Welcome back to my exciting tutorial series on creating custom player animations in Fortnite! This is part two of our animation tutorial, so if you haven't yet seen part one, I highly recommend checking it out to understand the foundational concepts we will build upon today. In this video, we'll be diving into how to make your very own player animations using the chair device and some creative techniques. Let’s jump right into it!
What You Will Need
To get started with custom player animations, you will need the following:
- Access to Fortnite Creative Mode (using Unreal Engine's UFN).
- The Chair Device, which is crucial for our animation setup.
Why Use the Chair Device?
You may be wondering, "Why a chair for animations?" The chair device contains an unreleased feature that we will exploit to activate our custom animations when a player interacts with it. We will utilize it to change the default animation of the player while they're seated in the chair.
Setting Up the Chair Device
Let's begin by setting up our chair device:
Search for and place the Chair Device within your UFN project.
Once placed, you can customize it in the settings panel:
- Make the chair invisible if you don’t want it to be seen, or keep it visible for demonstration.
- Disable the option for player exits so players remain seated while interacting with the animation.
Next, we’ll jump into coding the custom animation.
Copying Device Settings
- Right-click the chair device and select Edit. Copy the device settings by pressing Ctrl + C.
- Open Notepad to paste the settings using Ctrl + V. This allows us to edit the text data of the chair device directly.
Adding Custom Animations
Now that we have our chair device set up, we will add our custom player animations:
- Locate the Animation you wish to use within your project (ensure it’s specifically made for the FN mannequin).
- Copy the reference of this animation:
- Right-click on the animation, and select Copy Reference.
- Go back to Notepad and add a new entry in the settings of the chair device:
- Type in
Default Animation = "<Animation Reference>"
(replace<Animation Reference>
with the one you copied).
- Type in
- Delete the old chair from your project and replace it with this newly customized chair, then save your Notepad changes.
Implementing Animation Triggers
To finalize our setup, we need to create a trigger to activate the animation:
- Grab a Trigger Device from your toolset.
- Set it so that when the player steps on this trigger, the chair device will make them sit down.
- You can do this by configuring the Trigger's setting to Seek Player When Triggered.
Testing the Animation
Once your chair and trigger are set up, it’s time to test:
- Launch your game session in UFN.
- Walk over to the trigger—if everything is configured correctly, your player should start performing the running animation!
Expanding Your Animation Sequence
In this section, we will create a sequence that combines multiple animations:
Create a New Sequence within your project and add the running animation to it.
To make the experience more dynamic, let’s add an explosion effect:
- Search for a Gas Explosion within the component library and add it to your timeline.
Set up an FX toggle track to time the explosion with the running animation, enhancing the overall dramatic effect.
Adding Sound Effects
For an immersive experience, include sound effects along with your animations:
- Select a suitable explosion sound effect and synchronize it with your animation sequence
Achieving Smooth Transitions
Utilizing the control rig, we can create smooth transitions between two animations. For instance, you can have your player run, get blown up, and then fall over:
- Import your additional animations into UFN and ensure they are compatible with the FN mannequin.
- Create a seamless transition by combining the running animation and the falling animation using the Control Rig.
- Bake these animations into a new sequence, which can then be referenced back to the chair device.
Finalizing Your Custom Animation
After finishing your setup:
- Make sure to delete the previous mannequin instances from your sequencer.
- Test the new combined animation sequence during gameplay by interacting with the trigger again.
Summary and Conclusion
In this video, we successfully created custom player animations in Fortnite by using the chair device. We learned how to incorporate triggers and adjust animation sequences to yield a dynamic experience. I hope this tutorial was helpful and enhances your creative projects in Fortnite. If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share my code in the item shop! Until next time, happy animating!
in this tutorial I'll show you how to make your very own custom player animations like this in newn this is a
part two to my animation tutorial so please check out the first one to understand more in depth of what I do in
this video but anyways without further Ado let's get right to it okay now here we are back in our old animation
tutorial project and if you remember from my last episode we did a lot of things with animation this time around
we're going to get player animations now the simple thing you need to know is that we're going to need one device okay
go into fortnite and search up chair device we need this the chair device now you're probably wondering why a chair
for for an animation well the thing is that the chair device um has an unreleased feature for for default
animation which then we can then use to change the animation of the player while they're seated in the chair so we can
use this to play our own animations so let's start off with just doing the settings first I'm going to make the
chair invisible inct time you can turn this on or off I'm going to leave it off I'm going to turn off player exits and
then I'm going to place it audio nope that should be good okay now with shair okay the fundamental thing you need to
know is this every single device or every single thing you copy inside ufn you're copying a bunch of text all right
so for example with this Cube if I copy this Cube but if I if I do this copy and then paste I'm actually copying the text
of this Cube and pasting it over here if you want to see this text you want to go into notepad and then you just want to
do contrl + V and now you look at this this is the text that we're copying to use the to use the the cube okay now
okay using this all we can do is you can copy this chair device okay so what you do is right click it and go to edit and
copy or do contrl + C and then go into our notepad and then we're going contr V now we've pasted in everything about the
chair device inside of this little notepad so now what we need to do okay we need to go down to the very bottom
and these are like all the settings you can change so what we need to do is we just to add in a new one let do this
make sure it's on the right um it's it called again column I don't remember so what we need to type in here it's very
simple default animation that should be good and next step is we need to put do it we do an equal sign then we got to
make two quotation marks and now we going to go back into ufn we to conton dra now to actually get animations
inside of here we need to copy the reference of the animation in your cont drawer you got to right click it you
want to go up here to copy reference and you want to click that so now we have the reference of this uh animation or
any animation you want to use also make sure it's the F mannequin H cuz I I think this guy doesn't work I think it
needs to the F mannequin to work with the fortnite guys so make sure uh last video you retarget everything and make
the animations for the FN mannequin if you want to use it for player animations we going to right click them I'm going
to cop reference and then we're going to go in back into here and default animation inside of here we want to do
contrl + V and that's going to paste in the reference of the animation into the default animation so I made this a bit
bigger you going see now it's not it's not all in here which is what we want if we do control a that will select every
single thing in here like look it's all selected and then we go to contrl C to copy it and then go back to ufn right
click and do edit and then paste here and now we have our custom chair with our custom animation inside of it now if
you look in the settings you're not going to see the animation inside of here but it's there right trust me there
it's in there so you might want to label this chair like chair um Running Animation just just to know just to know
and then when we I'm just going to delete this old chair and then we're going to put this new chair here now
just to make it work I'm going to grab a trigger and I'm going to make it so the player will get seated when the trigger
is untriggered instead the TR device I'm going to do seek player when trigger is untriggered so now the player once they
go on this trigger they'll get in the chair device and they should hopefully do the Running Animation so now if we go
and lunch session uh this should this work hopefully now make sure there's no errors inside of your U notepad so make
sure there's like a little the like a comma there and then a little like then you got the open and close brackets you
need that little comma otherwise it's going to have a little validation error I was like why is it getting an error
well like I I had one tiny little comma that wasn't there so now hopefully this option will become a an actual feature
that epic games is going to add in you can change normally instead of having to go with the notepad and everything but
right now this is early at it's not even released yet so there's going to be some issues so just keep that in mind okay
now here we are in game now if I click this trigger you're going this oh my God would you look at this I'm now doing the
Running Animation that that guy over there is doing but it's me it's my player who's doing it which is very nice
so this is basically how you would make player animations now I want to do this in a sequence so over here what I'm
going to do I'm going to make a new sequence same way we did last video and I'm going to add this to here then I'm
going to add a transform now the thing about this shair is that we can either move the chair to the player Ming or we
can do an animation that has player moving inside the animation and then make the chair to static in one place
and the chairs is where the player starts the animation but for this I'm going to move the chair around so we can
move the chair like this which will get we'll move the chair in the little like straight line I'm going to add a a
cinematic sequence device I'm going to put our our thing in here which is this I'll put on loot play boxer and then I'm
going to put on finish finish Force restore St on the last one now this will make the player R I'm going to also make
these linear keys by holding on to them and doing this there we go now they're linear so moving them you know smoothly
don't know why this Keys here to be honest there we go so now the player will run like this and this cut scene
I'm going to add in like a I'm going to add little camera do this I'm going to make it so it's like this I'll make it
so the players running away from an explosion that's going be funny okay now now this will follow the
player as they're running along and now what we're going to do is we're going to add in a little explosion effect so
we're going to go into Contour we're going to search up gas explosion as is the default Niagra effect that's going
to make a little explosion for us we're going to bring it out and now when this plays it's going to do a little
explosion we're going to add this to the sequence we're going to plus we're going to do nagra components now if we go into
nagra opponent we're going to do FX system toggle track and then we're going to do trigger and we're going to add a
key and we trigger at a certain point the play is far enough away that it's going to blow up and not going to kill
them they run away it's going to blow up maybe a bit sooner so now in the sequence the they run and there'll be an
explosion behind them and they'll run further and then I'm also going to add a little sound effect that's going to be
for here that it's going to be a little explosion sure that works said that so what I'm also going to do is I'm
going to make the sequence play When the trigger is on triggered which will hopefully do it that should make it so
when the player walks this trigger they'll get SE in the chair while also the animation will also play at the same
time so now they'll run for their lives until you know so the animation should play perfectly now one downside to this
with the move the chair you can't see the animations so you can't really time it pretty well with um what you want so
I'm going to show you a different method later so here I am in game I'm going to start the game now when I click on this
replay that's really cool okay now this second method is if you want it to have multiple animations so you want the
player to maybe do like a like a crazy jump when when it blows up or something so let's do that next on my mixo and I'm
going to use this little uh this little animation where the player falls down I'm going to do the what we did last
time and I'm going to import this into ufn I'm going to download as an fpx I'm going to go into with the skin 30 and
then that should be good okay I'm just going to import what we made I'm going to add the skeleton as the as the uh
where is he this guy the the mix animation skeleton we're going to import all okay now here's our dying animation
so what we need to do next is as you know we need to go ik retargeter and we're going to find uh the thing we did
last episode which is this and then we're going to go into here we're going to go down to asset browser we're going
to add find our dying we're going to export it this this is going to be our our dying one for um EFM mannequin we
got to export it now it's going to be in here for FM mannequin so now we have the the animation for f mannequin so now in
here what we need to do is we're going we're going to get rid of the chair device inside of here okay just bear
with me for a second all right I'm going to do this now then what we need to do is find our FN mannequin and we're going
to do it like last video so we're going to we're going to grab a new F mannequin we're going to place them right here now
make sure wherever you place your mannequin is exactly where you place your chair otherwise this won't work and
now if we go into here we're going to add him in here going to grab the animation for run which is uh the
running right here he's going to run like this it's he going to blow up and then he's going to transition into dying
animation where he like Falls over so now he's going to run and he's going to he's going to fall over trying to
perfect this sure that works so now John's going to run and then he's going to get blown up by the by the thing so
now we we got to use what we we learned at last episode to make this work so next up we go to device mannequin and
we're going to Bak this all to control rig okay so basically what we need to do is we need to combine these two
animations into one animation that we can then use in the chair device we do FX control rig uh we're just going to do
this might reduce keys we're going to we're going to pick this to control rig delete all this we're going to go to
sequencer again now we're in control rig and we this is like last time and now we need to go to the very bottom okay and
we need to find a rot now this root is very important cuz this is the this is how we're going to move the character
with the animation cuz we can't use transform cuz we we have to use the the control rig when it blows up probably
want to be about here and then then he's going to fall over and he's going to land on the ground he's moving because
he has another at the end delete that so he's going to fall like fly forward like that and he's going to land there and
stay there like that so he's going to run and he's going to he's going to blown up and he's going to fall down so
now with this with with this control RG now ready we do the exact opposite thing we just did and we go in here we're
going to bake animation sequence this is going to be explosion cut scene and this is the entire sequence that's going to
be for a thing and we're going to put here okay it we're going to export the animation set and now we have created a
new animation just like last time so now we have the explosion cut scene which is the full thing we just made like this
full entire like thing with two animations blending into each other so now the next step okay we're going to
now delete the viice mannequin out of the sequencer if you still have the notepad um with the chair device in it
we're going to use this but um if we don't H make a new device copy it and then put it in notepad now what we're
going to do we're going to do this we're going to get the explosion cut scene we're going to copy copy it we're going
to copy the reference then we're going to go into uh notepad we're going to add in the reference here that should be
good then we're going to crl a contrl + C then we're going to contrl + V here it is this is now pasted in the chair
device we're going to place the chair device perfectly where uh this guy is and then we're going to see the player
when this trigger is triggered and now if everything works well this is going to play the animation now for uh the CIT
scene so now if we if we push our changes so now we basically made an entire cut scene player will be able to
animate inside of we had to do the control rig uh because um we can't use two animations inside one share device
so we need to make one big animation that's all the things combined to do that we need to convert to control rig
and if we wanted to actually move in the sequence we just use the roots inside the control rig of the skeletal mesh to
be able to move the move the guy around cuz we can't use transform inside of the thing cuz H you know it's the animation
we need to use so hopefully that all makes sense for you okay so now here we are in game I'm going to start the game
if I now click on this trigger you're going to see the crazy animation so it's going to run he going to fall over look
that's how you make a player animation wow isn't that sick this was this was just part two to my animations so a lot
of you were asking for player animations so I didn't have enough time to cover in the last video so I did in this video so
yeah yeah there you go so here's player animations so I hope you like subscribe use my code in the FR item shop and
Heads up!
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