Alternativas al Raspberry Pi 4: Innovación en Placa Única
La llegada del Raspberry Pi ha revolucionado la forma en que interactuamos con la tecnología, ofreciendo una increíble funcionalidad a un precio accesible. Desde juegos retro hasta centros de medios, sus posibilidades parecen ilimitadas, pero hay un problema: la disponibilidad del Raspberry Pi 4 a su precio de venta sugerido ha sido un desafío constante. Si estás en busca de alternativas, has llegado al lugar correcto. ¡Hoy exploraremos algunas de las mejores computadoras de placa única (SBC) que podrían ser la solución perfecta para tus necesidades!
¿Por qué buscar alternativas al Raspberry Pi 4?
Durante casi tres años, conseguir un Raspberry Pi 4 a su precio original ha sido prácticamente imposible. Con el aumento de la demanda, los precios han subido a niveles exorbitantes. Aunque la Raspberry Pi Foundation ha prometido mejoras en la disponibilidad, muchos ya se han aventurado a explorar otras opciones en el mercado.
Principales Alternativas al Raspberry Pi 4
Banana Pi M5 - $55
Este SBC eleva su juego con puertos USB 3.0 y 16 GB de almacenamiento incorporado. Sin embargo, carece de Wi-Fi y Bluetooth, lo que puede ser un inconveniente dependiendo de tus necesidades. Su puerto HDMI a tamaño completo es capaz de manejar 4K a 60Hz, lo que lo convierte en una buena opción para medios. -
Ooid C4 - $55
Similar en características al Banana Pi M5, este modelo ofrece una ligera ventaja en rendimiento de CPU gracias a su mayor velocidad de reloj. La falta de almacenamiento incorporado puede ser un inconveniente, pero su diseño permite agregar un módulo EMMC. -
Li-Potato - $30
Este SBC es casi más barato que un pastel de papa. Aunque es un modelo más antiguo (2017), tiene características interesantes como un receptor IR y decodificación de hardware H265 a 4K 60, haciéndolo un competidor decente en el ámbito de medios. Además, es una opción viable para emulación de juegos, como se discute en nuestra Comparativa de Capacidades de Visión AI: Jetson Nano Super vs Raspberry Pi 5. -
Orange Pi 3 LTS - $35
Con Wi-Fi, Bluetooth y almacenamiento EMMC de 8 GB, este modelo ofrece un rendimiento sólido a un precio asequible. Sin embargo, su cabecera GPIO de 26 pines puede limitar algunas aplicaciones de bricolaje. Para un análisis más profundo, puedes consultar nuestra Comparativa entre Orange Pi 5B y Raspberry Pi 5: Rendimiento en LLMs. -
Ooid N2 Plus - $85
Aunque más caro, este modelo destaca por su potente CPU y GPU, así como su capacidad de sonido de alta calidad. Ideal para aplicaciones de medios y emulación, su rendimiento justifica el costo.
Si bien el Raspberry Pi 4 sigue siendo una opción popular, hay una variedad de alternativas que podrían adaptarse mejor a tus proyectos dependiendo de tus necesidades específicas. Desde el Banana Pi hasta el Orange Pi 5, cada uno de estos modelos ofrece características únicas que pueden superar al Pi 4 en ciertos aspectos.
Si estás dispuesto a experimentar, considera estas opciones para encontrar la SBC adecuada que satisfaga tus requisitos técnicos y presupuesto. ¡La innovación no se detiene aquí!
the launch of the Raspberry Pi started a chain reaction of innovation and today it offers more
functionality than ever before for next to nothing you can play old games build a media center block Internet
advertising on your network build up your own digital camera learn to program remotely access your PC even replace
your computer alt together but there's one small problem it's been almost impossible to buy a Raspberry Pi 4 at
MSRP for three years and while the Raspberry Pi Foundation assures us it should get better in six months we've
heard that before luckily for us and anyone else with cool project Envy the success of the Raspberry Pi has inspired
an entire Bakery of CopyCat arm-based single board computers or sbcs there's your banana pie your orange pie your
rock pie the potato who is running this Bakery anyway the names aren't important what is important is that some of the
raspberry pies competitors are so cool that the original name brand one may not be your best option anyway so whether
you're looking for a dropin replacement something that's more performant or even if you want to save a buck I think we're
going to have something to Pike your interest okay that was a labored joke just uh like this labored segue to our
sponsor hetner hetner offers high performance cloud service for a great price they Now cover the east and west
coast of the United States with their latest location in Hillsboro Oregon use code lt23 at the link below for €20
off before we can explore Alternatives it's worth doing a brief overview of the latest name brand SBC the Raspberry Pi 4
model B it packs a quad core arm processor s so up to 8 gigs of memory flexible high-speed I/O and support for
up to two 4K displays and it does all of this without betraying the Raspberry Pi foundation's mission of democratizing
Technology by making computers affordable to everyone it starts at just $35 of course Hardware is nothing
without software but the Raspberry Pi Foundation has got you covered there to with raspberry pios it's based on debb
and Linux and comes bundled with a web browser development tools some educational software and a user-friendly
package manager for installing additional programs most importantly it's open- source and free this has led
to the proliferation of specialized versions of Raspberry Pi OS like Libra El for example is designed for Media
Center use while retro Pi is all about game emulation and it's also enabled the manufacturers of other pies as we'll be
calling them to quickly Roll Out versions of Raspberry Pi OS for their own Hardware let's look at our first
Alternatives The dropin Replacements at $55 the banana P M5 starts off strong up upgrading all of the onboard USB ports
to USB 3 it has a similar amount of processing power on tap and adds an IR receiver and 16 gigs of onboard storage
as an alternative to the micro SD slot unfortunately it trades away the Raspberry Pi's Wi-Fi and Bluetooth along
with its dual display outputs but at least its single HDMI port is full size and still capable of 4K 60 HZ output
also at $55 the ooid C4 includes the same four USB 3 ports receiver and full-sized HDMI port capable of 4K 60 it
doesn't have onboard storage but it does have a connector on the bottom for an emmc module should you wish to add your
own like the M5 Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities are not included but it has a slight Edge in CPU performance over
the banana thanks to its higher clock speeds and included passive CPU Cooler the single micro USB port on the board
DC worth noting is that the oid is the only non- raspberry flavored Hardware that's officially supported by retropie
while neither of our drop in Alternatives managed to hit the impressive $35 starting price of the
Raspberry Pi 4 model B given that those are only available through scalpers for over $100 I consider 55 a win here or at
least I would if I didn't know that I could go even lower at just $30 Li potato from Libra Computing is
almost cheaper than actual piie like the M5 and the C4 that we just discussed it uses high efficiency arm cores but
unlike those ones they're an older design and can't run clock speeds higher to compensate hence the name this model
is actually from 2017 which is why it feels a little last gen four USB ports is good USB 2.0 not so good ethernet is
good 100 megabit ethernet not so good you get the idea it also uses micro USB instead of USBC for power and DDR 3
memory in whatever capacity you want as long as it's 2 GB lip potato was meant to take on the Raspberry Pi 3 so it's
not surprising that it doesn't quite stack up against the pi 4 but still it does bring some interesting features to
the table an IR receiver an emmc port for storage and it even includes a USB dongle in the Box for Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth one pleasant surprise was Hardware h265 decoding at up to 4K 60 which made it stand out against the pi 3
and would help it still be servicable as a media player running something like libc or coral for just $5 more though
Libra Computing also offers the Renegade given the name it is surprisingly similar to its starchy cousin though
with micro USB for power but at least it trades two of those USB 2 ports for a single USB 3 and in exchange for a
slightly lower clock speed it bumps bumps the ram up to 4 gigs of ddr4 adds gigb ethernet and even adds Hardware
encoding for up to 2 h265 streams for the $5 difference from Li potato it's a pretty big upgrade though either would
do you just fine as a media player the last of our lower cost options is the $35 orange Pi 3 LTS which is yet another
unit that uses efficiency course with higher clock speeds on this one we've got two USB 2s and a single USB 3 we're
back to using USB PC for power though with gigabit Ethernet and onboard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and while it uses DDR3 for
its memory it's still managed solid performance and the 3 LTS even includes 8 gigs of emmc storage that comes
pre-loaded with a custom Android 9 image this is the first device we've looked at though that only has the 26 pin general
purpose IO header which could limit your DIY project and making matters worse it doesn't appear to be pin compatible with
the first gen Raspberry Pi 2 six pin IO so you'll have to take a close look at the documentation before you plug things
into it while none of these offer the whole package flexibility of the pi4 whatever it is you're trying to
accomplish at least one of them should be able to get you there at the same price that is unless you're trying
something really ambitious then you might need to spend a bit more at $85 the ooid N2 plus is the first model
we've looked at that doesn't basically copy the Raspberry Pi form factor it's roughly twice the size of the pi 4 and
has a giant passive heat sink on the bottom that cools the first s so we've seen that combines both performance and
efficiency cores in a 4 plus2 configuration it also has the most powerful GPU that we've seen so far by
the way if you've seen our GPU plush available at LTD it's adorable in addition to its excellent CPU and
memory performance the N2 plus has a highquality 32-bit stereo out with better than 100 DB signal to noise ratio
micro usb OTG an IR receiver and an emmc port for additional storage it's no wonder that the N2 plus is a popular
option for media players and for emulation back to an almost back to an almost Raspberry Pi form factor we've
got our second offering from Orange pie the orange Pi 5 starting at $75 you get eight arm V2 cores again in a big little
configuration and up to 32 gigs of ddr4 memory and a built-in npu for machine learning acceleration there's a ton of
IO both USB 3.1 type-c and display port 1.4 are making their first appearances here and the full-sized HDMI 2.1 Port
can push 8K at 60 HZ there are also enough mippy connectors for another two 4K 60 displays and three cameras an m.2
slot supports nvme ssds or Wireless modules and a 26 pin gpio rounds things out all of this comes with a fairly
Hefty power draw though it requires 4 amps at 5 volts on the USBC connector so you're going to need to budget for an
adequate wall wart with that said it blows away the rest of our boards in performance getting the top score in
well everything and usually by a pretty good margin now I know that both of these premium pies are significantly
more expensive than the pi4 model B almost to the point where including them as Alternatives could be considered kind
of disingenuous but I still think they belong in our list because both were significantly better than the pi 4 in a
number of ways while costing less than what scalpers are charging on eBay for freaking Pi fours now in any Roundup
there's bound to be an oddball or two so meet the misses not that kind that kind back down at $60 we've
got the rock Pi 4C plus which frankly we expect it to perform quite a bit better than it did combining two high
performance cores the same a72 cores from the pi 4 with four High efficiency cores this is a board that we thought
would be close to the original like the pi4 it has two micro HDMI ports but it can't run both of them at 4K 60 like the
pi4 it has two USB 2s and two USB 3s it also includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on board and even one UPS the pi4 with a
connector for an external antenna an emmc port and an m.2 slot they even colorcoded the 40 pin gpio so you don't
go and plug things in where you shouldn't but ultimately The Rock pie 4C ended up getting let down by poor
performance from its ddr4 memory and poor CPU performance that just couldn't quite match the four high power cores in
the pi4 at $75 the nanop pi m4b uses the same 2 plus4 core architecture as The Rock Pi but at higher clock speeds and
in addition to its 40 pin gpio the m4b has a pcie by2 interface that can be used for daughter boards that can add
features like extra usb3 ports an nvme SSD adapter and even a four port SATA controller that can turn it into a nice
little Nas device for your home network this board also supports emmc storage though it uses a different layout from
the others that we've seen so far it's got dual mppy CSI ports enabling dual cameras for robotics or AI use and even
includes switchable Android ADB support but again the m4b falls short of the pi4 in CPU performance and its aging DDR3
didn't make up that lost ground making it a tough sell compared to the rest of the competition unless you really want
that PCI E by2 interface next up is the seed that's with three e router its most obvious standout feature is obviously
its dual network Jacks because as you no doubt guessed from the name it's meant to be used as a tiny router running
something like open wrrt now it can run any OS the Raspberry Pi can and it can be used for random projects like any
other board we've tested so far the rerouter even managed solid performance coming in almost identically to our pi4
which is probably because it actually is a pi4 kind of inside the casing you'll see that we have this kind of
motherboard with IO ports on it and then a daughter board that is actually a Raspberry Pi compute module 4 or cm4 for
short essentially it's a Raspberry Pi 4 without the physical IO and it's meant to be embedded in other devices
providing the brains for things like digital signage thin clients Industrial Automation and yes routers but just like
the normal pies um these are basically impossible to get right now and they want $160 for the package so it's not
really a great alternative the linkstar h68 K is an interesting one though it's sort of a traveling Network Appliance
media player Nas router and server all rolled into one robust little package while it too can run more general
purpose operating systems it's obviously meant for networking with dual 2 and 1/2 gig land ports and then two more 1 gig
land ports alongside support for Wi-Fi 6 and a basic npu for simple AI tasks with 32 gigs of emmc storage on board an SD
card slot and a USBC Port you've got plenty of storage options in a device with pretty similar performance to the
banana M5 or the ooid C4 but at $129 the best value argument for it is hey at least it looks a lot better than
the seed router now to be clear all of these were good enough to be included we just just didn't feel that they fit in
with the rest of the pi4 Alternatives as well as we might have liked as for rpix if we had to buy just one for a first
SBC it's hard to say no to the orange Pi 3 LTS at 35 bucks decent overall performance plenty of wired and wireless
connectivity and built-in emmc storage means you don't have to go and buy a Micro SD card on the other hand if you
were already considering paying the scalper inflated prices for a Raspberry Pi 4 then our pick has got to be the
orange Pi 5 at 7 bucks for the 4 Gig model it is a big jump in price from the MSRP of the pi4 but it blew away all of
our other contenders in terms of performance and with the additional connectivity and expansion options over
the pi 4 it seems like a no-brainer like this segue to our sponsor Samsung and their s95 B Quantum OLED TV powered by
Quantum OLED technology the s95 B improves color accuracy over traditional oleds while maintaining the true Black
Performance with individual pixel by pixel backlighting improve detail with their neuro Quantum processor and
experience more accurate colors with the world's first Pantone validated color mapping technology the s95 B's discret
multi channel speakers aim to provide you with realistic surround sound without the need for a soundar and with
Samsung's vast App Store there's tons of content for you to enjoy so check out this Samsung s95 B OLED 4K smart TV at
the link down below if you guys enjoyed this video maybe go check out our PI KVM video where we show you how to turn a pi
into a remote access KVM so you can do anything you would need to do on a remote computer even things like
Heads up!
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