In the world of bodybuilding, understanding nutrition is paramount, particularly when we delve into the often-misunderstood concept of refeeds. Typically seen as a necessary part of contest prep, refeeds play a crucial role in managing energy levels and metabolic function. This article will explore the mechanisms behind refeeds, their necessity during dieting phases, and effective approaches to implement them, thus providing you with comprehensive insights into optimizing your bodybuilding journey.
What Are Refeeds?
Refers to specific days when individuals increase their caloric intake, focusing primarily on carbohydrates. They are often called super saturation days because they aim to maximize glycogen stores and modify hormonal responses.
Importance of Refeeds
Refeeds are particularly essential for those in a caloric deficit for extended periods, such as competitors prepping for a show or individuals preparing for a significant event. They can help ease metabolic adaptation, improve performance, and enhance recovery.
Mechanisms Behind Refeeds
Metabolic Adaptation
When individuals go through caloric restriction, your body undergoes a process called metabolic adaptation. Here’s how this works:
- Thyroid Hormones: As you continue on a caloric deficit, thyroid hormones like T4 and T3 start to decrease, while reverse T3 may increase.
- Leptin Levels: Leptin, the hormone that signals satiety, declines with the reduction in body fat, sending signals to your brain that you are undernourished.
These changes can lead to a plateau in fat loss, frustrate athletes, and hinder overall performance.
How Refeeds Work
Referring to metabolic responses, refeeds help counteract adaptations by:
- Increasing Carbs: The sudden surge of carbohydrates leads to higher insulin levels, signaling your body to utilize glucose effectively one more time.
- Boosting Thyroid Function: Carbohydrates assist in the conversion of T4 to T3, reducing the levels of reverse T3, promoting metabolic activities, and improving energy levels.
- Emotional and Psychological Boost: A well-structured refeed can elevate mood due to dopamine release, helping mitigate the psychological effects of dieting.
Structuring a Proper Refeed
Timing and Frequency
- Typical Timing: As you advance through a caloric deficit, reevaluation every 4-7 days to determine when a refeed is appropriate becomes crucial. After 3-4 days of distress, many bodybuilders decide a refeed is necessary.
- Meal Frequency: On refeed days, increasing meal frequency (up to 6-9 smaller meals) can facilitate better digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Macronutrient Breakdown
- Higher Carbs: Increase carb intake to replenish glycogen, aiming for 2-3 times the regular intake.
- Lower Protein: During a refeed, it may be beneficial to cut protein intake in half, simplifying digestion.
- Minimal Fats: Keep dietary fats to a minimum to increase carb absorption ability without gastrointestinal issues.
Food Choices for Refeeds
To maximize the effectiveness of your refeeds, consider including:
- Carbohydrate Sources: Cream of rice, sweet potatoes, jasmine rice, low-fat sorbets, and even healthy sushi without frying or excessive fats.
- Fiber: Incorporate low-sugar berries, oats, or other whole grains to ensure gastrointestinal health.
- Dairy and Desserts: Opt for low-fat dairy and baked goods that don’t cause inflammatory responses, like sourdough bread and fruit-based items.
Monitoring Progress
Gauging Effectiveness
After implementing a refeed:
- Measure weight fluctuations over the subsequent 72 hours to evaluate the effect.
- Assess how gym performance has improved, along with mood and overall energy levels.
Adjusting Plans
Every individual’s physiological responses vary, warranting adjustments based on personal feedback and body reactions to refeeds. Continuous testing is necessary to determine what works best.
Refills may seem counterintuitive in the bodybuilder's dietary strategy, yet they play an integral role in managing energy levels, improving performance, and facilitating metabolic health. By understanding how they function and how to implement them correctly, athletes can effectively maintain muscle mass and motivation while cutting down for competition. Refeeds, when done right, can be the key to unlocking peak physical performance without sacrificing long-term health.
For further discussions on strategies tailored for your individual needs, feel free to leave comments below or subscribe for more informative content!
why we do refeeds how they work the mechanisms behind them and how we can kind of approach them but bodybuilding
will not make sense a lot of times on paper believe me when I tell you that I've prepped thousands of people refeeds
super saturation days my goal is always always always always to reach a cealing limit so again guys very important we
need that thyroid to be firing and functioning T4 to T3 conversion we need to keep reverse T3 down cuz liver is the
built podcast another special episode and today we're going to be talking about another topic that was highly
requested which was refeeds and a lot of people that follow me know that I call refeeds a specific form of refeed super
saturation day so so we're going to get into some Essentials and Basics not a huge deep dive into it because this
video could literally go on for hours if it's requested to dive deeper we definitely can so guys we know that uh
metabolic adaptation can happen in a caloric restriction setting so specifically when an individual is in a
fat loss stage and they're in a caloric deficit uh because that's how you have fat loss occur is having the weekly uh
caloric intake average in a deficit right so essentially what will happen during that time is something called
metabolic adaptation it's your metabolism adapting to the energy intake throughout the days and the weeks aka
the calorie intake as you continue to diet your body is a wonderful thing created by God and it knows what to do
to survive in those settings so we are designed to as the energy intake slows down and gets lowered in a caloric
deficit so will the thyroid hormones and the regulation and thyroid conversion of T4 specifically to
T3 will downgrade and reverse T3 will actually go higher now when that happens and you have higher levels of reverse T3
so an excess amount of reverse T3 can make it challenging for an active form to bind to The receptors to carry out
the functionality of which it needs to the active being your free T3 the T4 to T3 conversion that is a necessity for
proper thyroid functionality and to be able to have all the benefits of your thyroid functioning at the highest level
uh to put it in a simplistic form so I've taken down a few notes of uh what what refeeds do why we need refeeds the
mechanisms behind the body of the refeeds how do we approach refeeds Etc Etc so during this podcast I'm going to
use an example of a competitor uh getting ready for a bodybuilding show classic physique men's physique whatever
the case may be and in this said competitor we're going to start this guy out at 16 to 20 weeks out typical
contest prep setting and if you're not a competitor you can put yourself before a photo shoot or wedding or a Beach
vacation so on and so forth so we're really not going to get into the modalities of cardio uh the efficacies
of the types of cardos that you can do your training volume training split so on and so forth we're simply going to be
talking about why we do refeeds how they work the mechanisms behind them and how we can kind of approach them so
typically in a contest prep setting uh said competitor would be a little higher in body fat meaning that uh he's not as
insulin sensitive as he will be as he grows close to the show uh so the partitioning of the nutrients uh
specifically in the form of carbohydrates are uh a little lowered and uh how they are adapting and how
they're being moved throughout the body in in an optimal rate of course we know as we get leaner body fat uh that drops
off partitioning will always improve insulin sensitivity will always go higher and a lot of times more times
weeks because they are just running through uh the type of foods that they're eating specifically if they are
lower fiber containing foods and there is no uh dietary fats added to it but I digress let's get back to the uh said
competitor dieting down so in that setting typically a refeed is not needed uh because body fat is a little bit
higher because caloric intake on a baseline is higher because energy levels are definitely higher uh they have the
ability to start dieting and dieting and more of an aggressive form and fashion so I always tell you my guys listen in
the beginning um you know if especially if we are at a higher body fat level uh which typically I don't really push my
guys to get very high in body fat I'm just not a huge fan of gaining a lot of body fat in the progression season now
when you're a young man that's a different setting uh there's a time and a place to definitely ACR some body fat
in a caloric Surplus that's uh going to be very important in the early stages of your development to grow properly but as
you get older and more developed and you reach a higher level we can definitely maintain a or physique this is going to
help with lipid profile cardiovascular health of course they correlate together insulin sensitivity they correlate
together as well and uh overall gut health brain functionality and the quality of sleep just to name a few then
we can get into obviously your training output is a lot more efficient your uh ability to go harder and longer in sets
is going to be that much better so in the beginning of a contest prep setting as I said you don't necessarily need
need to implement High days or refeeds now everybody is a case-by casee scenario this is not a one-size shoe
fits all but typically uh we're kind of going based off the average scenario so you don't necessarily need to have
refeeds or high days now as the diet progresses and as metabolic adaptation will happen T4 to T3 conversion will
downregulate so leptin is a hormone that is secreted by your fat cells that will send a signal to your brain telling you
that you are well fed now in a metabolic adaptation also known as choric restrictive diet where the metabolism
adapts to what you are doing there will be a slowing of the leptin being released which means you will need to
eat more to get that signal to the brain this is very important for adheren consistently over a long term and a long
period of time which is why a lot of you will experience as you diet into the show even on these refeed days or cheap
meals or higher days the hunger is almost insatiable it's very hard uh to actually feel full but now you know why
because the leptin uh has decreased and the signal that it's giving off to the brain that you're wellfed is also
decreased so very important to understand that dietary carbohydrates will play a role in replenishing that
much more than dietary fats was which is the reason why we will now get into into what do we do and structure into the
refeed or super saturation as I call it depending on which way we're going or I'm going with a client so as the
athlete diets down and continues to get leaner and insulin sensitivity goes up and fat cells are obviously shrinking
metabolic adaptation is happening due to the chloric restriction and we could also look for other signs you know there
is going to definitely be a decrease in gym performance now one day 2 days is not a huge key factor in saying I I need
a refeed but once you get to about 3 to 4 days or so and gym performance is coming down and sleep also decreasing
the quality of your sleep and your mood so obviously there's a huge correlation in your neurotransmitters and Ne neurom
modulators dopamine uh being one of the biggest ones is uh going to throw off a lot of things going on neurologically so
you'll see your mood decrease as well these are all signs along with if progression has halted and or you have
reached a point where muscle glycogen is so depleted that we're actually going reverse of where we want to go so
usually I see 4 days being the hardest you can push someone until that starts to occur once they are at a specific
level of body fat then you're able to implement those refeeds again or as I call Super saturation days now we
understand that one day in this setting of a feed is not necessarily going to give you that huge burst of T4 to T3
conversion it's just simply not enough time you're going to get more of a muscle glycogen fill a better
performance the next day to 48 hours you're obviously going to get a better look the next day and from a
psychological standpoint you're going to have more dopamine being released so you're going to be in a better mood
you're going to feel better and typically cortisol will drop down seratonin will go up you will sleep
better that night as well so anytime you're sleeping better you're recovering better cortisol is dropped uh we are
definitely helping the process of lipolysis over this period of time that we are utilizing these refeeds and we
are utilizing them for that functionality so on paper from a scientific standpoint you're not
that's okay because on paper bodybuilding doesn't make sense all the time so you have to utilize things that
make sense in an anecdote setting so what is working for the said client is what you roll with you can't always go
off scientific literature it's definitely good to know these things and understand the mechanisms behind them
but bodybuilding will not make sense a lot of times on paper believe me when I tell you that I've prepped thousands of
people since 2006 and I've seen some of the most absurd cases where it absolutely would not make sense if you
showed you know any type of scientist or someone with a doctorate uh in nutrition or biochemistry or Kinesiology or
exercise science that has studied the human physiology doesn't always necessarily understand how these
mechanisms work in a bodybuilder uh and of course we know there's not long-term studies with uh you know a huge clinical
controlled study of a bodybuilder or bodybuilders or competitors essentially at a very low level of body fat that are
200 plus pound in a you know contest prep uh body fat levels it just hasn't occurred so this
is where a little bit of Bro Science will definitely come in and experience will definitely Trump just understanding
only mechanisms behind how these things work and the cascading effect right again it's great to know these things so
I'm trying to wrap this up but my mind kind of starts to wander and I always want to make sure that I help the
audience that's listening kind of understand especially if it's coaches out there understand why we do what we
do so real quick caveat cuz we're talking about thyroid regulation now reverse T3 is a very under checked and
overlooked thyroid function on blood panels if your reverse T3 is high you again like I explained in the beginning
it's it's binding up basically the active version of the thyroid of T3 to do what it needs to do in an optimal way
so you will see a lot of down regul ation happening in your metabolism and you will see progress halter so make
sure you're always getting those labs pulled including that reverse T3 to see where those levels are at now if it is
high there could be you know any form of issues going on we could be talking about gut issues because T4 to T3
conversion 20% of that will start in your gut you could be talking about a mineral or micronutrient deficiency
pottassium B12 iodine selenium zinc all these are going to help with thyroid functionality I
mean there's there's so many different things that can correlate into that not you know including also liver so anytime
you have elevated liver enzymes which a lot of competitors do and can uh you're going to blunt uh the production of T4
to T3 conversion as well so again Guys these are all levels that you need to check throughout the uh man through the
year to be quite honest with you I could I could say contest prep setting or you know caloric deficit dieting for an
event a wedding a photo shoot but they should be checked regularly I check these levels every 8 to 10 weeks it's
very very important uh because I want to be sharp as attack I want to have cognition I want to have memory word
recall I mean there's a lot for me to do and a lot on my plate so I have to make sure that uh my thyroid is functioning
properly so that I have the energy uh to actually achieve these goals and the sharpness in my brain so I want to make
sure all these levels are directly correlating together they're cascading in there's conversion happening and uh
everything is functioning at the most optimal level and so do you if you are in this phase of a caloric deficit and
we have reached metabolic adaptation we want to make sure that we do everything we can before you guys start to
self-prescribe pharmacology in the form of T3 therapy or T4 therapy Armor Thyroid therapy if you want to call it
these things always start with your micronutrients first your selenium your iodine and your zinc you need to cover
those bases copper is also another one that's very overlooked as well so again big caveat let's get back to the refeeds
how do we structure them why we're doing them so now you know some of the setting of why we do them and uh what it changes
in metabolic adaptation so that we can continue progress right because we want uh fat loss to happen there's a
difference between fat burning and fat loss we want that lipolysis that fat loss to start happening and continue to
happen and hang on to as much muscle tissue as we can that's the whole goal of what we're trying to achieve so with
refeeds and super saturation days as I said 4 days is usually the max you can push somebody until they hit that limit
and then we need to implement in the form of a carbohydrate heavy carb laddin uh menu for the day uh to really get all
these things fire incorrectly so the way that I like to set it up whether it's a lifestyle guy or a competitor is of
course we want to utilize the foods that they're used to we want to utilize foods that they know that we want to utilize
foods that we know don't cause a systemic inflammatory response uh we want to use foods that are really going
to cause gastric emptying to happen very fast as well because it is a high volume of food to get in a lot of carbohydrates
you know I've had guys at up to, 1500 2,000 G of carbohydrates on super saturation days so we're doing a
combination of foods I will just give an example you know we are utilizing things like my buddy Sean Vasquez at riceing
grinds cream of rice in there uh we're utilizing uh you know green bananas because green bananas will have
resistant starch to feed the good gut bacteria and create more butyrate in the system so remember we're always trying
to get some positives out of these refeeds too um so we're going to use that we're going to definitely throw in
some fiber in in the form of low sugar berries as well or low sugar oatmeal uh maybe even some whole grains in there
but typically I'll air on the side of more fermented sourdough bread uh I love sourdough and and high volume it's very
easy to get down and it's a very dense carbohydrate uh typically uh 55 56 Gram on the scale of sour dough before you
toast it's about 30 35 grams of carbs phenomenal carbohydrate uh to utilize in a refeed setting I'll also use some
cereal as well now over the years I've changed my perspective because again I'm you know and and this is different for
everybody some people I still have used kids cereal but I'll air for me especially on the on the side of uh like
an arrowhead buckwheat Maple buckwheat cereal uh digests very easy no systemic inflammation very dense in carbohydrates
cinnamon raisin Ezekiel cereal cuz about half a cup dry is 40 G of carb so an extremely dense
carbohydrate um so let's see what else we got we mentioned the sourdough we mentioned the kids cereal we mentioned
of course we have jasmine rice in there that's kind of a typical thing uh but there's only so much rice you can take
in right so then we may even go into white rice pasta another great form in addition to add in we have lowfat sorbet
phenomenal to add in lowfat sorbet of course quality Sushi low fat Sushi you know no cream cheese no fried very low
in avocado uh adding into the rolls and or low amounts of salmon so we're going for the shrimp we're going for the tuna
we're going for the super white tuna the albacore tuna and uh we're eating a lot of sushi in the form of either ngiri or
sushi rolls very easy to get down and I you everybody listening to this doesn't like sushi but that's a great phenomenal
choice to add in and then of course we have some carbohydr hydrates in the form of liquids right so vitargo S2 highly
Branch cyclic dextrin are good even organic pomegranate juice organic apple juice now these are very very high
quality organic single ingredient juices and they're timed around uh the training or you can even get an organic
applesauce applesauce is great CU it has pectin in it so very very good for the uh GI you have very dense uh dried
fruits in the form of dates mol dates are great additions into refeeds and flavored rice cakes you know just to
kind of give you guys a little overview and also raw local honey so if you can get an organic raw local honey
phenomenal for your immune system phenomenal for histamine levels in phenomenal way to get a lot of
carbohydrates and a very small volume of food now what makes my super saturation days different than a refeed is we will
get to a peak concentration level of carbohydrates where we eventually have to add in uh some quote unquote dirtier
foods which can come in the form of homemade grass-fed bison burgers with sourdough bread if we're using cheese
we're definitely going to go for grass-fed cheese again I don't want a systemic inflammatory response after
this refeed I want this to be a positive and produce the results into the next day that we're looking for sweet potato
fries homemade you know then we can go into homemade desserts you know muffins sour sourdough cookies carrot cake uh
again I said lowfat sorbet we could even make homemade uh sub sandwiches you know with meat in it double chicken there's
there's recipes for homemade pasta uh bison ground bison into white rice noodles and organic low sodium tomato
sauce with uh Texas toast from sourdough bread uh you know and and then we may need to add in some foods that are even
dirtier than that higher fat contents as well this is an individual that's obviously processing and running through
food so fast and this is also uh equating in the fact that cardio has been cut to next to nothing fat burners
are cut next to nothing so then we need to make sure that we're bringing in these modalities we're bringing in these
Foods we're bringing in an employing all these things that we need to to hold on to lean tissue and make sure we're
controlling everything that we need to control cuz that's what it's all about is variable control in all these uh
little Avenues and areas of refeeds or super saturations all right so how do we structure that we went over the forms of
carbohydrates which is mostly responsible for helping leptin T4 to T3 conversion lowering reverse T3 of course
refilling glycogen and doing everything we need to do for performance to increase over the next 48 to 72 hours
before the drop off happens again now what I like to do because carbs are protein sparing is I definitely and I've
been doing this since 2006 I will cut protein essentially in half on those days it's just not necessary it's just
going to slow down gastric emptying the goal at the end of the day is to be able to take in the amount of carbs needed to
get all these benefits gastric emptying is at an optimal rate so you're actually uh feeling good throughout the day uh
you're not stuffed to the Max and you know bloated and full we're eating the foods that work best for the body uh so
protein is lowered down because again carbohydrates are protein sparing so it's not need for that day and then we
have the high amount of carbohydrates with fats being at Trace next to nothing minimal the focus gentlemen and the
focus audience my friends is going to be carbohydrates on these days until we need to employ all the other things
again if we're getting too fast if we're dropping off too fast and the body is not able to hold on to what we're
putting into it from a macronutrient perspective so that's when variations and variables will come in and change
specifically talking about the majority average person that is utilizing these refeeds to continue to move in a
positive Forward Motion uh so that's how I would structure it and I would also structure it up to 6 to 8 to 9 meals
throughout the day so meal frequency is even higher meal volume is lower in the form of dietary fats being next to
nothing protein and half but carbohydrates obviously being increased how much we can touch on that but meal
fre frequency is a lot higher and I like this because I like to take in smaller amounts throughout the day again for
better absorption and gastric emptying and a positive effect it just makes the refeed that much easier and what I've
noticed anecdotally is if someone is very very hungry that dopamine is flowing through the entire day and it
just sets them up for a phenomenal day their gym performance is great their mood is elevated which helps their
family friends and loved ones they're just drien and determined to do whatever it takes because of this massive release
of dopamine cortisol again like I said is dropped and sleep is that much more improved uh throughout the night
especially if they've been struggling the last couple weeks so that is a small synopsis of how I would set up the day
now how many carbohydrates do you need is going to be based off you as the individual and based off if you have a
coach what your coach has you doing typically what I would do uh as an example is if I have set individual on a
baseline day of 225 g of carbs and on an off low menu of 100 to 75 gram of carbs my goal is to get that person into a
cealing capacity on these refeed days so I will take them up anywhere from if they were at 225 to 500 or 750 or a
th000 depending on where we're at and how I know the body's response and what I mean mean by the body's response is
not only how it responds to the amount of food how the gym performance is but you check their weight over the next 72
hours to to four to 5 days and you see how fast the set individual get back to their Baseline weight before the refeed
now once you grasp this and you start to fully understand with all variables controlled how fast an individual can
return back to Baseline it makes these refeeds to set these up in such a phenomenal way that it's
literally uh like clockwork for a lack of better terms and it becomes almost easy and simplistic to be able to set
them up know what's going to happen essentially we don't always go by the scale but it is a good gauge to always
see what's going on based off that equated with the best look those two coincide together typically especially
on show day but I digress again getting all over the place I always like to dive a little bit deeper and overe explain
things again so that the audience at home can understand what I'm talking about so refeeds super saturation days
my goal is always always always always to reach a ceiling limit that we possibly can reach and even break
through that ceiling so to speak where I don't care if the individual the next day gains 3 to four to 5 pounds I'm not
concerned about that and a lot of people may disagree cuz they would say law of thermodynamics calories in calories out
over the course of the week and I said in the beginning a big role in lipolysis and fat loss over that week is being in
an average caloric deficit but again we're talking about someone that's not average but someone that's phenomenal
that's getting in shape getting in these body fat levels that are not the norm that are off the textbooks in the form
of how many carbohydrates you can set up and how it works and how it how it runs essentially you can't always go by the
textbook so you have to find what works best for you and what I try to do is titrate it up as the diet goes on so
these individuals are eating their highest carb days or refeeds or super saturations by the end of the prep is
always the goal it's always the goal so I want to be able to get into an almost overfed State on these days so that we
can train as hard as possible over the course of the next two to four days we can get back into pushing the calories
they have that drive even though we're we are process driven over motivation it's important to understand that not
all individuals click with that mindset so we need to understand the mechanisms of the neurom modulator from dopamine
and how that works so I'm setting someone up from a physiological standpoint into a psychological
standpoint for the best results over the course of the next 4 to 6 days or when we do this again again it is not outside
of the norm that I may have someone run these high days twice a week heck I've had people do three it all depends on
the individual and this is why it's important to get Labs pulled throughout the contest prep or the diet to see
what's going on from that hormonal standpoint right so again guys very important we need that thyroid to be
firing and functioning T4 to T3 conversion we need to keep reverse T3 down uh into an optimal range and we can
do these things by making sure that we have our liver detoxified as much as possible cuz liver is the biggest fat
burning organ very important we also need to make sure that we're managing stress as much as possible because
managing stress and the release of cortisol is definitely definitely not only putting you in What's called the
sympathetic nervous system fight or flight it will downregulate that T4 to T3 conversion and it's very easy to be
in this state of mind throughout a contest prep or a diet a caloric deficit because you are constantly hungry you're
food focused for the most part your energy output is higher than normal with cardio with posing with steps with
training so of course cortisol naturally is going to be higher so then we need to bring in specific modalities to fix that
and we could use anything in the form of riola Rosa ashwagandha phosphole Serene is a phenomenal supplement to also use
to regulate cortisol I've talked about aodin not a Modi in but a modin uh to be able to basically block cortisol uh
which will help you sleep as well at night very good product as well not many people speak on it but a phenomenal Tool
uh to use in a caloric deficit uh for contest prep setting or an event prep uh at night to specifically help sleep as
well phenomenal phenomenal stuff so uh there's a few supplements right there uh some people react well to ashwagandha
some people don't so I I usually don't uh recommend it too too much and of course magnesium magnesium buys
glycinate uh so magnesium is phenomenal 3 and8 is very good for brain cognitive function magnesium levels being optimal
are going to be very important for the body internally just to function at at a most optimal rate in regards to cortisol
and trying to regulate staying into parasympathetic rest and digest rather than fight ORF flight sympathetic that's
also going to reduce that T4 to T3 conversion increase reverse T3 so we are uh really really uh harnessing on to
that metabolic adaptation even more so these are variables that we need to make sure that we are controlling uh to the
best of our ability uh so we've structured the refeed we've set up the types of food that we're eating and
there's much more Foods guys listen there's there's definitely more foods you can utilize but we'd be spending
hours on this video uh we've talked about liver detoxification for optimal thyroid Stress Management for optimal
thyroid we've talked about why leptin uh will will decrease uh during the diet and why you are hungry all the time and
how the refeeds will help increase leptin levels so that you don't have that feeling of not being wellfed so
adheren is easier uh to continue on for the amount of time cuz guys remember at the end of the day getting in shape like
this is very very hard for you know so from a psychological standpoint you can't look at these refeeds just because
you don't feel good um that you need a refeed it's not necessarily the case and more times than not most people don't
but we're talking about the people in the settings that do how we can utilize them how we can manage them to our best
optimal ability and control these variables so that we can continue with fat loss over the said period of time
and retain as much muscle tissue and continue having proper healthy thyroid functionality so that we can move
forward and doing all these things guys so again not a full Deep dive but covered some good sub subjects I hope
you guys enjoyed if you guys have any more questions or comments comment down below hit the Subscribe button and that
Bell notification to be notified when my next video will drop guys thank you so much I hope you enjoyed this quick
Heads up!
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