In our modern world, the intersection of technology, finance, and personal freedom has become crucial to understanding the future we are heading towards. In a recent conversation, investigative journalist Whitney Webb shared her insights on Bitcoin, the dangers posed by AI, and the looming threats of increased internet regulation. This article will delve into her perspectives and the implications of these developments for our digital lives and economic freedoms.
Whitney Webb: A Pioneer in Investigative Journalism
Whitney Webb has been an influential voice in the world of investigative journalism since she transitioned to full-time writing in 2016. She is the founder of Unlimited Hangout, where she publishes her investigative work and hosts a podcast that focuses on deep dives into various issues, including government corruption, corporate influence, and the intersection of technology and finance. Her extensive research has shed light on many topics that the mainstream media often overlooks.
Background and Experience
Webb’s background includes serving as a staff writer for Mint Press News, where she rose to the position of Senior Investigative Reporter. Her work has involved scrutinizing events like the COVID-19 pandemic, the response of governments and corporations, and the implications of emerging technologies on human freedom.
The Rise of Internet Regulation
As discussed by Webb, the movement to regulate the internet has gained momentum in recent years. This push aims to dismantle online privacy and impose restrictions that could fundamentally alter how we interact with digital spaces.
The Call for a Digital ID
One of the alarming aspects of this new regulatory framework is the proposal to link government-issued IDs to our online activities. This could lead to total surveillance of our digital footprint, enabling authorities to monitor not only our posts but also our consumption of information and products.
Historical Context: The Patriot Act Paradigm
Drawing parallels to the post-9/11 Patriot Act, Webb suggests that authorities are likely to exploit significant crises to push these regulations through. The goal is to create a state of fear—one where citizens willingly forsake their privacy for perceived safety or stability. This echoes themes from discussions on Understanding Human Hackability: Insights from Yuval Noah Harari about how fear can drive regulatory changes.
Timely Considerations for Individuals
Webb emphasizes the importance of mental preparedness and resilience amidst these changes. Much like the people of Argentina during their economic crises, individuals must bolster their mental fortitude to navigate fear-inducing news and policies.
Building Alternative Infrastructure
Now is the time for individuals to focus on building alternative infrastructures that do not rely on centralized control. This includes creating safe spaces for information, fostering community resilience, and encouraging local action, similar to the strategies discussed in Understanding the Looming Recession: Why Only the Paranoid Survive in Today's Market.
Bitcoin: A Glimmer of Hope and a Tool for Freedom
Bitcoin has emerged as a focal point for those seeking to resist the encroaching control of governments and financial institutions. Webb underscores that Bitcoin holds potential as a financial freedom tool, but warns of the ongoing attempts to co-opt it for centralized purposes.
The ETF Controversy
While some argue that Bitcoin ETFs could legitimize Bitcoin, Webb highlights that the involvement of major financial institutions could ultimately dilute its original purpose. If Bitcoin is transformed into a tool of Wall Street, its foundational goal of decentralization could be lost, a concern that aligns with the insights from OpenAI's Shift to Profit: A New Era of AI Governance and Innovation.
The Role of AI in Modern Governance
Another critical topic discussed is the influence of AI on society. Webb expresses concerns over AI's integration into governance and the potential for biased algorithms to govern outcomes in significant areas, from economic policies to individual assessments.
The Danger of AI Weaponization
Webb points to the terrifying potential of AI in military applications, especially with its use in contemporary conflicts. As governments increasingly deploy AI for decision-making, ethical considerations must be urgently addressed.
The Importance of Resisting Co-optation
Both Bitcoin and personal freedoms are at risk of being co-opted by established powers wishing to maintain control. According to Webb, resisting this co-optation is essential for anyone who values financial freedom and online privacy.
Engaging with Reality
Engagement with the realities of our situation is a necessary step for those interested in resisting authoritarian measures being imposed through technology and regulation. Educating oneself and others, preparing mentally and materially, and advocating for decentralized alternatives are critical actions, reminiscent of discussions in Unlocking the Secrets of Photo Realistic AI Images and Digital Entrepreneurship.
As the conversation around internet regulation and financial control develops, Whitney Webb’s observations provide a vital lens through which to view these changes. The call to action is clear: individuals must become aware of what’s at stake, resist easy solutions, and engage with their communities to foster resilience. With a determined approach, we can challenge the forces that seek to impose control and ensure that our digital futures remain free.
Final Thoughts
The landscapes of our online and financial interactions are changing inexorably. As those with power push for increased regulation under the guise of safety, it is crucial that we remain vigilant, informed, and proactive about preserving our liberties. The future may seem daunting, but with collective effort and awareness, we can still chart a course toward freedom in the digital age.
hi Whitney um this has been a long time coming I think uh Danny has been trying to help me get you on the show for a
long time and I know you've been on a bunch of other Bitcoin podcasts but yeah nice to finding meet you nice to finally
get you on the show yeah happy to be here thanks for having me yeah no worries so uh you are very well known uh
very well known in Bitcoin circles but I just it's always good to just give people a bit of a background in case
they don't know who you are if they haven't caught you on other other podcast can you just give a bit of your
background uh yeah so I've been writing uh full-time since I guess about 2016 um and around uh probably the
beginning of 2017 I became a staff writer for mint Press News and then worked my way up to senior investigative
reporter um I left there in probably like March or April 2020 um I did some work for my friend uh Ryan Christian at
the last American Vagabond and then a few months later set up my own website called unlimited hangout um and there um
you know I publish stuff obviously um but also other some other have some contributors as well I have a podcast
also called unlimited hangout though it's kind of been on Hiatus lately because I've had a really crazy year as
some people may know um and yeah I mean in general I basically cover um intelligent Silicon Valley um all sorts
of uh stuff sort of in that sphere but you know with the covid era for example also got into some uh biocurity stuff
and uh you know all all sorts of things uh you know sort of looking at how um governments and and corporations are
ined together and really not any fundamentally different than organized crime um you know uh but lately I've
been doing a lot more on like Financial stuff uh specifically in in banking so well it's a good it's a good show for
me to make them because uh ever since I discovered Bitcoin I've been uh gradually getting dragged down this hole
where I've realized everything I've everything I believed or everything I thought was true isn't true and my
friends think I'm crazy yeah yeah um but so I guess I guess you're a you're like a proper old school investigative
journalist rather than uh I've had Michael mice on the show a couple times he refers to the Maj stream media is
in the sense that like they're beholden to the corporations that own them uh which invariably are any sort of
oligarchs who have their hands in number of um pies that often include illegal activity so you
know definitely different than what I do well so I mean when I got into this I kind of romanticized about investigative
journalism like the old school journalist who went out to find a story and do do a proper job but I kind of
feel like there's less and less of that about now um I mean the economics change but you've probably got a view on it
yeah well I think um you know so I I mean obviously the old days of investigative reporting you know it's
it's a lot different because of how online and digital everything is including like archives of old um
newspapers and and documents of of that nature so you know I don't live in the west and I haven't for probably the last
decade plus um but I care a lot about Source material and like quality Source material and building a a story based
off of uh that and supplying all those sources in my article so that ideally though obviously it doesn't always
happen uh but that ideally people who read my work would check those sources and if they're interested you know
pursue um you know uh their own research because I mean it's not really about like I don't want you to necessarily
take my opinion or or take you know uh what I have to what I write about it it just face value and just like believe me
and like no believe the source material because it matters and I'm not like making this up um because you know
corporate media right mainstream media whatever uh They Don't Really Supply their sources a lot of the time for
certain things or they site you know a national security official and don't challenge what they have to say at all
or like add any important historical context about how maybe that official got caught lying during the Iraq War for
example or all sorts of kind of stuff like that so I try and add that kind of context um and frankly though there's
like a lot of stories that just don't get covered either by Main Street Media or even Independent Media so much of
Independent Media today is focused on like complaining about mainstream media coverage and not necessarily reporting
on original stuff which I think is actually kind of a big uh problem because I think at this point we all
know that mainstream media sucks right um so there's definitely a need to like try and find the stories that aren't
being covered because there's I mean a lot of stuff I think even tooo intentionally like some of the tactics
of mainstream media and the people that control them is to put out a story that's like intentionally
annoying and outrageous so that everyone focuses on that and doesn't focus on other stuff in in the new cycle and
other important stuff that is happening you know slips through the cracks it's it's funny when you start to recognize
and start to see it everything's becomes a lot clearer um but that first kind of Step of recognizing it uh and seeing it
for yourself and and it's it's a it's a tough kind of barrier to break through where you realize hold on that none of
this makes sense I mean it's like we live in this world a big coin is a great example you know I'm an advocate for it
I travel around I try and make documentaries about it I try and look at the economic situations of different
countries and then and I understand the good that Bitcoin can do I also understand the risks associated with
that you know I have a full picture but we have so much press writing about Bitcoin so negatively and incor
incorrectly it makes me go well what else are they incorrect around um i' I found it a bit of a a struggle but then
I found the bigger struggle is you know my friends in my Normy circles try and explain these things to them without
sounding like a lunatic I think they they look at me like I'm Alex Jones they're like oh he's some crazy guy but
it's trying to actually make them understand that the incentives that are behind this um yeah I don't know if
you've had similar St no absolutely well I think the easiest way to reach people in that sense is to be like are you
aware that Bankers lie and engage in illegal activity to expand their money and power right are you aware that those
same Bankers like you know or you know CEOs or whoever uh are the bulk of donations to politicians and own the
political parties would they use that leverage to get what they want policy-wise I mean you have to build off
of that to stuff that like people sort of are aware of and then be like well the fact that these guys have never been
held accountable for anything what do you think they're going to do after decades and Decades of no accountability
and and Brazen criminality how far do you you think they'll take it right um and that's how you can sort of get some
people but obviously there's going to be people you know who are resistant to seeing things for the way they are
because you know some people just um uh for whatever reason feel too uncomfortable engaging with reality
sometimes you know they don't want to face the fact that you know the government and corporations are like
extremely um you know doing insane illegal stuff that's uh killing people or uh stealing insane amounts of money
uh from people and ruining people's lives because they're like well I can't do anything to change that and I don't
necessarily think that's true but some people interpret it that way and they're like I'm better off not engaging with
this and they prefer to like you know stick their head in the sand so to speak um so that kind of stuff is harder to
engage with I think but I think people that are open to figuring out um the things you know you can sort of think of
ways to start are at like a a common denominator where we agree um about incentives for the powers that be and
personally um so in my uh in my very British way I've uh struggled to really truly accept where we are in the world
like I'm a I I was born in the' 70s but I'm a child of the ' 80s 90s ughs which were relatively stable decades uh
obviously we had a crazy Iraq war which we were Allied into but generally speaking I thought the most crazy stuff
the world had experienced was from the history books you world wars you know crazy [ __ ] that went on then now we're
map out of my head I can see a scenario where parts of the world a war could escalate into World War I I'm seeing the
potential rise of tyranny at a global level because of the state the global economic finance and debt is in and then
I'm also looking at Ai and thinking this this AI is pretty cool but what what happens when we put the AI at
a robot and give it a gun and so now I'm starting to think hold on this world's [ __ ] mad we could be heading to a
really dangerous place what should I be doing should I mean you said you've left the West if sounds like you've escaped
the West I'm like should I be building a bunker in my garden you know should I be stacking tin pineapples or am I do I
just sound like some crazy conspiracy theorist help me out well you know I definitely think it's probably I mean so
think about what happened during covid and there were all these s signals sent by powerful people that um something
greater than covid would soon be upon us whatever that is so whether it's a giant War another world war of that sorts or
you know something else covid 2.0 what we saw during covid insane issues with inflation that persist right um and uh
insane supply chain issues it's probably a good idea uh to have a supply of stuff you need to survive in your house I mean
for X number of days weeks months whatever I mean that's different for every person but it's definitely not I
mean it's definitely not a bad idea and I don't think it's a tinfoil hat thing to say like oh I'd like to be able to
feed my family if uh they close all the grocery store I mean we sort of saw with Co like how insane it was I mean in in I
live in Chile and in South America and I mean when covid started there was some insane stuff there where you had to like
show papers to get into grocery stores and stuff for a time like that could come back you know I mean it's not as
crazy now as it might have been like four or five years ago to talk about to talk about that stuff and there's
nothing wrong with being prepared there's probably something more wrong with being not prepared all you know
yeah Co was probably my my biggest wakeup call in in that I got a lot of stuff wrong you know I believed at the
time uh that I was convinced that yeah lockdown for two weeks that sounds like a good idea because there's this crazy
virus that we're seeing people drop dead in China for there's problems in Italy and I think that was my wakeup call
through all of that I got by the time I got to end Co I was like oh you [ __ ] idiot you've been lied to about
everything you've believe everything and that that I think I came out of that with the [ __ ] I don't trust anything
anymore you probably shouldn't it's probably safer yeah so what I don't know Whitney when I look at
something like covid because like I can go as far as saying governments are incompetent and I can see the stupidity
of the decisions they made true but I know other people go back a step further and go no no co co was the plant to test
these things and I don't know how far to go with it yeah well I mean it obviously depends on the thing you're talking
about um but you know a lot of times um government incompetence like is the excuse so I mean just talking about like
uh like Financial policy and stuff I mean uh you can I think it's easier to pick aart like in those cases because
you can see the obvious like in who benefits and who doesn't sometimes more easily and they'll like sort of be like
oh well we just you know like when the FED printed a bunch of money during Co and gave it to like Black Rock to manage
like was that incompetence especially when Black Rock like wrote a plan at the end of 2019 of the monetary policy that
the FED followed exactly when covid happened about what the FED would need to do during a unforeseen crisis I mean
it's just like was that incompetence or is that corruption you know and I mean a lot of times they try and absolve
themselves of like OB when they sort of get CAU or start to get caught for something corrupt they'll be like oh
don't look any further we're just really stupid you know um but if you consider just like the massive amount of wealth
transfer that's happened in the past 20 years to like the people at the very top um obviously well I I think it's obvious
has come out like with Co too like um you know the safe and effective stuff about the vaccines and we I mean a lot
of people in alternative media knew it was experimental and that there wasn't enough testing and stuff and they were
uh censored and then the stuff was forced on people through mandates and and things like that like was that
incompetence um you know I mean they knew then what a lot of people in alternative media knew
then they being you know the people in charge and they still put it through anyway and now there's like they're
acting like it didn't happen you know yeah some of the Sens ship stuff has been a little was a little bit insane
then and has carried on it's only going to get more insane really how bad yeah because they're trying to put AI in
charge of the internet and not just in charge of censoring what's on the internet but also having AI make the
Lion Share of online content so supposedly by 2025 generative AI like chat GPT is going to produce like 96 or
something percent of everything you read online which means their uh mainstream media journalists are going to be like
completely placed by I think there have been some magazines that have been caught using chat GPT to write their
stories already I think Sports Illustrated was one um but wow only going to get only going to get crazier
and so when you have ai both like producing and then curating I.E censoring you know everything you know
then AI dominates the information environment and whoever programs Ai and stipulates like what information is okay
and who isn't has like unprecedented control and when you consider that most people today get their information from
online or you know digital sources that's unprecedented uh control uh of what people not just how the
information that people like read and and receive but also I mean you're manipulating people how people perceive
um reality and that obviously translates into how people behave and actually uh Henry Kissinger who I'm sure you know
died recently and the guy that he named as his Heir which is Eric Schmidt the former Google CEO wrote a book on
reality uh by taking control of online content in its entirety and that us becoming increasingly dependent on AI
for everything is going to cognitively diminish people so that we won't be able to perceive reality or make sense of
anything without AI doing it for us it's gon to be lot have you seen the you Wally or Wally uh yeah like maybe
milkshakes yeah but worse than that because it seems like they're sort of like you know they have some sort of
cognitive faculty left uh what Kissinger and Schmidt say is that people are going to lose that and it's the plan that they
can't uh control how they perceive reality they're no longer capable of of critical analysis and thought it's very
easy to decide what you do with people so where does that put you then in terms of AI are are you Pro the
technology I have a lot of opinions I don't iar them yeah I don't use them um I mean I think the whole idea of getting
a lot of people to like use chat GTP and all of this stuff is to lead us down this path that Kissinger and Schmidt
among others uh sort of are charting out for Humanity where if you I mean just I mean it it's
it's pretty much common sense though like if you develop a skill um and then don't do it for 10 or 15 years for
example you kind of forget how to do it right or even you know I graduated from University like a little more than 10
years ago how well do I recall the stuff that I I took in University not great right so there's this whole idea of if
you don't use it you lose it so if people are depending on AI to tell them where to turn when they're driving
their car and you know no one use uses like actual Maps anymore I mean I understand that it's convenient right
and I'm not saying like oh we need to go back to the 90s right but you know I every it becomes after a while a
slippery slope where people are just having the computer tell them everything to do every step of their lives ends up
becoming micromanaged to an extent um and the idea is that AI through all the data that it absorbs about us knows so
much about us some of these people say it knows us better than we even know ourselves um you know there's that
allows for an unprecedented degree of manipulation and the problem is is that the people uh producing and programming
Ai and ultimately controlling Ai and what it can do do not have our best interests at heart and it is not a good
idea to basically hand them our brains in a bag you know like we should keep those I've
been using AI for work a little bit yeah I mean a lot of people do um like a more advanced search engine yeah totally but
who who owns AI right uh it's pretty much Silicon Valley company so like even open AI Sam Altman's thing uh that's
essentially like owned by Microsoft right and so you have what Microsoft Google Amazon uh Oracle all of these
companies essentially own like almost everything um and all of those companies are contractors for military the
military and intelligence right guess throw paler in the mix too and uh when you consider something like paler they
profile people they suck up all of your data and then they profile you um and paler can profile like whether or not
they deem you subversive or not and what happens when AI you know gets of that and gets put in
control of things like humanitarian Aid like they're talking about doing um or in charge of um you know the government
itself which is also talked about in the Schmid Kissinger book um it gets complicated so you know a lot of people
have been talking about the coming sort of like social credit Paradigm for example so what happens if there's a big
crisis uh your country is like a war zone or the the economy collapses and you're dependent on humanitarian Aid or
some sort of aid from the government or uh some other group and there isn't enough for everyone right and so they
decide oh well it's fairer to put super intelligent AI in charge of it and then that AI is like oh well this person's
been very compliant and has committed all of these thought crimes but not you you know who is it going to decide to
give the food rations too and stuff like that you know that's the risk of a lot of this stuff when it gets put in charge
of too many system um and then there's like a whole other side to it when when you're dealing with
stuff like AI Weaponry which we're seeing being used right now in the Israel Gaza conflict to a significant
they they're deeming to be Hamas Affiliated which no one knows exactly how they're determining that I mean it
could be someone who is a second cousin of someone in Hamas or something um we don't really know because there's no
transparency but obviously the fact that they've gone from before this AI algorithm to identifying something like
15 to 20 targets a day to identifying hundreds of targets a day something's going on and there's a huge issue there
with what if that AI uh is using you know social media activity to decide who lives and who dies literally and what
happens when that gets that goes that I mean that kind of Technology gets exported I mean Israel's Tech sector
specifically is known for testing um all sorts of tech on Palestinian surveillance tech and and weapons Tech
and then they export it abroad Israel's uh you know defense Tech and defense industry is massive it's like I think
one of the biggest parts of their GDP right so you know this isn't just going to stay there and AI Weaponry has also
been tested in Ukraine to a significant degree and there's a lot of people the same people that own that created paler
essentially Peter teal you know a lot of that money is behind you know the AI Weaponry stuff today
um that's troubling stuff and then there's another issue of whether AI is actually accurate or not um so you know
they'll say uh like with with facial recognition I think there was um uh a a a report a few years ago in the UK that
a lot of the facial recognition stuff that the the Met police and and other law enforcement groups are using are
insanely inaccurate uh but they want to not they want to continue using it and like deepen it involvement in
identifying people whether it's like at Live Events and all sorts of stuff um and I mean it was insanely inaccurate I
mean I can't remember the exact amount but it was like under 50% accurate so like flipping a coin is more accurate in
that case and what happens when AI algorithms that choose who lives and who dies uh you know are put in charge of
stuff and they're like 70% accurate or less because I mean the government's really corrupt with contractors like
they don't always pick the best contractor for the job so someone has connections that gets their AI in charge
and they oversell their their Ai and say it's 90% metri uh 95% accurate but it's not audited by an independent company
right and so it's actually like in reality 65% accurate or something and you're putting it in charge of like
stuff that has a major effect on people's lives that kind of stuff is happening and it's I mean I'm talking
about stuff that hasn't necessarily quite happened yet but we're headed there uh yeah I mean it's pretty bleak
uh well so so I know I know on Twitter I'm pretty sure I've interacted with uh AI Bots now like there's the
very obvious ones that you can tell there's the very obvious ones you're like I know that's an AI bot because
they they see something I post and they write a automated response to that but there's other times where I've started a
conversation on hm I think that's like I haven't been 100% sure it's an AI bot you know in your head you're like
there's a suspicion there but also I've used AI to create content sometimes if I'm in a rush like silly things like a
own a football team write my program notes I just put in the things I want to say and let the AI write it but clearly
if I'm doing that people are going to be doing more advanced things but kind of put me in this place
Whitney where I'm thinking it feels like the internet is going to become unusable like I might just reject it it's going
to become very different uh for a lot of different reasons so I guess the risk with using like chat GPT or generative
AI for example is like if you use it too much that like you can't write without it right that's like the stuff people
need to try and and manage I think um and as far as you know what happens when all the content becomes chat GPT
essentially right I mean it's not really going to be very useful to people but there's a lot of people that aren't
really going to be able to notice so much uh the difference because it's like legible English and it kind of makes
sense and you know uh but it's not going to be like human thought anymore uh though there was a problem identified I
think several months ago that once you know these AI algorithms start training off of data that humans didn't produce
and it it's training off of data or like content that It produced itself or another generative AI uh produced it its
output becomes like goobly guck nonsensical stuff um so I mean it might just break itself we'll see what happens
or if they're able to I guess remedy that um but regardless of that the internet is going to change a lot and
this is a very like separate thing than what we've been talking about so far but there's a a deliberate push to regulate
the internet so before we go into that can I ask you one more question about AI then of course is there any good you see
in it I mean yeah I mean obviously there is some truth to the fact that it does make certain things more convenient it
does uh technically free up certain people's jobs so they can have more time to do other stuff yeah the problem is
literally the worst people in the world are in charge of it um and they want to use it to make
everyone basically a complete idiot that's super easily manipulated and controllable and that is what needs to
be resist resisted so you know if someone wants to make like an open- Source AI that I don't know does some
stuff I mean I'm not going to be like no don't do that but you know uh I think it's very important now more than ever
to divest as much as possible from Big Tech you know Google and Oracle and you know all these other companies Amazon
what have you uh because they have too much power the people in charge have obvious problematic
agendas um and they basically at least in the US they own the government I mean they basically control the government
the tech billion fund almost all the politicians uh they have access to all of the data of the military and
intelligence agencies and frankly uh the Silicon Valley companies and the National Security state in the US have
fused 100% they are the same blob you can't tell where one ends and one begins anymore that's highly problematic that's
fascism right when corporations and government fuse so yeah Silicon Valley fascism has arrived at least in the
United States I think a lot of people just haven't realized yet so those companies we cannot feed
and they feed off of our data they've been saying for years data is the new oil so instead of the oil baronss of the
early 20th century these are the data baronss of now we need to divest from them if we do not want them to have
humans must merge with machine not that the humans that want to merge with machine can right and a lot of this
stuff becomes like highly problematic um after a while in including a lot of their Visions for how Human Society
needs to be organized you know they're very clearly the majority of them not interested in democracy at all they're
environment you know I don't know if you like avoid talking about people specifically but I put out there any way
so where are you with Elon Musk then because uh he he seems to be splitting the crowd he is splitting the crowd but
I think that's by Design yeah the I mean the acquisition of Twitter he's been very much along the
lines of like I Pro I promote free speech I promote free speech I still stand by the the fact that he um
censored the Turkish opposition during the elections at the bequest of the government and then uh there were
defendant of him saying well this this was it would have been illegal and they would have shut down Twitter in turkey
and I was like well yeah I mean that's still bending bending the knee but but he is also somebody who talks about you
know climate change and he's one of the people who's done the most for it I'm just hugely suspicious of somebody with
that much power you should be hugely suspicious yeah but but he does seem to have a lot of PE a huge crowd of people
who are supporters of his and believes he's a Bastion of free speech and freedom and it's particularly uh backed
by yeah someone I like Joe Rogan seems to be a good friend of his I like listening to Rogan's podcast Tucker
Carlson who I not a huge fan of seems to be he seems to have co-opted all the the large voices to be a supporter of his
yeah so people need to keep in mind that a large amount of alternative media uh gets money from what I refer to as the
verse um with meaning Peter teal right um but really more broadly it's the PayPal PayPal Mafia as it's been called
people affiliated with PayPal to various degrees which of course includes uh Elon Musk they have a lot of influence alter
over alternative media and even over uh content platforms like Rumble um and have been funding quote
unquote libertarian movements and all of the stuff but I don't really see them as being libertarian at all so like taking
Peter theel as an example you know Peter theel claims to be uh a Bitcoin maximalist right and then he goes after
he says that um on a panel next to then CIA director Mike Pompeo and says uh Bitcoin is a Chinese Financial weapon
against the US dollar um right and then terms of libertarianism you know um Peter theal says he's a Libertarian but
today so you literally handed the worst part of the state the worst tool possible but you're a Libertarian and
you're against State overreach um and so similarly Elon Musk has you have to look at the actions of musk and then what he
says and not enough of people uh do do that whether it's for musk or really anyone you have to look at people's
actions not just what they say because someone can say all the right things and then you know be totally [ __ ] you
behind your back and if you're just going to take what they're telling you and the excuses and whatever I mean
you'll never figure out what's actually going on and I think that's fair for Elon Musk as well did he buy Twitter to
say Free Speech or did he buy Twitter to have a mass of data to train AI on and to train all other sorts of products he
has on um or did he make it like he's openly admitted did he buy it so he can turn Twitter now X into X the everything
app that doesn't just become uh you know a made you know isn't just social media it becomes half of the financial system
a the everything app means you have all the data basically if people use it for everything it accumulates more data than
are naive here I think because I mean El Elon Musk is the richest man in the world but is he the richest man in the
world just because of his own entrepreneur entrepreneurial whatever or is it because his companies were held up
by government subsidies that allowed him to become rich and he's the richest man in the world because he worked with the
state there okay yeah right let's yeah yeah his company SpaceX is currently a contractor to both the military and
his entire trajectory up to this point has been contingent on government subsidies or things of that nature
that's a problem well look I'm not an investigative journalist like you I haven't gone as far down the rabbit on
these things but I just was very suspicious of the censorship of uh the opposition uh uh I I think it was
opposition journalists I can't remember it's actually opposition politicians in Turkey during the elections and then I
saw a photo of Elon Musk I think perhaps even with his son in Turkey doing a rocket deal with erdoan and I'm like
H he still censors people he's I mean Twitter new Twitter still censors people and they have a plan for like the US
2024 election about how to censor people the CEO of EX Twitter Linda yakuro or whatever her name is has said it's
freedom of speech not freedom of reach that's still Twitter policy so you know I mean he can say mus can say all the
stuff about Free Speech but how far does it really go um he censored the account that showed where his private jet is
going which is like publicly available information you know uh these guys um again you know there's
this famous guy from the US who was very influential in his time name Albert Pike right who was very influential with the
powers that be and you affiliated with Freemasonry and said something to the effect of every time the people want a
hero we will supply him right Elon mus toy seems to be one of those figures uh why do people for some reason see him as
this Tony Stark Iron Man kind of guy well uh the Iron Man movies uh were funded largely uh or they had a
significant I forget the exact amount but a very large contract with the US military while Elon Musk has companies
that are also Affiliated at the time with the US Military and Robert Downey Jr decides to model Tony Stark and Iron
Man and whatever after Elon Musk and Elon Musk M makes an appearance in the movie and then people years ago start
remember El too is making a brain chip um that's killed like half of not half but a significant amount of the monkeys
it was tested on and now they've gone to human trials or starting human trials um if I was a altruistic guy that
just wanted to make a brain chip sorry it just sounds insane to even say that um but anyway I wanted to make
this this thing this product that goes in people's bodies and half of the animals die or like a third or whatever
die I would go back to the drawing board and find a way to make it so it doesn't kill that many animals before human
trials um that's yeah if we start killing humans with that it's not going to go well no um it's weird and then you
have the fact that he said stuff like X is as uh meaning Twitter as Humanity's Collective Consciousness and all this
he's involved in the generative AI stuff too he helped create open AI he has his own now um which is allegedly more farle
than open AI chat GPT is even though he's positioned as being the opposite I mean there's a lot of contradictions
there so again I would encourage people to look at people's actions and you know musk is a businessman and a businessman
tied to the National Security State at that I mean these are not the kind of people that you should just trust um
naively and blindly and you should scrutinize their actions uh and not just pay attention to the nice things they
say or oh he said the FW on New York Times dealbook and gave those advertisers the middle finger you know
um there's a lot of stuff he is doing that is not good and people um you know need to be wary of this whole issue push
to turn Twitter or X into part of a key part of the financial system that you'll use to pay for everything because at the
same time we're having this push to totally remake money whether it's to a cbdc or a heavily regulated stable coin
or deposit tokens or any of this programmable money stuff and obviously at some point if you if we let it happen
that programm programmability aspect is going to be informed by what people say on social media um so it's a slippery
slope and do we want to give any one person let alone the richest man in the world that kind of power just because
like occasionally he'll smoke a doobie on Rogan and say the f- word on TV I mean I think that's
naive yeah so so who who do you like is is there anyone out there that you do who do you respect who do you look to as
celebrity not celebrity because I mean more like um in business politics media who out there would you say you know
that's somebody I can I can trust you know um don't trust any I mean I'd have to think about it because honestly it's
very few I mean in US politics you know there 's only a a very small handful of politicians at the national level that
seem like they even have a shred of Integrity I guess maybe Thomas Massie of Kentucky would be one uh but there's
really not that many uh they're very few and a lot of times when they are there they get their District gets
gerrymandered they get voted out um or you know as long as they control the bulk of the legislature it doesn't
really matter if there's one or two or three people with Integrity in it because their voices and votes get
drowned out right um so again what I try and tell people is um frankly it's very hard to trust these
people because so much of it is controlled you know a lot of my work historically is focused on blackmail of
how intelligence agencies have blackmailed uh whether it's politicians or Business Leaders or any other sort of
influential figure in order to control their behavior and thus control the behavior of regular people
right um so I mean this is stuff that people need to keep in mind and ultimately I think a lot of um there's a
lot of cultural issues with celebrity in the west where people are waiting have been trained to wait for a
political savior who's going to come and save us of all of our problems and no one actually has to do anything and we
can just sit back and wait for the right person to run for office and then we all vote for them and then this one person
is magically Gonna Save Us from all of our problems people have sort of been primed to feel that way I mean you can
maybe like superhero movies and religion maybe and all other sorts of stuff has shaped us to be like that culturally but
that is a problem what we should do is take responsibility for what we need to survive and what our communities need to
survive and you know get as local as possible and not be so dependent on these people at the national level or
assume that one person uh can fix everything because that hasn't worked and I mean things are more complicated
now than they've been in a very long time and can we really wait for the right person and put our all our trust
in this theoretical one person who's going to save everything I don't think so um I think that time is better spent
you know learning how to do some stuff yourself taking responsibility for uh your own life and and your well-being
and your family's wellbeing right um I mean a lot of people in alternative media are going to promote certain
figures I maybe they're funded by them maybe they're not right um but ultimately you know a lot of what keeps
the current system in power is our trust in it or our you know like the financial system in particular right you know
trust is super fundamental to that but it doesn't deserve our trust right the current system and so we need to
withdraw our consent and uh from the system and our trust in these people who have spent decades and decades and
decades screwing everyone over you know it's time to put our trust in people who actually deserve it and a lot of times
in any one person's life you know the people you actually know you can trust are people you know at the local level
and so I think you know it's time to kind of start there and you know that sort of leads into the whole idea of
like decentralization also that like the more power goes back to the local level the less power the national or state or
whatever uh has you know and there needs to be a a power shift towards the public and towards the people and we can't just
wait for the right politician to be put in charge of the state to give that to us right we have to do that um ourselves
because as we've historically seen the state whether it's capitalist or communist uh accumulates more money and
power for itself with that said your neighbor Argentina uh mle's recently gone into power and does appear to be
somebody who is trying to decentralize power to some extent you would think so I say that guarded you would think
yeah you should because the guy he put in charge of uh the finance ministry is the former like top guy in Latin America
for JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank which are also like the Jeffrey Epstein Banks um and personally people that have um
you know been pillaging Latin America uh monetarily for a long time and I mean supposedly he was going to dollarize now
he's not but essentially most of the people he's put in charge of the economy are people were um already in government
under Mauricio mree who is the administration before this most recent outgoing Administration who under them
there was a major economic crisis in Argentina I think it was like 2018 or something so these aren't
necessarily anti-establishment people yeah wasn't that kind of a coalition though in that they the M the
only way you could get into power was by forming a relation with the the McRee Administration well you could argue that
in malle's case right because he wanted uh the center right politician who was running Patricia bullick to back him and
that support her support of Malay was brokered by mree himself you can argue that but ultimately Malay is signing off
on it right and Malay is the one that just went to the US and like had meetings with Bill Clinton and uh has
had chummy meetings with the head of the IMF and all of this stuff and as someone who knows a lot of people who are from
Argentina and who has been to Argentina and reported from Argentina I can tell you that people in Argentina there's
nothing they hate more than the IMF of course they hate the IMF as they rightly should but what has the IMF been trying
to do in Argentina well first of all Argentina had an economic collapse in 2001 which you can very effectively
argue was engineered by the administration in charged during the 1990s Carlos minhum whose uh economy
Minister was Domingo Cavo and Domingo Cavo was part of the inspiration for mala's dollarization plan and explicitly
uh backed mala's campaign by the way anyway the economy collapses in 2001 uh the guy in charge of Argentina at the
time puts Cavo back in charge of the economy when it's collapsed and then all this stuff starts to happen with all
these crazy IMF deals and obviously you know to deal with the economic collapse and whatnot Central bake policy uh
starts going haywire in Argentina but you could argue that really goes back to the 1980s if not a little bit uh earlier
you know a lot of the stuff that's taken Argentina to where it is now has been it's not just like it wasn't just the
administration that's leaving power this has been something decades in the making uh but anyway what is what has the IMF
been trying to do in Argentina the same thing they've done to countries all over the world uh debt slavery yeah and more
specifically uh forcing states to St to sell public assets to foreign private companies yeah so um what is Malay just
got back from Africa and seen it right I mean I don't know if you know do you know Alex gladstein from the human
the resources of these countries so that is what the IMF has been trying to do in ARG and there's a
couple of different things they want um one thing that gets overlooked a lot besides like gas energy resources in
Argentina is the fact that there has been interest for a long time in taking a large amount of uh Argentinian
territory and turning it into its own new state um and so they were trying to do that the IMF through what they call
as you know debt for climate swaps uh which is a new thing that's uh that exists but anyway um the IMF again
has been trying to take these state-owned assets and give them to private people well essentially a lot of
mala's proposals including dollarization with foreign financing um or some of the stuff put forward by uh Louise Caputo
his Finance Minister um will basically sell off uh those same assets faster to the same foreign you know corporations
and financial institution that would have gotten it through the IMF anyway so it's not really surprising why Malle is
so chummy with the IMF since he won since he won the election you know I'm pretty um pretty soured on on Malay
frankly you know I think it reminds me a lot of uh Trump in the sense of like the campaign energy like campaigning as this
big anti-establishment guy and getting a lot of his base really energized by insulting the political establishment
which deserves to be insulted they're garbage right um but in doing so he gains their trust but he's putting
people from the political establishment in charge including of the stuff he promised to overhaul specifically the
finance Ministries in the central bank so uh we'll see what happens but I would definitely be very skeptical of of Malay
going forward because the idea that he's an anarco capitalist and he's putting uh the former Latin American like head of
JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank in charge of what happens to the economy um that doesn't seem very anarco capitalist to
me that seems crony capitalist to me right I will be even more guarded okay that so we um I interrupted you uh to
ask more about Ai and you were going on to tell me about the uh co-opting of the internet can we uh go back down there
yeah absolutely so yeah there's been a push for several years but now it's gaining an insane amount of momentum and
and steam uh but it really goes back several years uh and the the goal is to have a regulated internet which means
the end of online privacy and anonymity um and they want to do this uh by having people link a governmen issued
ID to their internet access and internet activity who is so in the US um well the well it's come from the government but
it's not a lot of government policy whether it's about this or something else doesn't come organically from the
government it comes from think tanks it comes from uh you know groups like that or even the W the world economic Forum
um that are then given to politicians and politicians legislate and enact and then the state enforces it but it's not
necessarily the ideas of the legislature and the state itself these policies uh and more often than not these than takes
are funded by corporations and billionaires and all of these guys and they also own the politicians so it's
really them creating the policy and they use the state as an enforcer to force it on the public right so that's I guess
the global public private partnership is what um my colleague Ian Davis calls them they right and I think it's uh
pretty fair um he puts the bis at the top by the way of the pyramid uh yeah but this policy uh one of the earliest
iterations of it at least in the United States uh was during the Obama Administration they called it a driver's
license for the internet the idea of in order to access the internet when you set up you know internet connection at
your house the internet service provider links all of your internet traffic to your ID and in doing so the government
and the intelligence arm or intelligence agency of the government then has access uh to not just everything you're posting
and writing online but also everything you read and consume online and everything you buy and everything you
buy to totally I mean this whole push is completely related to ending Financial anonymity and financial privacy as well
it's completely interrelated thing um and I've done uh pretty extensive deep Dives on this uh going back to probably
like 2021 because it's very tied up with how they're likely to force this regulated
internet on the populace because they're not just going to be like let's do this now I mean people aren't going to go
along with it so they need some sort of um event that gets people uh Angry and Afraid and panicking in order to stick
it through so basically this is going to be folded into I guess what I would call a cyber Patriot Act the Patriot Act
being the legislation pushed through in the US after September 11th 2001 right um a lot of which wasn't
necessarily related to anything to do with 911 but was a huge power grab by the state taking advantage
opportunistically of the panic after 911 so they need some sort of event like that to Ram all this stuff through but
the the plans have been on the books for a very long time and it's not just the US it's really everywhere I mean um I
think in uh the UK you have something called like the Online safety Bill uh that's quite similar we have so much
stuff oh we have so much stuff now yeah so yes we have the the Online safety bill which was the uh the death of enter
encrytion but we've also had this week yeah we've had this week richy Sun that come out and say he wants to restrict
social media for anyone under 16 as now which like is entirely un unenforceable but it feels like I'm you have to link
it then to your government issued ID so they can verify what your age is they have all these different excuses a lot
of it like the Online safety Bill uh they'll say oh it's about protecting children but really it's about in
encryption which law enforcement in the UK and the US have been trying to do so hard for years and years and years I
mean Bill bar uh who was attorney general under Trump in the US was like that was his main policy goal was to end
encryption and he talked about it all the time but a lot of people didn't really pay attention I guess but in the
UK it's a similar push because of course as I'm sure you're aware um the UK National Security State and the US
National Security State are very intertwined uh specifically signals intelligence the whole five eyes
Alliance which is obviously includes more countries but it's it's UK and US dominated obviously it's not like
Australia and New Zealand are running the show there you know um yeah so I don't even think it's the UK running the
show I think it it's the US running the show and we may be part of it but we're really subservient to the US well it to
a big extent yeah but then you also have a major like Financial Center that you could argue you know has a lot of the
city of London right you know there's a lot of specul about yeah you know Britain still holding a significant
amount of the seat of Global Financial power but leave that discussion for another time because that's probably not
uh probably have to prep a little more for that kind of conversation honestly but um so in terms of what what we're
talking about with government you know regulation of the internet and and all of this it's coming right we're already
seeing the first signs of it here uh there's an obvious push to censor more speech and Link people's uh speech to
their ID and have it more surveil than ever before uh gutting encryption uh what's the why do they want to do that
so they can read everything that you say and all your transactions follow them all there's a similar effort in crypto
and specifically with Bitcoin uh to criminalize mixers and criminalize any sort of service that affords you
increased Financial privacy and that's they they have criminalized mixes because uh um well I know of at least
three cases where people are either tied up for multi-year uh lawsuits for for the creation of mixers they're money
launderers no right right so that's it's already started but what I'm trying to say is that like the where they want to
take this if anyone uses a mixer they can go after you that's what they want to set up they don't want anyone to have
Financial privacy or online privacy anymore and that's what part of this uh agenda about a regulated internet is and
it directly ties in with stuff like a central bank digital currency at least what people are concerned about a
cbdc uh for which is the surveillance capability and the programmability aspect um you know it's all tied up with
this effort to inter regulate the internet which isn't really fair to say it's regulating the Internet it's more
like taking complete control of the internet a complete coup of the internet for unprecedented surveillance and
control of people's online lives at the same time that you have these same entities pushing for people to live
their lives online as much as possible as part of the fourth Industrial Revolution and all of this other stuff
like we saw in the covid era you know oh we're locking down you can't go out and do stuff in the physical world you have
to be online as much as possible education's online work is online uh you know as much of your life as possible
has to be on online now because you can't go in person to the bank you can't go in person to this you should order
your groceries through your phone and all of this stuff you know so they're pushing us more and more into the
digital realm and at the same time preparing to take more control of the digital realm uh than they have now by a
significant degree and it's not a that's not a coincidence I'm sorry if you think that's coincidental that's very na naive
of you let let me I just ask you something so on this like I'm following the path of everything you're saying and
agreeing and Rec oriz and it's coming I always try and think why why is it happened is it a is it an organic system
towards these bad decisions like the the centralization and and control of power or is it some evil plan is it malice is
it yeah I I just I try and I always come I always always come out on the side of thinking but it's just a it's just a a
system of poor incentives the way humans are the way we act our greed that drives us towards
this but is there like a deep state of malice well okay so obviously when you're talking about the powers that be
there's competing factions right not all of them agree but they agree about a lot of the stuff and a lot of the way these
people operate isn't that similar to how people operated rulers operated hundreds of years ago you know they want complete
and control uh control of of money and and political power and power more broadly because then they can do
whatever they want for themselves and have a double standard for themselves but Force other people to live a certain
way to support their lifestyle right and essentially what we're seeing here is an effort to use
technology to entrench that in unprecedented ways so that there's no more need to worry about the peasants
revolting right um I think that's ultimately it comes down to so as an example you know this this push for a
regulated internet and the end of online anonymity and all of that is directly related to to the fact that it's a
mathematical in inevitability that our debt-based monetary system will collapse at some point and that the banking
system us particularly Wall Street and you know its Global equivalence have engaged in an unprecedented degree of
malfeasant and Corruption and insane Financial gambling uh activities and just like 2008 right that's going to
explode at some point but in 2008 people knew it was the banks and they were mad at the banks weren't they so if you're
the banks and you know that's going to happen again and you're in bed with the intelligence agencies in the government
or in the case of the US you're you own the central bank right um You don't want that to happen again so how do you uh
blame how do you find a way to blame somebody else for the financial uh system and ploting and uh when you bring
the financial system back uh what do these people you know people like Jamie Diamond and all
these top Bankers like what is their ideal scenario for like uh money and how people interact with and and use money
well being able to grift as much as you want and take as much as you want from the people under you without them
knowing or complaining because I mean that's what they've been doing for decades right Wall Street so they want
to keep doing that they don't want to change their behavior so they want to find a way to be able to steal from the
underclass as much as possible without the underclass complaining or or revolting and control how they spend
their money um and and control their financial and and other Behavior so that they can maintain their place on the top
so what we're having is is the engineering of a Neo feudal society where you have the small upper class and
do whatever they want with as they see fit and so that's what this I think the ambition of this a lot of these various
initiatives we're seeing for unprecedented control and surveillance are aimed at and the goal is to use
technology whether it's AI or any of these other emerging Technologies uh to be able to do that because obviously
there's so much more of us than there are of them and so in order to scale what they want to scale uh to be ble to
deal with the huge difference in size between their class and our class um they feel like you know they need these
emerging Technologies they need Ai and that's why that's why I think I see AI as a largely negative thing because the
people that want to do this are the ones setting it up and programming it and deciding uh what its objectives are you
know wow okay um H see that takes a big shift because I mean I I definitely buy into a bad system of incentives I I do
and but then I I try and imagine a scenario whereby I'm trying to think there's a group of people who are
looking at us peasants and thinking they need to control us the best way to do it is uh to to essentially eviscerate the
middle class and and uh but they've been doing that and the money has been going doing that but I but I sometimes whether
again is that just the bad incentives like poor governments election Cycles mean that they have to keep printing
which drives but designs those incentives and prevents them from being changed oh I just wonder if they're the
incentives are in us as humans like greedy people who are close to the spiger can print it for themselves and
then it has these outcomes but maybe sure but I think you know how do people get into the elite not everyone that's
in the elite today was born into it right I mean they cultivate into their ranks people that are like you know
Psychopaths right you get a tap on the shoulder controlled by greed and all of that stuff to to come flesh it out right
or people they think are talented that they think they can use and then and then and that will you know if they're
offered a big piece of the pie or a big enough piece of the pie will join them right so it's not like these people are
the people that have been there since the 1500s and you know they're all still that today you know what I mean but I
mean in terms of the behavior of like a ruling Elite it's very similar to what it was in the feudal era like in the
Dark Ages which again how did the Dark Ages succeed so successfully in that extreme control of information was all
in the church right no one knew how to read and write but them so it was again centralized control of information and
also of money and we're going to that same Paradigm again but you know for the modern era so all this technology is
going to try and set up those systems for us and uh I think people need to be really aware of all these um you know in
the next couple of years without a doubt there's going to be these events whether it's like covid or 911 or
whatever they're not going to be the same as those but they're going to be these big events that generate a lot of
fear and panic in mainstream media is going to be uh traumatizing people with it and then are going to uh sell a
particular solution and when it comes for the internet or the financial system they're going to make the enemy privacy
they're going to make the enemy privacy 100% And the solution is going to be uh digital IDs and programmable surveill
money it doesn't have to be cbdcs by the way I mean cbdcs I think most people know are likely are going to be that but
it doesn't it's not just cbdcs there is a goal there is a push from the banks themselves some of the most powerful
banks in the world to have at least in some countries a different system that's not a cbdc because with a cbdc they
can't do fractional Reserve Banking and so that's what deposit tokens are all about tokenizing deposits uh and you can
make those programmable and you can surveil them and it's really just like a cbdc but they won't call it that uh but
then the bank controls all the reserves you know and maybe they'll Bank some of their Reserves at the FED uh or whatever
but they they can still do fractional Reserve Banking and credit creation and all of this stuff and not actually have
to keep a onetoone peg of reserves like cbdcs or like a a Fiat Peg stable coin and so there's a push for that too at an
international level it's not just in uh um in the us but it's definitely happening in the US and I would argue
that's one of the reasons that you have the Federal Reserve which is again owned by Wall Street banks in the US being
like we're not we're not going to do a direct issued cbdc and freedom advocates in the US are like yeah the fed's on our
side because of that no it's not the FED is 100% always on the side of Wall Street Banks and Wall Street Banks only
don't want to cvdc because they they don't want to give the Federal Reserve their power they want to keep their
power and they want to keep doing fractional Reserve banking but so this is why they fight my
world or the world I'm in of Bitcoin yeah because that is a opt out from the system of control and opt out from the
system of uh uh money Printing and and and and you know we had that weird I mean you must have seen the other week
with Elizabeth Warren and Jamie Diamond where it was it was it was so obvious it was a rehearsed conversation of course
the setup of Elizabeth Warren's questions and actually it came out we saw the um the uh uh the Freedom of
Information act release whereby with chairman Gensler she' been sending questions in advance and saying he's
okay so my assumption is she did exactly the same with Jamie Diamond and the leaders of all those other Banks but it
was kind of this weird thing because you know this is Elizabeth Warren and even as a politician you can't trust her but
historically she has stood up against Wall Street Banks and now she seems to be arm in-arm with them yeah well that I
don't know I think there's a lot of people in Congress that get into into Congress campaigning on certain issues
and then once they're there long enough they backtrack completely uh there's a lot of examples
of that historically and currently uh in in the US for sure um so I mean Elizabeth Warren is garbage the DNC got
all this money what from Sam bankman freed you know how anti- crypto are they really I think it's their they're
willing to play ball uh and set up regulations and be the king makers in the crypto industry
I think there's a lot of I think that's going to happen uh and then they're going to try and and ni everything that
doesn't serve them and again Financial privacy being the main thing that doesn't serve them um but they also want
to give unprecedented control to the doj uh to go and contact any crypto exchange or even tether right and be like freeze
that's escalating obviously um and you know the the whole thing that happened with binance is like a big push towards
that as well because now binance uh is basically gonna have a a chaperon appointed by the US government basically
in charge of everything their Chief compliance officer um is a guy that used to work uh for you know the Department
of Justice um yeah come on is that because uh binance is T is it is it because they recognize where the world
is going with regards to crypto and Bitcoin and binance actually has his tentacles stretched to nearly every
country in the world you know when I've traveled with my podcast or film making uh all the locals are using binance do
you is that just to get control of the biggest crypto Financial infrastructure I'm sure I'm sure that's
a big part of it um because you know the the do so a big complaint about binance from the doj is that they were allowing
people uh that were subject subjected to us sanctions to use their service but they're not really like a US company are
they but the US government I mean us is an Empire they want to be able to go to any country and say you can't do that
we're actually in charge you know what I mean so binance not being under their thumb and being active in all these
other countries allowing people in in Iran to use their services for example I mean that was a big sticking point for
them it wasn't like criminals terrorists in Iran it was just like people in Iran they're subject to us sanctions you're
not uh complying with us sanctions and so we're going to charge you a billion dollars and take out your chief
executive and uh put our people in charge you know it's ma this is the mafia guys I wrote a I wrote a thousand
page book about how the government is in the US is organized crime specifically the Department of Justice and uh that's
what they're doing and keep in mind too uh the doj has an insane amount of Bitcoin it holds and they want more yes
you know and they want to seize Bitcoin for I what what your book what the the thousand one nation under blackmail it's
uh the second volume is about Epstein uh in the first volume is about how the conditions for Epstein being who he was
uh came into existence it starts I guess in the 30s so it's on it's on Audible is it you
reading it uh no it's someone else um I bought it well you know am I giving money to to
am the evil Amazon though that's I mean a lot of people do um well I mean they're a monopoly so it's kind of hard
like you know like I look I I fear all this and I found myself I don't know both of us have been kind of like
laughing through this because everything is so ridiculous but it's also it's also terrifying um yeah in my world a lot of
people think that Bitcoin is the resistance you take control of the money you take the power away from the do do
you give any Credence to that I mean how how how down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole are you well you know I definitely think
Bitcoin has the potential to be a tool for Financial Freedom but I think it's definitely there's major efforts well
underway to co-opt that to serve the same agenda right and so I think um people in the Bitcoin space that want it
to be a tool for Financial Freedom need to get wise to those efforts to co-opt and resist because it's either a tool of
Financial Freedom or it's not you know what I mean and so yeah if you seed enough territory and let them like
completely dollarize Bitcoin and turn it into like a tool of us Empire um to keep the dollar afloat and like you know keep
dollar Hemy going forever and ever and ever um and you know are saying it's a flaw in bit coin that you like uh can't
put dollars easily on bitcoin and all of this I mean no I mean the whole point supposedly right of creating Bitcoin was
to give uh Wall Street Banks the middle finger and create something that uh had immutable sound mon monetary policy
correct yeah so if you allow them to co-opt it so it's not those things anymore what are you left with the same
old world is it a tool of Financial Freedom or is it just uh has it the promise of Bitcoin been hollowed out and
uh replaced with uh Wall Street garbage is is that what you think the issue there like ETFs are you alluding
to the ETFs there's all there's all sorts of things right that are happening in in Bitcoin right now that could be
under that umbrella uh but when you start to have people like Black Rock being like you know what we actually
so I think people need to uh in the Bitcoin space need to be very aware that there is a is a fight
being had right now about the future of Bitcoin and you have to decide which side you're on are you going to fight
co-opted uh by the powers that be that it was supposedly designed to resist them and you know uh be something they
can't control are you going to give them control of it I mean the answer should be no to any Bitcoin are worth
like we're a very very low percentage of people are even paying attention to the things you're talking about and caring
future well again it all comes back to personal responsibility because I mean ultimately in general what can you
so um this coming push to regulate the internet and the destruction of the existing Financial system to create this
put in place uh I've done a lot of reporting on the past of in including the simulations of the Wall Street Banks
the central banks and the big Tech firm Al together simulating a massive Cyber attack on the financial system as the
reason that this will all be brought in whether that's from the world economic Forum itself or the Carnegie endowment
which at the time was run by William Burns who was now CIA director yeah um that's definitely stuff to pay attention
to but what if that kind of stuff happens well going back to Argentina for a second I know a lot of people from
Argentina uh their economy literally collapsed in 2001 what what what have those people said about about you know
their advice and dealing with that kind of situation Don't Panic don't give in to the fear because if you're panicking
give into the fear you're not going to make good decisions you're just not you know there's a lot to be said about
preparing but a lot of that preparedness needs to be mental preparedness too so you don't give into the fear and panic
um the reason they need these events to justify the implementation of these policies is so uh people are afraid
because people who are afraid are easily manipulated and so that's very easy to handle and it also
makes it easier to handle if you talk to uh people in your family or in your you know circle of friends or whatever about
how stuff like this could happen you know try and prepare your base you know what I mean mentally um even if you
can't prepare physically and like spend money to you know buy food or whatever you know um but also as far as like
these efforts to regulate the internet you know when the internet comes back as a regulated whatever yeah they'll be
able to surveil everything you see but a lot of content that's there now probably won't be there when it comes back yeah
now's a good time to load up some offline hard drives with all sorts of kinds of information that you may find
useful in the future whether are you doing that oh totally totally where did where did you start Wikipedia Spotify no
I mean I have a lot of like ebooks uh I've got young kids so uh you know lots of movies and uh you know stuff to watch
you know um and uh book you know books and you know video rips and stuff of like how to be self-sufficient certain
skills I don't have now but I might need in the future like howto stuff like you won't be able to just go to YouTube and
be like how do I do this you know um people have to start thinking about that kind of stuff and uh have an offline
library of things especially if you don't want to comply because I won't be uh with this whole you need a digital ID
to get onto the new internet like I'm not going to get I'm not going to digital ID [ __ ] at all I'm not so if
you're not if you want to resist that and not do it you have to have a plan about how not to do it you know are we
absolutely [ __ ] withy I don't think so I think it comes down to no well I mean I think some people will be but it all
depends on you know how they decide to act now about these things you know and how they decide to react to this
information in these situations as they arise you know so so people that are like I don't
care like I can't control anything and that includes people who like know everything but are super like
blackpilled about it like obviously they're going to have a really bad time you know um the the way to get out of
this is to build alternative infrastructure to their infrastructure and the time to start doing that is now
why we can still use the internet as a tool for us because like for a long time the internet has been a tool for the
public and that's part of the reason they feel the need to like regulate it and stick it so completely under their
them and this is why they're coming in now and trying to clamp down so much on the flow of information yeah um and we
why we can still use these things about the Internet to our advantage stuff needs to be done and this is why um I
think it's important specifically in talking to like the Bitcoin Community there's a lot of talented developers
there that can build out a lot of this alternative infrastructure and there are people in the space working on that kind
of stuff but there needs there needs to be more of it you know and it can't just be like all this like macro bullish
stuff of like yeah they say bitcoin's gonna go to a million dollars all right you know I mean like
um I think people need to get their head straight and be like they're if Bitcoin is going to be a tool for Financial
Freedom and you know the if I want the reasons I got into Bitcoin to still be B Bitcoin in a few years uh I need to
think about how I can help that happen you know because they're coming for it and they're going to turn it into
something else unless people in the Bitcoin space start doing stuff and it's not to say no one's doing anything
because people are but there needs to be more awareness of this in the space and people need to decide which camp they're
in and I think it needs to be culturally unpopular in the Bitcoin space to serve the co-opt agenda and make it a tool of
Wall Street and uh Global Empire you're either on the side of those guys or you're on the side of freedom and the
public yeah and it there put your flag somewhere you know yeah so me me and Danny have uh debated privately this the
ideas of the ETFs quite a bit and um we keep coming down on the ultimately it's bad because it's kind question well you
know but if Black Rock are marketing it and Fidelity are marketing it then well we're going to it's going to legitimize
Bitcoin and you know and lots of people will therefore be buying Bitcoin and you and then we realize it's going to expand
its uh reach but then it's like yeah but how's it expand this reach into a centralized entity which is all
centralized control and then you know we know historically back Black Rock have kind of been a little bit evil at times
they' yeah they own a lot of the prop they Larry is not your friend I'm just saying exactly so yeah yeah and and and
then you can see you know mentally people getting co-opted I mean i' I've done it I got mentally corupted during
Co I shed a skin afterwards and I can see it happening so that kind of idea of resisting that is is look it's it's
strong it's important um H okay I'm gon give me a lot to think about there well you know now there's the stakes are
higher than they've arguably ever been because like if they manage to get the system in place because of the
technology and what they hope to do to people going as far as stuff like the brain chip and stuff off if it gets to
live free lives is very much at stake right so like this is the be this is the time to fight this it's now if you're in
ends th that there needs to be awareness of that and people need to make choices and these discussions need to be had it
obviously happens that like okay the the value of Bitcoin has gone way up and so now I have all this money but at the
same time if bitcoin's value goes to like a bazillion dollars one Bitcoin that doesn't mean that like you're going
to live like a gazillionaire because you have Bitcoin Holdings that's going to mean that the
currency the dollar the pound whatever is being inflated to Oblivion it's like Zimbabwe and Venezuela so you may be
like wow I have millions of dollars but your standard of living is probably going to be the same as it is now and
everyone around you that doesn't hold Bitcoin is going to drown yeah it's not nice so it's not
necessarily a thing to cheer on yeah so people need to stop getting googly eyed about like I might be a millionaire or a
multi-millionaire you know and start being like I got into Bitcoin because this is a way to stick it to the banks
here and it's not like you know oh like like let's get in the bunker and go to war necessarily but like people need to
be aware of this and that they need to have their head in the right spot for all the stuff that's to come because The
Wall Street guys think they can buy off all the bitcoiners by being like uh look you have all this money join us I mean
that's like Sith Empire [ __ ] like don't fall for it you know is is is that just the new uh the the Bitcoin Elites just
the New Elites well I think they they hope to buy people off that way in the Bitcoin space because they need they
want to try and get bitcoiners on their side and you know I think there are probably uh people who were very
influential in the Bitcoin space who were being used to her people toward that influential voices and ideally uh
the bitco the voices in the Bitcoin Community with Integrity will start talking about these issues sooner rather
say that uh and it's not true in a few years I mean that's a problem yeah it either is a tool of Financial Freedom or
it's not and now is the time to fight to keep it that way if an event happens that seems really bad and they have a
particular narrative about it they're going to criminalize privacy and all of the stuff and their solution is to end
privacy and please don't be naive enough to fall for that you know they've wanted that stuff for a
long time and every time these events happen uh the state the powers that be whatever uh come for a power grab and
they only get that power grab if we consent and go along with it and give in the fear and the panic and that has to
somewhere uh I I I much prefer like 19 5% of our interviews are done in person I prefer them because it's I hate the
latency of an interview um but I'd like to do that at some point so we'll try and figure that out uh where do you want
to send people uh well right now I mean all my work is published uh through my website unlimited I mean I H
I have Noster I I'm still on Twitter for now but I'm I'm never going to go premium or
whatever um I'm with Odell in the anti-blue check Club at least for me personally yeah so
um uh I mean you can follow me there for now but I prefer that people just go directly to the website because then
there's no middleman you know what I mean if you want to donate I I accept Bitcoin donations uh I have a BTC pay
server set up on unlimited hangout if for anyone interested in doing that but there's lots of other ways uh to support
the work as well but all of my content is there and ideally to take out the middleman you could sign up for our
newsletter uh so you get all the content that way without having to worry about like social media censorship or or what
in and in person next time but thank you so much for coming on uh you g me loads of think about oh uh my pleasure thanks
Heads up!
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