights and guidance during the analytics implementation process.
- Employees: Assess the impact of data-driven decisions on staff performance and satisfaction.
Analyzing Stakeholder Needs
Understanding the needs and expectations of each stakeholder group is vital for seamless integration and support of the HR analytics unit. Focus on how the analytics will impact their roles and decision-making processes.
Complexity and Impact Assessment in HR Analytics
2x2 Matrix for Assessment
To simplify the assessment of HR analytics implementation, use a 2x2 matrix that evaluates complexity against impact:
Complexity: Understand the challenges ahead based on organizational politics, data availability, technology infrastructure, and employee skills.
- High Complexity Scenario: High politics, low skills, low data availability, and low tech support.
- Low Complexity Scenario: Low politics, high skills, high data availability, and high tech support.
Impact: Assess potential returns on investment (ROI), time saved, and opportunity costs associated with HR analytics.
- High Impact Example: High ROI and significant time savings.
- Low Impact Example: Minimal returns or insignificant time saved.
Quadrant Analysis
- Quick Win: High Impact and Low Complexity. Recommended to proceed.
- Big Bet: High Impact and High Complexity. Evaluate readiness to take risks and prioritize.
- Future Plan: Low Impact and Low Complexity. Consider for future projects.
- Pet Project: Low Impact and High Complexity. Generally, avoid until additional resources are justified.
Building HR Analytics Capabilities
Key Steps in Building Capabilities
After deciding to establish the analytics unit, your focus shifts to assembling the right team and capabilities. Consider the following:
- Know Your Data: Understand the types of data (text vs. numeric) and assess its readiness for analysis.
- Know Your Technology: Familiarize yourself with the necessary technologies to support the analytics efforts.
- Build an Analytical Team: Identify six core competencies required within the team:
- Business Acumen: Awareness of organization-wide financial and operational concepts.
- Consulting Skills: Proficient in project management, problem definition, and stakeholder engagement.
- HR Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of human resource functions.
- Ethical Standards: Uphold confidentiality in handling sensitive employee information.
- Work Psychology: Insights into organizational behavior and employee motivation.
- Data Science Knowledge: Proficiency in data interpretation and research methodologies.
Hiring and Partnering
Identify existing team member skills vis-a-vis the six competencies. Hire or partner with external entities to fill gaps in expertise or technology.
Developing an Operating Model
Ensure that the newly formed HR analytics unit aligns with the overall organizational strategy:
- Define governance: Establish clear roles and responsibilities for team members.
- Link analytics efforts to business outcomes: Ensure the unit contributes to broader organizational goals.
- Monitor and adapt: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of analytics applications and adjust as necessary.
Establishing an HR analytics unit is an advanced step towards fostering a data-driven culture within any organization. With proper stakeholder engagement, thorough complexity and impact assessments, and a focus on building the right capabilities, organizations can leverage HR analytics to enhance decision-making processes, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately drive organizational success. By understanding the landscape and following a structured approach, companies will be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of HR analytics and realize its full potential.
[Music] [Music] dear participants till now we have
learned the basic concepts of the data analytics as well as how to manage the data in this session we will learn how
to develop the HR analytics unit in the organization what should be the parameter what we should consider how we
should develop what are the things that we should think of before developing during the development developing the HR
unit and how we should promote the analytical culture within the organization how we should promote the
database decision making or data driven decision making within the organization so that is what we will learn in today's
session so let us start with the content of the day so this is the content for the day so first aspect that is what we
will cover that is the need for the HR analytics in the organization right so what is the need
what is the need for this HR analytics in the organization ation right or unit right next thing who are the stakeholder
of this HR analytics right who are the stakeholder that is what we will understand next one metrix that is what
we will understand that is the complexity and impact metrix right how complex it is to implement or to develop
the HR analytics unit and what are the impacts of that HR analytics unit and then we will discuss how to assess the
complexity and how to assess the impact right that is what we will understand and third next building the capabilities
the moment we have taken a decision we have to develop the HR analytics unit in our organization then how we can develop
the capabilities what we should do right next that the moment you have decided to develop the capabilities now you need to
develop the team which will work on this analytical projects in the organization so what should be the role of each team
member right within the organization and then partner for the skills right some of the skills that you
may not be having within your organization for that you have to partner with some other organization
right and then you have to develop the operating model of of your organization for the use of HR analytics right so
this is the content for the day that is what we will discuss in this particular session so let us start with one by one
so first need for HR analytics in the organization so uh most of the organizations they have agreed uh if we
are making the database decision then our decisions are likely to be more accurate as per the need of of the
organization so that gives us the competitive Advantage right so when we are making because in organization it is
all about making the good decision so uh what this analytics says if we are making the decision on the basis of data
then our decisions are likely to be good so probability of making good decision increases so when you are making the
good decisions which are resulting into the development of the business within your organization ation so that will
give you the competitive exam Advantage second reason that is what you can see the top management believe top
management believe that we should make uh this data driven decision right they believe in the importance of making the
decision through the data right so they are if they believe firmly yes we should go ahead and make the decision on the
basis of this data within the organization related to the HR to manage the people in the the HR if they are
having the strong belief then they will force to develop the HR analytics unit within the
organization right next reasion that could be operational efficiency so if we need to increase the operational
efficiency of all six functions of the management right all six functions of the HR department so all recruitments
recruitments selection training development performance and
compensation right so these all six functions if we need to increase the operational efficiency and if we are
making the decision on the basis of data related to these functions then our decisions uh then operational efficiency
likely to increase among these all functions in any organization so that could be the one of the reason why we
should de the HR analytics unit within the organization so sometime to take the competitive Advantage sometime because
of the top management believe into it right sometime you see uh the clear impact on the
operational efficiency so that operations that you are doing related to the recruitment selection performance
compensation learning development so related to that you can increase the operational efficiency because of that
you want to develop the HR analytics unit right so this operational efficiency may
lead to reduce the cost right may lead to reduction in the cost of the operations right and you may save some
of the amount and you can manage the people better and you can reduce atre you can increase the number of
application you can use the technology right you can use the technology to select the people right by Framing The
Benchmark you can use uh the math me for the training uh you can apply this analytics and training so that you can
get the better outcome of the training so that is how you can reduce the cost by the application of HR analytics
directly or indirectly right so that might be pushing the pressure on the top management yes we should adopt the HR
analytics unit or we should develop the HR analytics unit in our organization right so these are the some of the
reasons why organization want to develop the HR analytics unit within the organization so it could be one of the
thing competitive Advantage they want to take a competitive Advantage there because of the top management they
believe the top management wants to develop and next they see the operational efficiency can be brought
through the recruitment selection training development performance and compensation and they are putting
pressure to reduce the cost right so these could be the reasons to develop the HR analytics unit within the
organization next step is when you are thinking to develop the HR analytics unit these are the reasons because of
these reasons you have decided you want to develop uh the HR analytics unit so my suggestion is always think about the
stakeholder who are the stakeholder so business leader so how this HR analytics is going to serve the business leaders
HR leaders and board of directors so specifically I'm talking about the top management if you are going to develop
the HR analytics unit within your organization then how it is going to impact the Business Leaders HR leaders
and board of directors within the organization that is what you need to think second category of the
stakeholders comes dependent so who are the dependent the is HR analytics is dependent on what
that second category that is what you can see so here you can see served HR analytics is serving these people
business leader HR leaders and board of directors and stakeholders who are dependent on this HR right HR unit is
dependent on stakeholders so one stakeholder could be the data owners right you need to take the data from the
multiple sources so HR analytics unit is dependent on the data owners second one is the technology owners so some of the
technology that you are using like Tableau powerbi right so owner of these HR analytics is dependent on then third
is subject matter expert so these are the three key
stakeholders which will ensure that this HR analytics unit will run smoothly within the organization so HR analytic
unit clearly dependent on these three stakeholders right and third type of stakeholders that you can see the
employees what is the category impacted so first so how I have divided these stakeholder one is served how this HR
analytics unit will serve the stakeholder to whom it will serve so top management so Business Leaders leaders
board of directors second one is HR analytics unit is dependent on whom it is dependent on data owners technology
and subject matter expert and third category of the stakeholder comes the impacted so directly impact it has on
whom this directly impact because here decision that we are going to make related to the employee so direct impact
that you can see that HR analytics unit will have that is on employees because all HR department you why that HR
department is there in the any organization to manage the HR right employees of the organization so when
the decisions are taken based on the DAT data so these decisions will impact to whom they will impact the employees
within the organization so these are the three stakeholders right of the HR three types
of the stakeholders of HR R analytics unit so whenever you are planning to develop the HR analytics unit within
your organization please think about these stakeholders how it is going to serve how it is going to be dependent to
what extent it is going to be dependent and how much impact it is going to have on the employees right do the assessment
of these all stakeholders and then think how it is impacting how much dependency is there and how it is going to serve
that will help you to develop the mission and vision or simply I can say that it can help you to develop the
rational to implement or to develop the HR analytics unit within your organization because without rational
there is no need to develop the HR analytics unit there has to be a rational there has to be a logic there
has to be a importance right to develop the HR analytics unit with within the organization so how you will be able to
understand the importance by analyzing by assessing these all stakeholder within the organization so I hope you
would have understood how to analyze the various types of stakeholder which are associated with the HR analytics unit
right within the organization so let's move to the next so next thing that I can ask you to assess your organization
where your organization stands right so how you can assess two things that you can see on this 2x two
Matrix so you can develop this 2x two Matrix to see first is complexity
complexity to implement the HR analytics unit or to develop the HR analytics unit so in
simple way just I ask you how hard it it is to develop the HR analytics unit in your
organization right then you see the complexity how complex it is how to measure the complexity that is what I
will explain to you so you can see how to measure the complexity so you can measure the
politics whether such kind of initiatives will be appreciated within the organization or not not right if
people are appreciating they are acknowledging supporting backing right so this these
things are happening in rationals logics are appreciated then you can see uh that that shows the how strong politics is
there right if people are not appreciating or acknowledging the right kind of Logics that you are giving to
develop this analytical unit in your department then you can say that high level of
politics is there in the organization second thing that you can see based on available skills so in your department
whoever is there like five employees are there six employees are there what is their skills set right what kind of
skills that currently they are having third is availability of data the data how much data is available and what is
the authenticity of that data how pure that data is how much you can press to that particular data right so that is
what you can check and fourth thing that you should have about the technology so how much technology is there because you
can see that data warehouse that HS human resource information system so if your organization is not developed
then you may not be having this developed hris right it is quite possible so if that HS
is not developed then you may face difficulty to even collect the raw data also right you may not be able to
collect the raw data it may be very very difficult so if politics is high skill level is
low availability of data is low and technology is low when that use of Technology within the organization is
low then you can say it is complex task right if I reverse it complex
politics is low skill is high availability of data is available and use of technology is by high then you
can say complexity is low right in first case complexity was high because politics was high skill
level was low data was uh availability of data was low and Tech use of Technology also very low within the
organization so then you can say that the to implement to develop the HR analytics unit is very difficult right
but in the case of if we reverse the situation politics is politics is low skill is high data set is high
technology is high then we can say that the complex lexity level is low so this is the one dimension of this 2x2 matrix
so that is how you can measure the complexity next thing it comes impact impact means how beneficial this HR
analytics unit would be for your organization so how much useful it is so how we will measure this so for this we
are having the three parameter all right so first parameter is return on investment whatever amount that we
are going to invest whether we will be able to recover that amount or not right so if
you see the recovery of that amount then you can say yes it is a it is having the high impact second that you can see the
timing so whatever time that you can save by applying these HR analytics tools and techniqu in taking the
decisions right so that is the timing that you can say and then opportunity cost so based on these three parameter
you can decide the impact of this HR analytics unit within your organization so the moment you have completed the
assessment of impact and complexity of developing the HR analytics unit and then you see on a 2x2 matrix
in which quadrant you are whether it is a quick win it means quick win means impact is high and complexity is low
right so it is a very good situation for the organization they should go ahead and implement the H or they should
develop the HR analytics unit because complexity level is low it means effort required to develop the HR anal itic
unit is going to be very less right it is going to be less because complexity level is low but impact is very high so
it is in favor of the organization second is complexity is low impact also low right so just you can
put it into the future plan right in future you may think about it if next situation
is complexity is very high and impact also very high so this is the big bad right so here again you can see
whether Readiness to take risk Readiness to take a risk if organization is ready to take a risk
here like impact is high and complexity is high so sometime what happens in this situation when complexity is too high so
entire focus of the department goes in that direction so if you feel it is the topmost job to develop the HR analytics
unit in your organization that is the first priority then you can go ahead otherwise if your department is having
some other priorities so just prioritize the work so if if some other priorities are there then you can think about the
some other priorities and then you can plan for this particular thing so that is what you need to check but last case
that is what you can see here P pet project if complexity is very high and impact is very low so no need to develop
in the right situation you can again you can put it for the future because complexity is very high it means it will
require the huge resources but impact is not that high so impact is not that high but resources are
huge right so resources are huge so in that case you can think you may postpone it right so in these two situation when
quick win and big bat is there in these two situation you can develop the HR analytics unit after assessing the
complexity level and impact of that HR analytics unit within the organization right so that is how you
can assess the situation of your organization within the uh your organization right and then you can take
a decision whether you should develop the HR analytics unit now or after some time right so building the capabilities
the moment you have taken a decision you have to develop the HR analytics unit within the organization right so now you
have to build the capabilities of your unit so how you can develop so few things that you need to remember first
thing that you need to remember that is the know your data so whatever data sources are there you need to see that
the data is available in the form of text or it is available in the form of net number right only two type of data
generally that you will see either in the form of text or in the form of number so text could be one paragraph
right appreciation somebody has written the appreciation for one employee so that is the textual data number that is
what you can say that age performance rating right so basically you can understand the numbers 0 to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 right so that the whether data is available in that form or it is available in the form of text where
whether it is the structured data or unstructured data like data is ready for analysis or not ready if data is
unstructured then you have to transform that particular data so how much time it will take do you have capabilities or
not that is what you need to think so first you need to understand what type of
data that you are going to use know your technology so use of technology that HS statistical method visual visualization
technology so know your about your technology availability of your technology build the
analytical team after so these are the data technology and then team that is what you need to building a team so what
you need to understand that for successful team you need to have a six characteristics so one is business
Acumen so whoever is working with the analytical team that person should that team members should have the financial
literacy political utess internal awareness and external awareness so basically I would say the basic basics
of business that person should understand because if that person is not able to understand the business then he
will not be able to link the the HR unit decision with the organization level decisions right so that that
understanding is must for a team so first thing that that is a second aspect the team must
be must have the knowledge uh skill of Consulting right so how to develop the pro problem definition hypothesis
development project management solution development change management stakeholder management so that that
Consulting skills should be there within the organization right next building the
capabilities continued so human resource the knowledge of this human resource functions like that should be there and
basic ethical standard people should follow because that HR data is you is uh critical right so lot of information is
private invol information is available related to the employees so that ethical standard should be there
when you will assess that data analyze this data so you may get lot of information
that only that you should not reveal it to the others so that that people will so B basic level of Ethics that should
be there within the team member next one is the work psychology like so people should have
the basic knowledge about the work organizational psychology right so leadership motivation
learning pattern right so these are the things they should be able to understand and the basics of This research design
and research methodology they should understand next is the basic concept related to the data science like data
awareness qualitative and quantitative methods right and next one is the communication so these are the six
skills that a team should have I'm not saying one individual should have these all skills one team team should have
good HR analytical team should have these six skills right so what do you have to do the moment you have
identified these six skill now you need to hire the people in such a way so that they are having the six skill set right
so now you need to identify First what type of project that has to be delivered what are the skills that is required
among these six skills how many people you have what are the skills they have and now what kind of people that you
need to higher so the moment so after understanding these six skill you need to check with your team what are the
skills which are already available and for which skill you need to hire some of the people so the moment you have
decided to hire the people then you can hire the people and you can give the responsibilities whatever skill that is
not that was not available within the team right so that is how what you have to do you have to identify the team
member and to each team member you have to give some specific responsibility which will fulfill uh the one of the
skills right one of the skills that you can assess and then you can give a responsibility to the each uh team
member right so that is how you can develop a team related to it and after doing the recruitment also you found
some some of the skills which is you can for some of the skills you cannot hire the people uh that skill those skills
are very rare you did not find the people within the organization right then what you can do
you can partner with some of the organization who have those skills like technology related
tblo uh powerbi or somebody who has the excellent knowledge of excel it right for such kind of things if you believe
your organization is not having the skill then you can partner with some of the uh organization and then you can
Outsource uh the work related to those skills right that is what you can do so that is how you can design and finally
you have to develop one operating model so after developing the team you need to develop a operating model so you need to
link this uh business anal uh HR analytics unit with the strategy of the
organization you need to develop the governance how it is going to work and then you have to implement and finally
you have to fix the responsibility for the each task right so I hope that is how you would have learned how to
develop the HR analytics unit and culture within the organization thank you
Heads up!
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