How to Update, Downgrade, and Switch Versions of Forge UI: A Comprehensive Guide


In today's video, we delve into the essential process of updating and downgrading your Forge UI. As many users have experienced, sometimes updating can lead to issues with functionality. This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you manage your Forge UI versions effectively. It's crucial to learn how to navigate version transitions, especially with the latest changes indicating Forge will be moved to an experimental repository.

Importance of Managing Forge UI Versions

With the recent announcement about Forge transitioning to an experimental repository, managing your Forge UI version is now more critical than ever. While Forge itself will continue to function, it is important to note that official updates will cease. This means that you may encounter compatibility issues with your extensions upon updating. Understanding how to revert or switch versions is vital to ensure a seamless experience.

Key Points:

  • Transition to Experimental: Forge will be moved to an experimental repository, implying that further updates may disrupt existing functionalities.
  • Future Tutorials: Following this video, future guides will transition to Comfy UI.
  • Safe Usage: For immediate use, it's recommended to revert to the Upstream web UI.

How to Update Forge UI

Updating Forge UI can typically be done with a simple click; however, complications may arise after the update. Here's how to reliably update your Forge UI to the latest version.

Step-by-Step Update Process:

  1. Initiate Update: Simply click on the update option within the Forge interface.
  2. Verify Version: Once updated, check the version at the top, which lists changes in the format starting with "BF."

Downgrading Forge UI: When Things Go Wrong

If you update Forge by mistake and it ceases to function properly, downgrading back to a stable version can be done methodically. Here’s how:

Switching to a Stable Version:

  1. Command Prompt Access: Navigate to the web UI folder. In the address bar, type CMD to open the command window.
  2. Check Latest Commit: Use the command git log -1 to view the most recent commit, which shows the author and timestamp.
  3. Revert to Stable Version: To switch to the stable version, type git checkout 29 (or the specific version that starts with 29 known for stability).
  4. Confirm Change: Run the git log command again to ensure you've switched successfully.

Using Alternate Branches

If you face challenges with the primary branch, there’s a community-maintained branch available. Alternatively, you can switch to the developer version using the command:

  • git checkout Dev 2

Understanding Git Commands and Branch Management

Working with Git can be daunting, but understanding essential commands can simplify the process of managing your Forge UI versions.

Key Git Commands:

  • Fetch Latest Changes: Use git fetch --all to download updates without altering your working directory.
  • Display Branches: git branch lists all local branches, marking your current one with an asterisk.
  • Detached Head State: Be aware that checking out a specific commit places you in a 'detached head' state. This allows for experimental changes, but these won’t be tied to any branch unless you make a new branch.
  • Creating a New Branch: Use git checkout -b new_branch_name to keep your changes.

Viewing Commit Details

For a more streamlined overview of your commits, you can view a summarized list:

git log --oneline

Use the space bar to scroll through paginated results or press Q to exit.

Exploring Alternatives: Comfy UI

As we wrap up our exploration of Forge, it's essential to consider alternatives that may offer modern updates and features. Comfy UI is recommended for those looking for new capabilities and enhancements.

Benefits of Comfy UI:

  • Regular Updates: Unlike Forge's ceasing of updates, Comfy UI promises continuous improvements.
  • User-Friendly Features: Designed with users in mind, Comfy UI ensures ease of use and accessibility.


In conclusion, effectively managing your Forge UI version is imperative to maintain functionality, especially with the impending transition into an experimental phase. Through this comprehensive guide, you should now be equipped with the knowledge to update, downgrade, and switch between versions of Forge UI with confidence. If you're transitioning towards Comfy UI, take the time to explore its features and updates as they become available. Thank you for watching, and happy forging!


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