Understanding the Catalytic Properties of Enzymes: A Deep Dive into Kymotripsin


Understanding kymotripsin is critical for grasping the catalytic properties of enzymes. Kymotripsin is a serine protease found in the small intestine responsible for hydrolyzing peptide bonds, particularly those involving bulky hydrophobic amino acids such as methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. This article will explore how kymotripsin functions within its active site, the significance of its structure, and the mechanisms that facilitate its enzymatic activity.

The Active Site of Kymotripsin

What is a Protease?

Proteases are enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of proteins into smaller peptides or amino acids by hydrolyzing peptide bonds. Kymotripsin, specifically, executes this function on the carboxy side of large, bulky hydrophobic side chains.

Structure of Kymotripsin

Kymotripsin exhibits a three-dimensional structure that facilitates its function. For example, within a hypothetical polypeptide chain of seven amino acids, including glycine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, alanine, tryptophan, and glycine, we can observe the interactions taking place among the side chains. Key residues within the active site such as the serine 195 act as pivotal catalytic components.

Key Amino Acids Targeted by Kymotripsin

  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Tyrosine
  • Tryptophan

Those amino acids have bulky and hydrophobic properties, making them favorable substrates for kymotripsin's catalytic action. In contrast, smaller amino acids such as alanine or glycine are not cleaved as they do not meet the criteria of a suitable substrate.

Mechanism of Action

Covalent Catalysis

Kymotripsin employs a covalent catalysis mechanism, where a nucleophilic residue within the active site forms a temporary covalent bond with the substrate during the reaction, aiding in the cleavage of peptide bonds. The serine residue, specifically serine 195, plays a central role here. Its high reactivity allows it to interact with substrates effectively.

Inhibition Studies

To illustrate the importance of serine within the active site, scientists have utilized irreversible inhibitors such as diisopropyl phosphofluoridate (DFP). This inhibitor reacts with serine 195, thereby blocking the activity of kymotripsin. Such studies highlight the crucial role of serine within the enzyme’s active site, particularly since DFP only reacted with this specific serine residue among the 28 available in kymotripsin.

Two-Step Catalytic Mechanism

The reaction catalyzed by kymotripsin occurs in two main steps:

  1. Acylation - In the first step, the substrate binds to the serine 195, forming a temporary acyl-enzyme intermediate, which results in the release of an amide product and causes a rapid change in color measurable in spectrophotometry.
  2. Deacylation - This second, slower step involves the addition of a water molecule that cleaves the acyl-enzyme intermediate, regenerating the enzyme and yielding the final hydrolyzed product.

Observing the Reaction Progress

In experiments, changes in color and light absorbance are carefully monitored during the reaction. Initially, a steep increase in absorbance indicates a rapid substrate reaction due to the acylation step. As steady-state conditions are reached, the reaction rate slows, reflecting the slower deacylation step.

Graphical Representation of Reaction Progress

When plotting absorbance against time, scientists observe distinct phases of activity:

  • Fast initial burst described by steep slope (rapid acylation)
  • Slow steady-state described by leveling off slope (slow deacylation)


Kymotripsin exemplifies the intricate nature of enzyme catalysis, demonstrating how specific amino acids within active sites play crucial roles in enzymatic function. Understanding the mechanics behind kymotripsin's hydrolysis of peptide bonds is essential in biochemistry, highlighting how subtle molecular interactions lead to significant biological processes.

Future lectures will delve deeper into the specifics of the reaction mechanisms and catalytic strategies employed by enzymes like kymotripsin, offering a more granular view of how these molecular machines operate at the atomic level.

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