In the world of competitive bodybuilding, every detail matters as athletes prepare to showcase their physiques on stage. In this second part of our podcast series with industry expert AJ Sims, we dive deep into the intricacies of contest prep, exploring methodologies that have proven effective over the years. AJ elaborates on the significance of simplifying approaches to coaching, the management of hormones, diet strategies, and the importance of continuous communication between the coach and the athlete.
Simplifying Contest Prep
The Importance of Simplicity
In the realm of bodybuilding, many athletes and coaches tend to overcomplicate their prep routines. AJ emphasizes the need for simplicity, suggesting that a streamlined approach can reduce stress both for the coach and the athlete. Overthinking can lead to unnecessary anxiety, which can adversely affect performance.
- Avoiding Overcomplication: Stick to proven methods that have worked for years.
- Reduce Stress Levels: Simplicity in the prep process can alleviate the mental burden on athletes.
Transitioning to Short Esters
As athletes approach the eight-week mark before competition, AJ advocates for a shift from long esters to short esters in their cycles. This transition allows for better predictability regarding the athlete's look and performance.
- Preferred Short Esters: Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, and others can provide a more reliable outcome as the show day approaches.
- Minimizing Guesswork: By utilizing shorter-acting compounds, coaches can fine-tune dosages and adjustments more effectively.
Nutritional Strategies That Work
Modifying Orals During Prep
AJ and his team believe in the strategic use of oral medications to enhance athlete performance without overwhelming their systems. He mentions a notable preference for Winstrol over Anavar in specific contexts, especially leading up to contests.
- Winstrol vs. Anavar: Winstrol is preferred for its ability to enhance conditioning without excessive organ stress.
- Timing of Oral Introduction: Orals are most beneficial when used strategically toward the end of prep to maintain fullness and energy levels.
Maximizing Refeeds and Carb Cycling
Aj encourages the strategic incorporation of refeed days, especially during the latter stages of the diet, to reset the athlete’s metabolism and replenish glycogen stores.
- Mandatory Refeed Protocol: Aim for at least two days of higher carbohydrate intake to stabilize weight and mood.
- Smart Macro Adjustments: Reduce protein intake during refeed days to maximize glycogen replenishment without adding undue digestive stress.
Hormonal Management
Understanding Hormonal Fluctuations
A critical aspect of contest prep involves managing the athlete's hormonal balance. AJ notes the importance of checking hormone levels regularly and making adjustments based on feedback.
- Regular Lab Testing: Pull labs every two to three weeks to monitor hormonal levels, including estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormones.
- Aldosterone Management: Recognize when aldosterone levels may be affecting water retention and consider implementing strategies like Aldactone sparingly to manage this.
Managing Cortisol Levels
Cortisol plays a significant role in an athlete's performance and recovery during prep. AJ emphasizes the importance of lowering cortisol through strategic lifestyle and dietary changes.
- Stimulant Monitoring: Use stimulants minimally, ensuring they don't impact sleep quality or increase cortisol levels excessively.
- Natural Remedies for Relaxation: Consider supplements such as magnesium, which can help improve sleep quality and reduce cortisol levels.
Peak Week Strategies
Preparing for Peak Week
As athletes enter the final stretch of their contest prep, managing their peak week strategies is crucial for optimal performance. AJ shares insights into his approach for ensuring that athletes present their best selves.
- Final Adjustments to Diet: Toward the end of prep, AJ often pulls long-acting injectables and focuses on quick-acting compounds, emphasizing the importance of proper hydration and electrolyte management.
- Monitoring Visual Changes: Daily assessments allow for immediate adjustments based on how an athlete responds to changes in their diet or cycle.
The Art of Communication
During this intense period, communication between athlete and coach is paramount. AJ shares the importance of transparency, urging athletes to report every detail regarding their physical state, mood, and any deviations from their prescribed plans.
- Open Dialogue: Encourage a culture of continuous feedback to allow for quick adjustments to be made as needed.
- Responsibility on Both Ends: Athletes must take accountability for their processes, reporting honestly on their adherence to their diet and training plans.
In summary, AJ Sims' insights into contest prep offer a comprehensive look into the methodologies that can lead to success in bodybuilding. By simplifying the coaching process, managing hormones, utilizing nutritional strategies strategically, and maintaining open communication, athletes can optimize their performance and present their best selves on stage. For those in the competitive scene, the journey ahead is challenging but also rewarding, and a well-structured approach can make all the difference in achieving peak performance.
welcome back everybody to part two of our show prep with AJ Sims so today we were going to start with around eight
weeks out kind of where we left off last time what's going on AJ how you doing what's up brother doing phenomenal man
we got some great feedback from the last podcast which is really encouraging I'm excited to get uh everybody more
information on Deep dive into prep and methodologies that me and you uh really agree on which is really cool to be able
to get together with somebody not that I have a problem talking to someone that's in disagreement because that that
sharpens us but it's really cool because we know we were speaking right before this on how everyone's kind of almost
trying to reinvent the wheel of everything that that has worked for so long and if it ain't broke we don't fix
it right so we just keep things a little more simplistic which what I believe does for not only coach and athlete is
and that's kind of what we do as coaches right like a lot of our job is to eliminate that unnecessary thought right
because I've anytime I've coached myself you know or you see other people do it they tend to overthink it's too much
cardio not enough cardio the DI Conant diet change and gear changes all these things that just aren't necessary
sometimes so one of the things that you and I we agree on a ton but one of the things that we agree with that is like
slowly changing now for some reason is around eight weeks a switch to short Esters right like I see a lot of guys
now doing some weird stuff where they're running long Ester still in not that you can't but it just see it's unpredictable
I it's not easy to control and the look is not always guaranteed right because you're you're playing a guessing game in
offseason it doesn't really matter but like stage lighting every little out of water makes a difference yeah at eight
weeks I typically switched right so we went from you know it was long eser stuff including EQ to I would usually
bring in you test propionate MK propionate uh tren acetate um and depending on the the where the test is
and stuff possibly anavar possibly not wind stroll would be something I would add but typically a little further down
you know anavar I don't know if I touched on it before or not I think anavar seems to be very useful when
testosterone doses are lower I think once a test if you're running you know 700 milligrams of test propionate I'm
not really sure what anavar is adding to the stack yeah at least in my experience it seems like it's just overkilling
you're doing organ stress yeah yeah I mean my my thinking is is changed as well as anavar I I see it more as a
really good benefit um for adding to trt yeah obviously like you said testosterone levels are lower so you're
not getting this super physiological response you're getting a great response but adding anavar on top of that is a is
a beautiful Synergy together um but as far as like pre-contest setting I would rather save any type of orals for winst
which would be my ab absolute favorite so if I had to pick and choose either taking anavar out early adding wistol in
early I'm always going to Veer on the side of wistol earlier take that anavar out and even with pyin uh and just
saving room for other uh compounds uh anavar while it has phenomenal benefits uh even you know the podcast that you've
done on fixing uh maybe even long-term thyroid functionality uh I don't believe in that
type of setting at eight weeks out when you have that many compounds that it's really needed honestly yeah and it's you
know something else with what we agree with is also and I think from a distance people don't always understand it I tend
to Pivot quickly in prep at the end depending on what the athletes looking like or how they feel so I might have a
game plan like I give everyone a rough outline I leave some blanks in there on purpose and I discuss what those blanks
might be and then based on the feedback I get from them and how they look I might change entirely right like I might
be putting something in pulling something else out switching something around more cardio more food something
you know I'm I'm sure you're similar because we don't know right and I don't know how going to react and it changes
yeah no it's it's a great great segue for basically the way that I do check-ins especially with all my
athletes going into I would say the last four to six weeks is we're doing check-ins typically every 48 to 24 hours
uh which keeps me extremely busy right and this is usually I switch everybody over to text message on usually WhatsApp
if they're International just due to being a easier way to communicate um it could change on the Fly I mean you
may have an outline may have a plan you may have a cycle setup you may have fat burners in there uh you may have a
certain amount of cluter rol whatever the case may be but if that person checks in and something went sideways in
24 hours which it can when you're that sensitive you have to know how to call things on the flight I believe that's
what makes a great coach and I don't think a lot of coaches really talk about that because they talk about more of the
to of the setup and they over intellectualize contest prep when a lot of it yes you do have to have
intelligence you must have experience but you also have to know how to call things on the Fly espec getting to the
tail and people get I think sometimes it's hard on the athlete right they they kind of like to know what to expect and
sometimes we don't know what to tell them I always tell people specifically with peak week and we talked about this
before that I don't know what Peak Week looks like I have a rough idea about depletion and phone someone up but I
outside of that I don't have a clue what it's going to look like I think there's just no way to know right
anyone who tells you 16 weeks out what Peak Week looks like is either lying or they've never done it before yeah or
they yeah they just have no idea what they're talking about because the body change is literally not only day to day
but hour to hour especially the last few days with you know mineral electrolyte balance and glycogen and just overall
systemic stress and how the body is adapting to that stress you know do you have a do you have somebody that may
have higher aldosterone levels because that does happen a lot of people will be uh higher on aldosterone I've seen it
before which is why I've basically you know introduced using things that are an aldosterone antagonist you know like um
aldactone very sparingly now it's not one of my favorites but it does have application when it's needed so you know
these are getting into basically the details of a contest rep and how they can change very often and you're you're
absolutely right you there yeah I'm here yeah we'll have to we'll have to edit that part out
sorry someone someone called me um you're absolutely right when you you make the point that you have to make
calls on the Fly and we should we have a generalized plan in our heads but that could change yeah and I think just to
touch on Al doin real fast in case people don't know what it is it's basically it just gonna ex it's going to
cause sodium excretion right so it's not always the right tool like you said it might not be what you want yeah no not
always times when we get to peak week we can talk about definitely just to kind of touch on on
that diuretics aren't always needed from a pharmacological standpoint you can induce diuresis through natural remedies
which is what I always Veer to do first and all obviously also estrogen control is going to be key to give you that very
dry crisp you know as long as the body fat is off those things come after and unless you really know what you're doing
with that balance you you know it's it's very difficult to uh to manage that properly however again body fat has to
be off estrogen has to be managed switching to quicker Esters I'm 100% on board with and I think that it's
overthought and people have tried to reinvent the wheel of something that's worked for so long and I'm not sure if
it is to gain notoriety or to sound more intelligent maybe than they are I'm not quite sure that's not a shot at anybody
personally I mean who knows people like you said there are people that do utilize that and they do get great
results kind of the same way Dexter Jackson was known to eat Taco Bell three weeks out and was one of the most
conditioned guys on stage just because one person or two people do it doesn't mean that everybody can do it so
remember that we're all individualistic your miles may vary yeah and what and what we're talking about to people
understand in case they they've not been in touch with the new stuff a lot of the guys are running right they're trying to
use the most minimal amount of Trenbolone which this stuff's a personal preference if that's really what you
choose to do it you the most minimal amount of tremone we're talking milligrams single milligrams of this
stuff micro doed and huge amounts of masteron and long estra test and then they're flipping the ratio of the long
estra test and the masteron are try to create that look and I've seen as as high as 3,000 milligrams a masteron an
anthe which to me is wild I would say you know again not a big talking about dose guy but I would say 800 milligrams
probably the top 700 800 you don't necessarily need to use that much there's a huge point of diminishing
returns with these drugs and it's not an excuse not to use an AI I hate to say that again but like use the proper tool
for the job don't try to add an untested you know cancer drug in here that's you know to do a job when we have a
perfectly good tool for that exact job without adding milligrams you know if you want to add more anbal if you want
to add more steroid milligrams in then you can use something like um oh what's the U I'm drwing bik this the suicide
you're so concerned with adding it at this at that point you're basically adding Maston in anyway because it's the
same structure versus Arimidex but I I've always just stuck with remedex unless you have a really big issue then
understand that you're not really supposed to mix tamoxifen and Arimidex together it reduces andex yeah it
reduces effectiveness of the Arimidex so it's not causing harm you're just you're taking one drug that's destroying the
Other Drug so if you really need to add that other layer in there like if someone's very gyo prone yeah or
whatever you know it's safer to me to use letro and and the tamoxifen if you have to but I generally would start with
the remidex it seems more mild to me letro is pretty harsh yeah no it is Harsh it is harsh but you know and we'll
touch on this as we get closer to the show it works phenomenal closer to the to the tail end of the show and you know
one of the big things that I love to do is pulling Labs every two to three weeks some guys won't do it because they're
like dude that's just ridiculous but it's kind of like for me it's like anything outside of that we're kind of
shooting in the dark we don't really know what's going on especially if someone's body is just not responding so
not only do we need to see you know estr as a total with E2 total and free test but get that full range of thyroid all
the way to reverse T3 to see if we're having that cascading effect of that being bound up right so there's there's
a lot of things that i' like to really gauge every variable and really control it it's really
micromanaging um to the point of some guys just aren't willing to do it and I experienced that a lot with a lot of the
top Pros which you know again I don't work really with with ifbb Pros anymore for multiple reasons um but there's a
big reason was they are hard to micr manage a lot of them don't want to do that and they'll hear a lot of
regurgitation online and they just kind of want to copy that right and it's well your body's different from a
physiological standpoint we may have to approach things completely unorthodox or outside of the box customize it towards
what you need and and really find out what the body needs right so you know it's kind of like the the camps that
they have over an oxygen gym in Kuwait and how they have everybody doing two a days and not everybody needs that and
not everybody can recover from that and if you don't know how to manage recovery and fatigue then you are going to just
dig yourself into a hole that you'll never fully come out of and that systemic inflammation is going to carry
its way over into the show so at eight weeks out which is where we're at right now we've switched the Esters the diet
I'm sure is getting more intense as we go along cardio is probably starting to pick up depending on the individual body
fats coming down you're probably starting to get that heavy feeling on certain days in the legs and then of
course this is where people start to tend to abuse stimulants just to have energy which I understand stimulants
have great usage and you know even utilizing caffeine uh for you know some effective lipolysis obviously is going
to also be an inhibitor for appetite it's going to suppress it right it's going to work against you know curving
that appetite but you know at the same time if we're doing all those things and then we're losing sleep uh we're kind of
losing the missing the whole point of what we're trying to do right so I try to get guys to use the minimal effective
dose of stimulants when it comes to it and obviously we talked about the beta 3 um you know clenbuterol as it works on
the beta3 receptor and how that can be continually used uh and then how to time that properly so it doesn't affect your
sleep because of the halflife being so long yeah yeah so typically this is about when you'd introduce clenbuterol
and or albuterol or whatever depending on what you want yeah yeah typically yeah for sure I definitely what I try to
do is is prolong the diet as long as I can and then not not utilize any type of thyroid medication until I see Labs show
that it's really needed right I don't just throw in T4 to throw in T4 with growth hormone because the the consensus
is that it you know it downregulates the conversion I'm always going to start with micronutrients in the form of
iodine and selenium and even precursors of el tyrosine first to really get the functionality uh and then of course use
dietary you know hacks and and and utilization of refeeds and diet breaks and cardio breaks too which I'm a fan of
cardio breaks a lot of people talk about diet breaks but I'm I'm actually a huge fan of stopping cardio for a week or two
and resetting the body and actually bringing the diet down and getting more into a deficit and using something like
a clenbuterol during that phase right because we're having less energy output but the body's systemic inflammatory
response from all that cardio training and just beating it and beating it really gets a nice rest and it gets a
reset that when you introduce the cardio back in you get even more of a fat loss effect and so it comes down to cycling
those things right so again a good coach is gonna have a Keen Eye on when to make those transitional phases yeah and a lot
of times it's bile feedback it's not just looking at an image right like seeing a picture of an athlete doesn't
tell you the whole story and especially with these top guys because they're very good at masking how they feel right
they're posing they can hold a face you know you don't really know until you talk to them and like you said what with
going back to the some of the pros you see it a lot in the even in the offseason they they'll listen to an
extent but then they they ask the other Pros what they're doing and then they want to do the same thing so even if
there's no logic and a great example of this is Anadrol right like I see a lot of guys running 500 milligrams of
Anadrol so Anadrol has a flat curve response at 150 milligrams now that's not necessarily in 300lb bodybuilders so
it might be slightly higher in a bigger D but it ain't 500 milligrams so it's one of those drugs that as soon as you
get to a dose it flattens out and this only side effects there's no more response so 500 to me seems a little
crazy I 150 200 perhaps but like 500 is no reason for that kind of stuff but they do it because other guys do it
right like you know Mi Mr Olympia is doing it so I must do it if I want to be Mr Olympia that sort of thought process
and like you said just because they're doing it doesn't mean you need to do that stuff no not at all I mean I've
seen great responses at the tail end of a prep just for muscular fullness and obviously performance in the gym on 25
milligrams of anol small amounts without getting side effects and blood pressure increases or you know gastric issue GI
issues obviously and and stomach lining issues so I mean it's it's we utilize the tools necessary to get the job done
we don't just say hey you know this guy is really good so we gota let's do what he's doing right I mean because that
doesn't mean that just because he's really good means it's even the the right thing to do you got to do what's
best for your physique this again your mileage may vary in everything that you do and it's all about learning how to
get the most out of the least amount so obviously from a dietary standpoint you're going to have to dip down enough
into a deficit where it's you're going to be very hungry for the most part and that's that's that's another thing it's
it's funny you touched on that people like to mask it cuz I'll always as my guys are you hungry I'm not looking for
them to respond to me in a sense of I think they're complaining when their hunger gets extremely elevated the last
four to six weeks I like that that's showing me that we're getting somewhere that we need based off the bio feedback
we know with the you know gin the hunger hormone and leptin and usually we're having a higher conversion of T4 to T3
not always this is more anecdote that I've seen over the years we're usually getting somewhere that we need to when
hunger is really slowing down okay what's actually going on in the background causing that is it stress
induced is it uh you know your sleep is getting irritated like you're sleeping a lot less which typically if you do sleep
less gin does go up insulin sensitivity goes down but usually if you're doing everything in adhering to the program
when hunger gets really high it's a great biof feedback for me um and that could be genetic too because people do
have different hunger hormone signals uh but typically if you've been following the client from 20 weeks plus and then
all the way down you know man I'm starving like I just did a high carb day and then the next day I'm even more
hungry we did something from a physiological standpoint internally where we're going to see results happen
in the next 72 hours typically that that refeed or super saturation did what need to do so yeah I mean it's exactly what
you're saying man it's and I we bringing up refeeds again too I don't know you might do it differently than me I would
typically re like carb cycling and stuff to me in the offseason is a little different structure I think during prep
when you got you are going to be hungry like you said yeah when you're at the end and genetics do vary but you are
going to be really really hungry if you're not really hungry you're not that lean I mean I stayed incredibly lean
when I was younger for years a few years on end I was starving all the time yeah all the time like I don't think people
understand the sacrifice to be that Ty paper thin skin you are hungry you might be very good at control or not showing
it that you're hungry your body is just partitioning like a Ferrari it's just literally running through food in every
s yeah and just like you said at that point too that's when people start to struggle with going hypoglycemic and
then you have to kind of implement you know maybe fattier cut cuts of meat like red meat or salmon wild Cod salmon or
even utilizing different you know essential fatty oils you know coming from extra virgin olive oil which should
always be in a dark glass bottle by the way because when light penetrates it it destroys all the good benefits from it
or getting an extra virgin coconut oil because it's made up of 50% MCTS or even you know some sort of Brazil nut because
Brazil nuts have selenium in it too for iodine production so you may have to you know put that in with the carbohydrates
at the end just to slow down the absorption of you partitioning through the carbohydrates essentially which is
what a lot of people do too when they carb up because when they're carbing up and they're utilizing glucose disposal
agents or insulin or even without that they're just you know I've seen uh because you know I'll have my guys take
their glucose fastet and post prandial and it literally will just drop from you know your your normal post prandial and
then they'll go down to 50 uh in a really quick period of time so then we have to kind of control it and that's
why we again I I go on a tangent and I kind of get ahead of myself because I get excited about this stuff that's why
I'll have implementation the last couple days of fattier cuts and meat we're using more bison meat we're using more
red meat we're using more wild cot salmon just to kind of slow that yeah and it's and at a certain point you
need more energy substrate in there too to use right uh so going back to refeeds for a second so I I typically at that
point when someone's getting very lean uh I'll watch their weight as well when it starts to drop if they're moving like
if the standard if I'm having a guy lose like a pound two pounds a week yeah you know and it starts to drop to three to
four they're clearly starting to tap into tissue at that point regard the drugs um I'll incorporate refeed and
then I'll measure them again the next day because sometimes they need multiple in a row yes I think that's people Miss
it's always not it's not always one refeed real lean guys like me I take two because my weight will actually drop
After High day again like it'll continue it just speeds it up even more and it'll it'll plummet two generally stabilizes
me or even gets me back up a pound which is this glycogen at that point and then I can go right back to a deficit so
that's me at least that's how I would manage carb cycling more the end of a cut versus in an offseason where I might
just do like BDM high and low days depending on you know certain training days and stuff at the end it's really
you want to pull the deficit as long as you can and I find most guys four days a low in a row is about most that the
that's Place yeah like there's a dark place you have to go you have to be very comfortable with a place that most
humans are not comfortable going with food on purpose and you have to stay there yeah 100% And then we what we know
you know also is when we get those refeed days in obviously you know going bringing the carbohydrates even in the
evening time santonin cortisol comes down they're going to sleep even better which is phenomenal for Recovery when
they wake up their mood is elevated so all these neurological chemicals that are happening in the neurotransmitters
you know dopamine or adrenaline all these things uh are they're just firing better right they're just more
cognitively enhanced doesn't last too long because when you're that lean it just you blow right through it but yeah
man I will take refeeds uh sometimes two days for sure three days if it's needed top on top of that if they need to add
in you know what I call Super saturation day which is going to be your really high glycemic more processed foods that
really digest well and then on top of that we're going to add in possibly a free meal that could be in the form and
again when I say free meal it's not so much free because I do control that variable because I don't want someone to
go eat a large pizza and Crispy Cream and have these gastric issues for three days and systemic inflammation and they
feel horrible their joints are achy you know I'm talking more along the lines of a homemade cheat meal you know grass-fed
burgers grass-fed cheese sour exactly or if we go get sushi I'll control it I'll say no cream cheese no
fried rolls you know this amount of sushi go get lowfat sorbet or angel food cake that has basically no fat you know
so we're really getting an overfeeding and then the person has a great night of sleep and then obviously you know
glycogen is super compens ated they're loaded they're ready to train they're feeling a great pump and that could last
for 48 to 72 hours then you'll get the drop off and then what I try to do is I try to figure out okay how many days
does it take for this individual to return to Baseline weight and then how many days does it take them to drop
below that Baseline weight and then as a coach you get all this data so when you make these calls you can literally sit
back and know I know this person's body's response I know exactly what's going to happen this is what works for
them and what it does is it allows the client to kind of relax too and they they start to understand I think I'm in
really good hands and I'm going to just continue to trust the process and it what it does too is it sets them up for
like you said those dark days because when you're getting into day two day three of a low carb you know day four is
a little easier if you know something's coming the next day but those midday where you're just literally looking at
your watch every hour when can I eat you're just drinking tons of water and chewing ice I mean I used to be so
hungry I would sit and chew ice at night because just the satisfactory feeling of chewing something but that's what it
takes man it it it's very difficult to get this lean and that is uh more than half the battle of presenting the best
physique possible so you guys need to really understand that me and Kurt are going to introduce a lot of maybe new
methodologies to you but at the end of the day if that body Fat's not there forget about it you you just need to
push the show back and give it a couple more weeks of dieting and just take yourself into a deep deficit and really
you talked about with the simple stuff I know I use all sorts of stuff pie filling gummy bears whatever is like
zero fat that that are new to a lot of people right they're not used to these classic they would be considered
unclean not typical bodybuilding foods but you're going to get glycogen replacement much faster you'll still get
the same amount of net glycogen replacement with fiber it just takes hours versus like if you're gonna eat
oatmeal and the other problem we all run into is if you try to use things with fiber like vegetables on a high day
you're not going to be able to eat enough yeah so want to use the simplest stuff you can use it's a great it's a
great point so on a refeed I'll always drop protein down because carbs are protein sparing dietary fats are Trace
if not even existent I don't need them essential fats in the form of fish oils krill oil that's about all I'll put in
there and then everything else is going to be coming from carbohydrates that is the goal is glycogen replenishment that
is what we want that is what we need at that point so so that is going to come in the form of very uh High uh High
Laden Foods in the turn in terms excuse me in terms of density and carbohydrates but the volume is easy to eat because
you try to go eat 200 grams of raw weight oatmeal as opposed to you know as opposed to 200 grams of cereal you know
in the form of a Frosted Flakes and it it's just completely night and day you're going to feel totally logged down
bloated and you won't have the gas emptying effect quick enough to get the next meal in or even in the form of
jasmine rice I mean eat 500 grams of cooked jasmine rice is going to be extremely difficult I don't care how big
you are and how hungry you are it's just again like Kurt said you're going to get the same glycogen replenishment but it's
not going to be as easy so we want digestability we want the people to feel almost light on their feet throughout
the day so that their training feels great in the gym and they're just you know really focused mentally on what
they're doing and also from a palatable standpoint it's a nice change up and it gives someone the ability to continue to
go back into that deficit because remember guys there are some individuals that are militant like you whatever man
I'll do what but not everybody's like that so you got to figure out from a psychological standpoint how does this
individual tick and set them up okay we need to optimize fat loss still but I got to work with this mind this mindset
has yeah man coaching is so much more than just the the physiological standpoint but the psychological
standpoint probably 90% of it is that go exactly and we're all different like in like you said our TA is different like I
know like if if I had to do your diet I know you would tolerate anything I could say I need you to eat thumb tax four
meals a day and then you can eat regular Nails the other two nails and you would ask me how much water you should drink
with them versus other guys like wouldn't necessarily do anything that you ask and the other thing like
you were talking about with the bio feedback and let the coach take the wheel and relaxes is communication with
your coach and actually doing what you're asked like I you get guys you always have a couple guys that just
don't tell you quite the whole story or they're not doing what you say right you give them 600 grams of carbs and they
eat 400 grams of carbs how do we know then how to Peak you if you're not actually communicating what you're doing
yeah we need to know I think you're doing X and you're doing y I have no idea what's going on you gotta check
every box and your coach has to know every mad you just have to know what you're doing what you're thinking what
you're feeling how your body you know what it's reacting we end up knowing as coaches a lot of stuff that most people
don't know I know how you go to the bathroom I know what volume is coming out like at the end we could talk about
like urine volume like it's important with Kidney Health like we know all that stuff we have to know all that stuff oh
100% I mean I I get down to the nitty-gritty and guys if they listen to this that have worked with me they'll
know I'll ask them what the color of the p is how much p is coming out bowel movement frequency I mean get back on
the scale find what your weight is at we find the money weight and then we stick that money weight and we hold it because
that's typically the look that we want to hold and we can basically maintain it through specific fluid intake with the
amount of carbohydrates that we need with a certain amount of sodium or potassium balance so yeah Kurt I mean it
all comes down to exactly what we're saying it's all a find balance between physiological response um and and
psychological response synergistically working together with the individual and then we are basically as coaches we are
tracking every single variable in it with sound to The Listener like you guys are so neurotic and over it's not
overthinking because this is data that we need to take in and we take the pressure off of you you don't think
about this this is what we're Computing in our brains to know how we can steer you and land the plane for lack of
better terms so that you have the best look on stage Y and it's also why neither of us are super keen on taking
over preps at the very end oh yeah I have a package on my website that is basically for that it costs more money
because it's a oh yeah deal it's a lot of work I mean it's a lot of work and it happens we get them you're usually
you're usually cleaning up somebody's mess that somebody else created or maybe the individual just didn't know what
they were doing so you're coming in last minute essentially uh doing emergency hail mares to try to correct this as
fast as you can so it's a lot of work to do it the right way yeah so so we'll go back to so you're you know now now the
guy's you know 4ish three weeks out right like they should be I like to see guys pretty much ready about that
timeout right like I don't love to bring it like PE peak week is not the time for fat loss I don't know how many times I
could say that you should not be making major changes the appearance can change slightly depending on glycogen and
minerals but you don't want to be changing fat loss there's no fat loss occurring or muscle growing that's
occurring then no not at all they should be more relaxed at that point anyway yeah um so assuming that fat loss right
because that that's that's the kind of the critical thing that like you know four weeks if they're not lean enough
then you have to make a decision as a coach can I pull this out in the next two weeks or are we delaying the show
yeah absolutely I mean that's what it comes down to so yeah by four weeks out we should be getting really close where
you know the glutes are dug out the hamstrings have the piano cords back there so we're getting really dug out
from the rear um some people come in shape from the rear first and the front last so not usual but there are some
individuals like that so then again we have to balance leg fullness to the ratio of upper body fullness what's
coming in first how do we balance it what do we need to fix is this a cortisol issue where they're holding is
it possible estrogen again we get Labs we see where cortisol is at aldosteron at we see where estrogen is at we can
balance that we can start to employ deploy rather and put in different AIS that we need to pull out different
anabolics if there's growth hormone involved you know what type of growth are they using is it pharmaceutical
grade is it ug typically if it's ug I'm pulling that out because I don't even trust that it's real so I'm like you're
just wasting your time right now we don't know for sure so if it ain't pharmaceutical that's going and then
where's the levels of growth you know coming in you know how is it affecting you you know some people obviously we
know with um cero stem you know and you can touch on more of this we know that they put a diuretic ingredient in it to
help you excrete serum actually doesn't have one the other one oh sorry cusum doesn't is it genotropin yeah g does
yeah okay so cem doesn't so you're right so I got those two mixed up so what I've noticed with cem is it can actually
really guys never get out of that water retention so at the end I'll start to kind of titrate it down I don't pull it
out you four six yeah exactly so typically if they're at like eight or 10 whatever they're doing I'll start tie
training it down slowly and then if the person is really really dry and they're just very responsive to it um I can run
it all the way into into the show Almost typically but usually I will uh I'll pull it out and uh or titr trate it down
depending on the look so again so now we're dealing with different variables of compounds growth hormones uh thyroid
medication clenbuterol albuterol do we have yohimbine in there how's the person reacting to yohimbine what's the
stimulant usage like sleep starts to kind of get negatively impacted so then now we need to fix that how do we uh
release excuse me how do we reduce cortisol as a whole uh so we'll go into those factors as well and then systemic
inflammation coming down reps and reserve and training you still need to train hard but you do need to be able to
manage fatigue to an extent where you're not doing see back in the day there was a little different thought process of
doing like 10 drop sets per set and just balls to the wall and there is a time and a place for that I absolutely do
believe not two weeks out yeah exactly so we're not we're not trying to set personal records at two weeks out 3
weeks out but we are trying to still get enough stimulus we are trying to get enough caloric expenditure and we are
still getting a little bit of the fat off at that point but by two weeks out I I believe and I tell all my guys this
that fat should be gone we should pretty much be skinless at that point and now like you said it's a it's management of
glycogen mineral shifting and then you know estrogen control as well yeah so just to back up for a second because
people will ask because we've said it multiple times that you know protein is carbohydrates bearing so people
understand this so you basically your body needs glucose it will it run the human body runs on
glucose just despite what you know keto or carnivore guys want to say about it uh the average person's like 140 grams
of glucose a day for your nervous system if you don't take in those carbohydrates your body is going to make that glucose
and it's going to make it for protein so specific amino acids like glycine alanine could be broken down in the
liver called gluconeogenesis to make that glucose you can't really make glucose from fat it's not very easy it
has to you have to cleave off basically the backbone of the triglyceride which is glycerol it's a very long slow
process it's not it's not efficient it's not occurring while you're exercising so like you said when your carbs are super
high you don't need as much protein I think you and I also probably have shifted our thought with protein over
the last couple years right we used to run tons of protein and we kind of realize at a certain point you don't
need that much like a gr per pound is plenty you don't need to go I've seen better digest I've seen better digestion
I've seen smaller waistlines and I've seen just as just as much muscle tissue being preserved if not
even growing into the sh you don't need as much right as we used to think you know in the 90s and 2000s yeah um yeah
so then with you know managing all those other things so something with you mentioned magnesium before so magnesium
is obviously very important for everyone all the time no American is not deficient in magnesium you can't use
vitamin D without it and using things like tremone cause more depletion in magnesium it's one of the reasons why
sleep gets so disrupted so you can use more you know when you're using harsher 19 ores and things like
that to kind of improve sleep with magnesium people ask about dosing there is the RDA is too low and there is no
exact dose like I couldn't tell you what your dose is you basically have to titrate it up until your stomach gets a
little weird and then you pull back down a hair and that's right that's do with everyone that's I do myself that's I do
with my wife you just figure out what your stomach can tolerate and that's what you run and you want to use the
glycinate or the glycinate form is at night because you're GNA get the glycine benefit to sleep as well 100%
oxide you don't want to use the oxide form it's a bigger molecule so it's more it's like using test suspension versus
test sypon yeah but it'll destroy your stomach yes oh yeah that laxative effect like no tomorrow so and with citrate the
bigger because those are bigger molecules you just don't want to touch those you don't have to and they're
cheap yes exactly so I'm sure you're the same way I spend a lot of money on supplements I use what I deem to be the
best quality supplements I can find um because it's your health you only get one set of organs you only get
one yeah when it comes to magnesium I'm always usually going to Thorn products that's I
use Thor's definitely going to be the leader and and and typically single ingredient um but you know we will be
doing that very soon because we actually use the same we actually use the same manufacturer as Thoren so we're doing
the same um quality control is Thorn too so I I said if I was going to start doing single active ingredient
supplements it has to be because I'm I've always been a huge fan of thorn so we're going to always you know make sure
that we're on the same uh Level Playing Field as them so yeah Thorn is phenomenal um but yeah man magnesium is
a game Cher like you said the majority of people if not everybody is absolutely magnesium deficient and then of course
trimone and those 19 or drugs are going to definitely drop that down even lower so really good point there Kurt it's
it's it's definitely a game changer and again sleep I always tell guys if you aren't sleeping then we've missed
everything because we're just not going to get the results so we need to it happens every time if I have a guy that
is you know uh maybe a different type of shift worker and he's only getting four to five hours we never see progress
until they're finally getting that night off and then they sleep eight to nine hours and I'm like there you go there's
the body's natural response which is another thing that I always do is I always start gauging around four to six
weeks out the night weight to the morning weight I like to see naturally what the body does overnight how much
does it dump overnight that way leading into the final week we collect that data and we can see before any type of um
diuresis inducing supplementation or any nutritional protocols or any pharmacological diuretics how is this
body occurring naturally overnight and then we can basically add on that variable so I start engaging someone's
night weight and then I know if they dump you know 10 pounds say overnight if they're drinking two gallons of water
taking in seven grams of sodium with six meals in then I know if they're going to bed super super light that night before
well I know typically we're going to be waking up much lighter I do that because that sets my mind up okay I kind of know
what's coming tomorrow so I'm going to start setting my mind up for this client or this athlete doesn't always happen
because you know your your night could be disrupted by children your kids it could be just a bad night's of sleep or
or even if you sleep sleep super deep and you didn't urinate as frequently which is good but you didn't dump as
much water so you you collect this data as a coach and we're getting into um what people would say these are kind of
semantics guys but this really isn't I mean this is this is valuable data because what we're dealing with on the
bodybuilding level is the human body is a phenomenal thing that we're we are still and you know this Kurt because
you're in the medical field we are still learning every single day about its mechanisms and how it works so this data
is so important to really collect and assess the person each and every day and like you said pictures alone and even
marker yeah exactly I was pulling up I was going to share this because I think people get a kick out of this the
um because people ask about when people talk about human metabolism let's see so you can
see can you see this here so I can see it yeah so this is how complicated let me see if I can get a closer view of
these are all charts human metabolism so a little bit um the diagram didn't work quite as
I thought it would um so yeah like you it's incredibly complicated and we don't know everything there is to know and
it's constantly moving no and what I tell too uh you know and we may get some push back on this but this is what I say
because you know we we do know and and and we should collect data from long-term controlled clinical studies
right but these clinical studies are not being done with 260 pound shredded bodybuilders so there is is
evidence-based stuff which we do need to take into consideration but there's anecdote as well through experience we
have to understand that we're dealing with a different type of human body even if you're 180 pounds ripped to shreds
we're still dealing with something that's a little bit different right so you know again and I've said it on paper
bodybuilding doesn't always make sense it doesn't always add up because you could tell someone I've cut my cardio
I've cut all my fat burnner out I'm eating 600 grams of carbs a day and I can't stop dropping and you know at that
point it's almost like well where's the explanation for that you know even from a scientific approach obviously you
could you could correlate it into you know you're super insulin sensitive your T3 free in total is Sky High but you
know at the end of the day man there's more than than that there's just that cannibalism is super high you know all
these things are happening in the body so just remember guys that you know don't get too analytical on paper with
bodybuilding but always go with your biof feedback your sleep your your digestion and bathroom usage your
overall look your pumps in the gym which also will fade on specific days but pumps strength progression and overall
body weight but fat loss I have a guy that I've been prepping for six years we've always tried to make weight to to
turn pro we turned Pro last year as a middle weight in uh I think it was Masters Nationals over 35 he's doing his
Pro debut and we're in a different realm now because we don't have to make a weight cap he's been at 202 for five
weeks so on paper a trainer would be like what's going on you're not L he literally looks better almost every day
he's harder he's leaner he's more separate the scale doesn't always move so then then we have to go by the
appearance we have to go by you know we're losing fat but obviously not only are we retaining tissue we have have to
be gaining it yep as well yep yeah there just there's so many variables that we don't understand here so then we're
I'm just going to give like a rough you know what I typically injectable stuff I would probably pull so I would consider
Peak Week starting generally the so if a show is typically on a Saturday I would consider it starting on the Sunday
before typically sometimes on the Saturday before I would remove this is where so going back to two weeks two or
three weeks out is where I would start to ramp up things like Winstrol yes so I'll I'll leverage Winstrol harder than
most guys would run I know you and I are similar with that I think there's there's a lot of magic there when you
get past the the standard on that and then you know going into PE week I usually rep pull incbles there is some
level of inflammation there is some level of uh and things like testosterone even if you're managing estrogen to some
degree there's still aromatization you gota got to get estrogen as low as possible at this point yes a lot of the
water issues if you have any are going to come from estrogen agre like tasaran are not going to fix the problem it's
not a Ross issue um this is also times possibly fat burner might be removed right because if you're going to start
carb loading it kind of makes it a little difficult too insulin usage gets a little funky here too depending what
you're doing with it because the food is low the body Fat's low depending on what you're doing with refeeding you don't
want to use things like insulin when you're on a low carb diet because that's kind of recipe for disaster yeah um so
there's a lot of variables like you said growth hormone you know I I hate to bad mouth I think there's a there is
definitely use for generics but it's unpredictable right I mean if it just has a black top on it and a clear glass
bottle and a white box I mean who knows what's in it I don't like unpredictability at the end I want I
want predictability yeah so if you're gonna use it at the end you want to use something that least you can verify is
true uh and anyone who's used something like sarasin before can tell the difference immediately between
that and something else like it's not even to me there's zero confusion there it's not like oh they're similar they're
not similar um the so that so that might right that gets manipulated testosterone typically depending on the Esther and
how the person is looking the fullness the water retention test I might even have pulled before that point I
depending on how hard and how dry they need I might even pull test of two weeks three weeks I do the exact same 100
I'm yeah no honestly you know we talked about this off camera and I'm sure that there would be a lot of uh Fitness
influencers that would highly disagree with this I'm only going to go by the many years that I've been putting people
on stage in top shape and that is I have more comfortability crashing someone's estrogen the last 10 to 14 days because
we are only trying to achieve the best look possible from an aesthetic standpoint gnarly conditioning separate
ated head to toe for one day we can fix that right after the show's over very very fast two weeks but I want to pull
that as low as possible so if I got to pull testosterone at the same time two weeks out I'm doing it and and what I've
seen only from that happening is the person continuously each and every day gets better and then the volume of oils
comes down so then that systemic inflammation from pinning goes down as well so I'll pull injectables depending
on the individual could be 10 days could be 14 days total sometimes I'll run it seven days again it's all dependent on
the individual but I'd rather have less oils floating around in the body and just utilize my orals my AIS growth
hormone if the person's really responding well to it they're still dry on it if not we're pulling that too and
then uh yeah crashing that estrogen at the very end as long as they're not getting overly flat from that so we we
definitely have to see the response with that but again Kur like you said that's day-to-day stuff there could be days
that you know if the person is is is really flat I'll say okay today no thyroid if they're using thyroid no
clenbuterol no AI today we may Implement a small dosage of Anadrol or something just to anavar could be Halo testin
could be anything exactly it'll bring that back exactly if you're lucky enough to be able to run growth in to some
degree generally can keep some level of fullness like I stay Fuller on growth than I do without right there's a couple
pounds of fullness that's that's in there uh test I mean depending on the person I lose seven to eight pounds and
I pull test fully out so like I can usually be a little heavy going in and pull it and like and then I can usually
make up that weight with carbs but it is amazing when you pull it and it drops out you wake up in the morning and
you're like a whole different person but C like a lot of people they not going to grasp what you just said you lose what
did you say seven to eight pound a lot I mean just it's fluid and garbage information fluid it's not muscle tissue
mus tissue yeah so of course why on Earth would we want to keep that there if that is that fluid coming out from
crazy exactly like you see the tendons between things right like you see your lat tendons when you hit like your back
you can actually see the tendons between your abs like when you move your armpit is so deep that you can't really shave
in there hard yeah like that's what you want it's and that's the thing is like we we mentioned this in the last video
the level of leanness you see in guys like you know AJ and I are are leaner than most humans walk around on a normal
basis but that's not show lean the stuff you see on Instagram that's not that's not cont contest lean is disturbingly
lean like I remember one summer decade ago I guess I did a bunch of shows in a row I I had done okay for me I'm not I
don't have fantastic genetics I'm not gonna ever be a great athlete but I did done okay for me and my wife was very
supportive of my return to this so she was like why don't you keep going so I decided i' would do a couple shows in a
row so I held that condition for two months like you talked about before you can hold it once you once you figure out
how to hold that look you can keep it I can hold that look it's painful but you can keep it and I remember I went to the
beach once with my kids my kids were little and like people would like stop what they were doing to like stare at me
because they just never seen that before it's a different it's not like it's not like a fashion model lean it's like
freakish yeah I mean I remember things you like oh my god oh yeah ripped yeah I remember having uh because I was very
naturally vascular so I remember the mid middle part of my back I can post a picture today through my traps and upper
back I had vascularity running through all so it's just this level of transparency when you're really that
lean where it hurts to sit down on the toilet y because you don't have any fat anywhere man so it it yeah so what
basically what we're saying is getting into that final week real quick synopsis so we're pulling injectables for the
most part test is going could be even three weeks with people have no issues with that whatsoever really don't and
whatever not but again that's why you don't want in my opinion you don't want to use long exra test if you pull test
anth test sionate you don't know when it's coming out it might be in a week it could be in three weeks it could be in
it'll just drop and it's like you wake up one day and it's gone that's the way it works but like you won't know what
day and then their coach doesn't know what day to deal with that either I don't know how to change that look if I
don't know when it's coming out faster asers are so much so much more manageable so again predictability is
going to be key right and then orals are going up the specific orals are going up because we're only getting about two
weeks of high oril usage and we know how the liver functionality Works repairs itself and I've even seen Labs the day
after the show or two days after with hardly any elevation whatsoever so that the general consensus with people that
don't truly grasp it or understand and they'd be like well you know we'll do Trend at a th000 milligrams for 10 weeks
but you're talking about 150 milligrams of wind St are you crazy and it's like wow you I mean if you're really weighing
that out I mean really what what works you know I'd rather drop Trend you know four weeks out and run that high wind
strw you know which is going to be again we've talked about it that's that DHT derivative that's what we want that's
the look we want it does everything that we need it to do so what I see happen not only does that water come off we
which I believe obviously we know that that's we're managing estrogen better but we're also getting a reduction of
systemic inflammation from constantly pinning so we're getting an inflammatory response of coming down cortisol to me
goes down as well and then the body just starts looking better and better each and every day and the person too I think
too from a psychological standpoint the fact that they're like I don't have to pin literally almost every day man this
is phenomenal so the mood goes up and just again your your mind will carry the body so the better the mind is the
better the body will function when you're calm cortisol is down and you'll see this on show day people can have
this huge cortisol all uh Spike on stage you I've seen it happen they start sweating profusely hypoglycemia happens
on stage they're shaking you know they're like I didn't have enough you know honey and rice cakes backstage it's
like no you couldn't control getting into fight or flight and then you had this huge Spike and cortisol glucose
shoots down then you just get this crazy watery look because now you've sweated everything out and just it's a mess on
St vasular is gone yeah vascular is gone absolutely so all these issues need to be mitigated through the Mind first and
now I will Implement certain supplements like rora ashwaganda riola there's certain things we can do to really C
magnesium is one of the best so we utilize these things to bring cortisol down in a modin that I talked about as
well last week uh last week which is not the not a modium not bad no it's a modin so it's totally antia medicine for yeah
so we we want to control cortisol and then after that it comes down to how much glycogen replenishment does this
person need how long do they need it for how much can they hold before they spill out of the the um you know intracellular
layer into the subcutaneous layer how much can they hold and maintain and I think me and you do the same thing Curt
is we're going to literally go meal by meal I mean at the last couple days we're going to take it meal by meal and
you get the raw data from where we get it from weeks and weeks and weeks of working with this person I know how many
carbs you can handle I know when you spill over I know when your guts distended and I know what food you can
handle you see these coaches do these weird things introduce a cheeseburger on De of show like if you have not had
first of all you have no idea what the content of that beef is right you have no idea how it's cooked what oil they
use you it's gonna be a disaster right these are all things you haven't had in at least 20 weeks if you're working with
me at least you're not eating cheeseburgers and fries I'm not giving someone cheeseburger and fries in the
middle of you know in between the morning and the Night Show like that doesn't let me tell you let me tell you
one of the last times I ever did that was over a decade ago with my wife who uh she went undefeated as a women's
physique competitor so after the show I pretty much knew she had already won so I was like well let's go relax you we
went to Denny's and uh I gave her a burger and Fry this was over a decade ago again learning and understanding
what we really need right rather than what the normal people were doing right the the Bro Science aspect of it um
where she would have been better just going back and eating uh flank steak at that time jasmine rice with a little bit
more salt on it and taking a nap and would have been phenomenal the problem is is she got food poisoning between
prejudging and finals we get to the night show she wins she does her routine but at at the same time and she won't
get embarrassed because she tells people that she was holding in this explosion of you know gastric distress so she
barely made it through Awards and ran to the bathroom so just imagine just I was backstage Fanning her down she couldn't
even eat any food after that you just do not take the risk you always cook your own food cuz guys will ask me like after
pre-drive they like coach you know we're we're looking good man we're going to win let me know my family wants to go
out let me know what I can eat I'm like dude you're going to eat your own food you're not going out in fact you need to
go back to your room take a nap so we can get a a droing cortisol and relax get off your legs you can go out with
your family after the show this is not the time not in between you know we you've worked way too hard to blow it on
food with your family in between prejudging and final so yeah none of that nonsense at all no and and you
don't and don't listen to people right I I had a personal experience long time ago competing where I listened to a
friend of mine he had competed I not particularly successful but you get in this place where you're you'll take
anyone's advice right think you're hungry and you're tired and you he had me eat a bunch of salt before the
prejudging and not drink any fluid and then in between the I did okay in prejudging like luckily your placement
is generally determined in the prejudging unless you totally blow out the night show yeah um in between the
two he was like here have a Diet Coke well I had add like three tablespoons of salt so as soon as we had a Diet Coke to
that I could watch my body fill out like a log like the water just like went down and I put on Mi with sod yeah that was
it yeah I couldn't even check I remember Steve Weinberger was like pull your abs in D buddy that's that's all yeah yeah I
mean at the end of the day and we we will touch on this real quick and we'll probably go into part three on this
about mineral shifting and fluid shifting and you know we we touched on the potassium and why it's so important
it's kind of the main driver into the cell of the muscle where we know that sodium as well as a driver to more water
into the subcutaneous layer causing baso dilation through an acute blood pressure increase does it help Drive glucose
where it needs to go yes it does but what what are we trying to achieve on stage we're trying to achieve a shift in
fluid from subq intracellular muscle volumization and potassium is also one of the main drivers in muscle
contractions as well so that's why if you have too much potassium your heart stops because you're getting too much of
a contraction right hyper hyperemia right so we need just enough again it's it's all down to balancing electrolytes
but people really can overshoot sodium thinking that that's the main driver of everything and then they just look worse
and worse and worse and it actually can cause even more of a sweating effect on stage because it's just it was too much
and the fluids didn't shift where they needed to shift because they left out potassium for the most part even if
they're using a pH pharmacological diuretic dizide being tripterine being the pottassium sparing aspect so you are
sparing potassium but are you taking in a certain amount of potassium now I don't like to carb up people with high
potassium foods we talked about that but there still needs to be a certain level of potassium in there for proper
functionality and balance between if you want to touch on that CT yeah it just I think the problem is over time we've
just gotten away from what the sodium potassium pump is so pottassium is on the inside sodium's on the outside
sodium gets kicked out of the cell that's why if you eat Chinese food or something that's like very salty the
next day your skin is Puffy so there you can definitely overdo it yes carbohydrates are moved on the sodium
potassium pump and then they enter through glut but that doesn't mean that sodium is not actually taking it in that
requires pottassium so like we can like you said we could probably do a whole we should probably do a third part just on
the mineral stuff I think there's a lot to go there but I judge someone's final look a couple days out based on like
what I'm going to do with minerals if I'm going to touch minerals based on what their look is right they flat are
they vascular are they you know are they soft there's a lot of things that go on and then it's it's a different technique
right is it aldactone is it diuretic is it um is it adding more sodium it adding more pottassium it's not just one thing
and I think in Fitness now it just seems everyone wants to just use sodium and then everyone's using pottassium it's
like then they're using arbs that are causing high potassium it's like they're skewing everything artificially it'd be
easier if you didn't use all those things they'll use arbs but if you bring up alaon they're like whoa that's no way
I would never touch alaon which again I don't I would never use it on every case because it's a Case Case by casee
scenario but you're going to use telmisartan and and what's one of the biggest side effects of telar starts and
it's going to increase potassium serum like through the roof especially when you're getting to 60 to 80 milligrams a
day which a lot of guys tend to do even thinking about right yeah exactly so you know I and again I correlate it with
aldosterone levels you know I've had clients that have never been in shape before these are bigname ifbb Pros huge
guys and I you know just from anecdote and just kind of studying their years past I'm like well what what's the
aldosterone looking like we get Labs checked their Al oston levels are off the chart so then we need to understand
the mechanisms coming into the final week of using an anti- mineral corticoid which is aldactone right because we need
to control we need to control that through being able to mitigate too high of aldosterone so then you have to get
into the mechanism of what's the onset peak time what's the halflife when to stop it so we can reabsorb sodium how
to get the most out of the least amount we're not talking about overshooting stuff for five 10 days we're talking
about two days maybe getting just enough of that shift in fluid and then like Kurt said you got to look at the client
and see visually what's going on how's the contraction as well and then we know what mineral we need to increase what
mineral we need to hold you know and and typically more times than not it's not always a glycogen thing it's either H2O
fluid or minerals that need to be shifted into the muscle the last day so it takes an eye to know and understand
how to do that and that's a deep dive into the mechanisms of the body um we can do why don't we do a third part with
all that and then we could even do coming out what the week after a show should look like how you rebound so
important whether you're doing another show or you're or you're transitioning into something else I think that's a
really good one too because you see a lot of really weird stuff go on there right man some of the biggest mistakes
I've seen are post shell where guys literally undo four or five months of hard work a week a week to two weeks
yeah and then and then what have we done we've put so much strain on the heart it's insane I I've never trained someone
like this but I've heard stories where guys go so over the top they have to go be rush to the hospital to get IV Lasix
because they're 45 pounds up and the edema is so bad that their resting heart rate is now 15560 beats per minute
because food was just it's it's an unhealthy relationship let's put it that way I
mean that's what it comes down to I love food but man my health is so much more important so you kind of have to
understand when it's post show it's time to kind of get back into a health phase now we really did a lot of extreme
things to get you there you know but now we need to get the body healthy and functional for the improvements that are
coming up for the rest of the season or if we're going another show or another show another show is going to be a whole
another topic too because now we have have to mitigate all those levels of mineral shifting and rebound effect here
has been pulled out right it might depending on the duration you might need to add things back in or leave them out
depending right I mean it depends on the situation It's Tricky no it's definitely tricky I'm not going to say it's not
tricky but again that's where we take all that data and we imp implement it into the athlete so we can go from
reverse dieting into a progression season also known as an offseason or we can also talk about next two we'll talk
about both how did we shift into show number two whether it be a week out because sometimes that'll be the
scenario or is it two or three weeks away or is it even six weeks away which can also be tough for people to manage
as well so that's a whole another Beast right there which I think would be great way to leave this off for people I think
we gave you guys a lot of good information to implement into your program me and Kurt see eye to eye on
pretty much everything it's pretty cool to see that because uh he's so highly respected by myself because of the
medical background that he comes from and I do want to just touch on this guys and this is not a shot of anybody I
don't really pay attention too much of what anybody's doing but I just know that there's a lot of information
filtering out there of everybody trying to kind of reinvent the wheel and I said this in the beginning guys you don't
need to reinvent the wheel what has worked has always worked don't overanalyze it you have a good coach
that is going to control all those markers and variables trust that process tell him everything every biof feedback
marker every stick of gum extra that maybe you ate because it's important to know what's going in the system or
stress at home maybe you got into an argument with your wife you didn't sleep for two or three days you know or maybe
you went out and you you know you were drinking a lot of uh sugar-free uh you know artificial drinks so therefore it
made you you know crave salt more so you put more salt on it then you drink more and those usually go hand inand too so
those will all be variables that we need to know and data we need to know so trust the process don't overanalyze what
you're seeing social media get it from trusted sources that are continuously putting good physiques on stage Time
After Time After Time and then of course me and Kurt have been there we've walked the walk at some point or another so we
we obviously know where we've been and we know where you want to get and we know psychologically what it takes to
get there it is extremely extremely hard and I totally understand it from that standpoint and that is what half the fun
is right because I think me and you are the same too when I'm hungry and I wasn't like this when I was younger I
shifted though when I'm hungry I tell myself I'm in a fat burning stage I'm losing body fat I'm enjoying this
because I know something I'm progress is happening Y at some point or another progress is happening so I'm GNA suck it
up and I'm actually enjoying the fact that I'm hungry so if you flip that psychology and actually be grateful and
I talk about this every day I get to eat five to six meals a day and drink two gallons of water what the heck am I
complaining about because there's people that don't even know if they get one one piece of bread today so you know change
your perspective and be grateful and that really shifts your your your attitude of gratitude every day because
it does get tough you go into a dark place and prep no no doubt about it but if you can shift that perspective it
will change everything so just remember psychologically everything flows out like Kurt said from this it's 90% of it
and that's something that that's something that I lean on you lot for lately too it's just your thought
process to me is is flawless I appreciate it way you think so something else I was just going to leave the
audience with because I get a lot of perspective like mentorship things guys want to be a coach they want to know
like what the way to do this I think there's a fine balance between knowledge right I think there is something to be
said about education per se do I think it's needed no I think there's knowledge that's gained through experience and I
think experience and being able to do this to yourself is the biggest thing yeah I see a lot of guys that might have
you know perhaps what it takes on paper but if that you can't get yourself in shape and you can't do this stuff you're
probably not going to be a very successful coach I agree right like I have to know what it's like to suffer in
order to have someone else do that same thing I agree I agree I think firsthand knowledge of experience is very
important yep 100% well I thank everyone for watching again and we will uh we'll obviously keep continuing with this if
anyone you know thinks of anything else that they want to hear please just comment below or whatever or you know
I'll I'll post AJ's link tree again um and maybe we'll do a Q&A too we'll follow if you guys want to drop some
questions down we'll we will do a separate yeah I can post something on Instagram it's probably even easier I'll
do yeah we do yeah we'll do a separate video of question and answer because I'm sure you guys are gonna watch this
hourong video and uh man thank you Kurt for filming this with me Kurt has been doing podcasts all morning and uh this
guy needs some rest man but guess what he's working hard for you guys putting out phenomenal content so thank you Kurt
for for battling through that one hour because I know that I can talk a lot and get onto a lot of tangents no it's
Heads up!
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