Challenging Beauty Standards: The Impact of Skin Whitening Commercials on Self-Perception


In recent times, skin whitening commercials have sparked considerable debate among audiences. The portrayal of beauty in these ads often leads to a harmful message, implying that lighter skin equates to beauty. This article delves into the implications of such advertising, how they serve to reinforce Euro-centric beauty standards, and the evolving perceptions of beauty among millennials and Gen Z in the Philippines.

The Reality of Skin Whitening Commercials

Skin whitening products have a stronghold in many beauty markets, particularly in Asian countries. The conflicted representation in recent advertisements has prompted audiences to reconsider their understanding of beauty. People are increasingly questioning the narrative that promotes lighter skin as superior. As one viewer remarked, "the message was incorrectly delivered - it felt offensive and suggested that darker skin is ugly."

The Influence of Colonial Mentality

The historical context behind beauty standards is essential to understanding their impact. For over 300 years, colonial forces imposed Euro-centric ideals of beauty, leading to a colonial mentality around skin tone:

  • Colonial Legacy: The Spanish rule in the Philippines ingrained a sense of inferiority related to darker skin.
  • Superiority Complex: As darker skin became associated with lower social status and beauty, the desire for lighter skin intensified.

This mindset has resulted in a generation of Filipinos enamored with traits associated with foreign beauty, such as:

  • Light skin
  • Long straight hair
  • Thin body
  • Pointy nose

The Impact of Media on Self-Perception

Media representation has a profound effect on how beauty is perceived. When advertisements predominantly feature pale-skinned models, it reinforces the stereotype that fairness represents beauty. This promotion of Euro-centric beauty can lead to pervasive feelings of inadequacy among individuals with darker completes, including experiences of bullying, exclusion, and low self-esteem.

Personal Experiences

One subject shared her journey through prejudice, stating that in her childhood, being darker-skinned made her feel ostracized. Even within her social circles, she struggled with identity crises brought about by conflicting pictures of beauty:

  • Conversely praised for her skin in some settings (London)
  • Belittled for it back home (Philippines)

Such experiences highlight the nuances in various cultural perceptions of beauty and the significant impact media can have on self-esteem.

Embracing Diverse Beauty Standards

Despite the prevailing beauty ideals, a positive movement is emerging within Filipino society:

  • Morena Power: Celebrating the beauty of brown skin and natural features has gained traction.
  • Inclusivity: More brands are offering a range of products catered to diverse skin tones.

As societal attitudes evolve, many Filipinos are beginning to acknowledge and appreciate their innate beauty. The emphasis on self-acceptance fosters a deeper understanding that beauty comes in multiple forms and skin colors.

The Role of Beauty Products

While some beauty products promote unrealistic standards, others focus on enhancing one's natural features.

  • Positive Aspects:

    • Helps build confidence
    • Diverse options for various skin tones
  • Negative Aspects:

    • Potentially harmful marketing messages
    • Products that imply users need to change who they are to fit a beauty mold

Moving Towards Acceptance

The path to self-acceptance often involves confronting internalized biases:

  • Identity Crisis: Overcoming societal pressure to conform to a narrow definition of beauty.
  • Self-Love Journey: Gradually appreciating one's unique features and understanding their worth, independent of conventional standards.


The narrative surrounding skin whitening in advertisements requires a reevaluation. It is essential for society, brands, and individuals to embrace and celebrate diversity in beauty. As more voices advocate for authentic representation and inclusivity, the hope is that future generations will grow up in a society that champions unique beauty rather than perpetuating outdated standards. By normalizing self-acceptance and appreciation for individuality, true beauty can be seen and celebrated in all its forms.

In summary, it’s evident that acceptance begins with oneself. When individuals learn to appreciate their features, flaws, and all, they also cultivate a more inclusive perspective towards the beauty of others. One step at a time, the movement toward recognizing and validating diverse beauty continues to grow, paving the way for a more accepting future.

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