Introducción a la iluminación en video
La iluminación es un aspecto crucial que puede transformar instantáneamente la calidad de tus videos. Sin embargo, para quienes recién comienzan, la cantidad de opciones disponibles puede resultar abrumadora. Hoy, desglosaremos dos de las luces más populares: paneles LED y softboxes. Examinaremos los pros y los contras de cada una para que puedas elegir la mejor opción para ti.
Paneles LED: Eficiencia y Versatilidad
Los paneles LED son herramientas fantásticas gracias a su portabilidad y la variedad de efectos que ofrecen. Son pequeños, a menudo funcionan con baterías y son ideales para añadir efectos creativos. Aunque su popularidad está en aumento debido a su tamaño y funciones, no siempre son la mejor opción para principiantes. Para más información sobre los efectos que se pueden lograr, consulta nuestra Guia Completo sobre Sequências para Efeitos de Luz.
Pros de los paneles LED
- Portabilidad: Fáciles de transportar y ajustar en diferentes lugares.
- Efectos creativos: Vienen con una amplia gama de efectos de color y luz.
- Ideal para fondos: Son excelentes para iluminar el fondo de tus tomas.
Contras de los paneles LED
- Luz dura: La luz más intensa y pequeña puede resultar menos favorecedora para iluminar personas.
- Menos suavidad: Para obtener un mejor efecto, es necesario difundir la luz, lo que puede requerir equipo adicional.
Recomendaciones de paneles LED
- G2 Pocket RGB Light: Este es el panel que uso actualmente. Su tamaño compacto y gran potencia lo convierten en una opción ideal por solo 70 dólares.
- GBM 50RS Light Kit: Un poco más caro, pero ofrece una salida de luz fantástica y es muy divertido de usar.
Softboxes: La Opción Favorable para Principiantes
Los softboxes son, en mi opinión, la mejor opción para aquellos que están comenzando a crear contenido. Aunque pueden no ser tan llamativos como los paneles LED, proporcionan una iluminación más suave y favorecedora. Si buscas más consejos sobre qué considerar al comprar un monitor ideal para tus producciones, consulta Todo lo que Debes Saber para Comprar un Monitor Ideal.
Pros de los softboxes
- Luz suave: La caja de luz crea una fuente de luz más grande, resultando en sombras más suaves.
- Resultados efectivos: Ideal para iluminar personas de manera más favorecedora.
- Accesibilidad: Por unos 50 dólares, puedes conseguir un kit completo que incluye un soporte y control remoto.
Contras de los softboxes
- Menos versatilidad: No ofrecen tantos efectos creativos como los paneles LED.
- Necesitan más espacio: Pueden ser voluminosos y difíciles de manejar en espacios pequeños.
Otros Tipos de Iluminación: Reflectores y Spotlights
Además de los paneles LED y softboxes, hay otros tipos de luces que puedes considerar, como los spotlights. Aunque son más pesados y requieren estar conectados, ofrecen una gran versatilidad con diferentes tipos de montajes. Un setup popular es el GVM 100W combinado con un softbox lantern, que proporciona resultados asombrosos. Para más sobre la elección de monitores que complementen tu equipo de grabación, revisa nuestra Guía Completa para Elegir el Monitor Perfecto: Resolución, Tasa de Refresco y Más.
Conclusión: Experimenta y Encuentra Tu Estilo
En resumen, los softboxes son ideales para iluminar personas, mientras que los paneles LED son excelentes para dar vida a tus fondos y crear efectos visuales. La clave es conocer las fortalezas y debilidades de cada tipo de luz y experimentar hasta encontrar tu estilo personal. Recuerda, la iluminación es solo una parte del proceso; también es fundamental tener títulos efectivos para que tus videos sean descubiertos. Si deseas aprender estrategias de títulos que ayuden a posicionar tus videos, asegúrate de seguir con el próximo video. ¡Mantente creativo!
lighting is a powerful way to instantly level up the quality of your videos but when you are first starting out it can
be overwhelming because there are so many light options to choose from that's why today i want to break down two of
the most popular lights that people consider purchasing led panels
and soft boxes we'll talk about the pros and the cons of each so that you can find the right type of light for you
[Music] led panels are an awesome tool because they are small
portable oftentimes battery powered and have a ton of built-in effects they are the flashier of the two options i think
a lot of people choose to go with led panels these days because of the size and the functions the thought is if i'm
gonna buy a light well i might as well buy one that can do a bunch of cool colors and effects and while they are
awesome i usually don't recommend them to people who are looking to buy their first light because they're just not
quite as flattering for lighting people because they're typically smaller they actually emit a harsher light which is
just not as flattering so then why even consider buying an led panel well they are still awesome for lighting the rest
of your scene especially your background they can also be great for some really cool creative lighting you can also get
softer looks out of your led panels by shooting through the inside piece of a five in one reflector which will act as
a large source of diffusion or you could even bounce the light off of a large white surface so they really are still a
great pick if you are looking for some nice led panel options there's two that i really like to
recommend first is the g2 pocket rgb light which is actually the light that i'm using right now it is the most used
led panel that i have because it's so small but still very strong it has a lot of great effects and it's only around 70
dollars but if you are in the market for something a little bit stronger and brighter i would recommend checking out
the gbm 50rs light kit these are a little bit more expensive but they really just have a lot of output and are
really fun to use i actually have a full video on those lights so if you're interested i will link that down in the
description below but that's enough about led panels now let's talk about soft boxes
[Music] softbox style lights are what i would recommend as your first light although
they're not typically as flashy they are functional and they give off a more flattering look for you or your subject
you can get great results with soft boxes because the actual box that goes around the light creates a larger light
source the larger the light source and the closer it is the softer the shadows will be for today's example i am using a
softbox light kit from mount dog i love this light because it's dimmable color temperature adjustable remote control
operated and it comes with the light the softbox a light stand the remote and a carrying case all for just about fifty
dollars it is such a great light for youtube videos another way to achieve soft lighting
that you should know about are spotlights spotlights are cool because the actual light is fairly small but
they can receive different types of attachments similar to how dslr or mirrorless cameras can interchange their
lenses to achieve different looks spotlights can receive different types of mounts to achieve different looks you
can use soft boxes cones or even snoots with gobos to achieve different styles these spotlights will be brighter and
powerful but they are oftentimes a bit heavier louder and need to be plugged in
but they can achieve some amazing results especially if you are needing to light up a whole room or maybe multiple
people one of my favorite spotlight setups is the gvm 100w paired with a softbox lantern it's actually the light
that i'm using right now and i do have a video all about it which i'll link in the description below now the thing that
i actually like to do is to pair softbox style lights with led panels let me show you check out this example while i tell
you about today's sponsor which is actually myself yup you heard that right i'm actually
sponsoring my own video because i just released my brand new course learn video lighting
i've condensed years of experience into this 90 minute course so that you can go further faster
in these modules you will learn the fundamentals of lighting multiple lighting styles and techniques how to
create flattering looks in challenging scenarios how to achieve pro looks on a budget and how to create stand out
content that gets results your digital presence has never been more important because business is
happening online whether you are creating social media content applying for your dream job teaching courses or
filming for clients this course will help you stand out and level up your content use code
creative20 to save twenty percent off at checkout [Music]
so to recap soft boxes are what i would recommend for lighting people whereas led panels are great for lighting
different parts of your scene like the background or doing some creative choices the trick is to know the
strengths and weaknesses of either light and then to experiment so that you can really dial in and find your own look
getting your videos to look good is awesome but not if no one can even find them and that has a lot less to do with
lighting and a lot more to do with titles if you want to learn some amazing title strategies that will help position
your video well to get the click continue on to this video here and as always stay creative
Heads up!
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