14 Acessórios de Mesa que Você Vai Adorar
Se você está em busca de maneiras de otimizar seu espaço de trabalho ou apenas quer adicionar um toque divertido à sua mesa, você está no lugar certo! Neste vídeo, o apresentador compartilha 14 de seus acessórios de mesa favoritos, que vão desde itens de produtividade até objetos mais leves e divertidos. Vamos explorar cada um deles e descobrir como podem transformar sua experiência de trabalho e lazer!
1. Stream Deck
Vamos começar com um dos acessórios mais versáteis: o Stream Deck. Embora tenha sido projetado inicialmente para criadores de conteúdo, é uma ferramenta incrível para qualquer pessoa que queira otimizar seu fluxo de trabalho. Com botões personalizáveis, você pode programar atalhos para abrir aplicativos, executar automações e até acessar suas abas favoritas do Chrome com um único toque. É uma maneira elegante de manter tudo ao seu alcance sem perder tempo.
2. Doodle Bob
Em contraste com o primeiro item, temos o Doodle Bob, uma divertida figura 3D que também serve como suporte para canetas. É um ótimo quebra-gelo para quem visita seu espaço de trabalho e traz um pouco de humor ao ambiente.
3. CalDigit TS4 Hub
Se você precisa de um hub confiável para conectar diversos dispositivos, o CalDigit TS4 Hub é uma ótima escolha. Ele permite conectar tudo com apenas um cabo, mantendo tudo rápido e eficiente. Ideal para quem trabalha com múltiplos dispositivos.
4. Tapete de Mesa
Um bom tapete de mesa não é apenas estético, mas também funcional. Um tapete de couro, por exemplo, não só adiciona um toque de elegância, mas também oferece uma superfície confortável e fácil de limpar. Para mais dicas sobre como aprimorar seu espaço de trabalho, confira nosso artigo sobre 14 Must-Have Desk Accessories for Productivity and Fun.
5. Monitor LG My View Ultrawide
O LG My View Ultrawide é um monitor que impressiona pela sua capacidade de multitarefa. Com um design elegante e funcionalidade de smart monitor, você pode usar para edição de vídeos ou até mesmo como uma TV durante suas pausas. Se você está procurando mais maneiras de aumentar sua eficiência, não deixe de conferir nosso guia sobre Boosting Productivity: Essential Tools and Approaches for Efficiency.
6. Tapete de Piso para Escritório
Para quem opta por um escritorio em pé, um tapete de piso ergonômico pode fazer toda a diferença. Ele proporciona conforto e alívio para os pés, permitindo que você fique em pé por mais tempo sem desconforto.
7. Suporte para Laptop
Um suporte para laptop ajustável garante que seu computador esteja na altura certa, promovendo uma postura saudável e reduzindo a tensão no pescoço. Um bom modelo é feito de alumínio e pode incluir um suporte para celular.
8. Suporte MagSafe
Para usuários de iPhone, um suporte MagSafe é um acessório prático. Ele permite que você carregue seu telefone enquanto mantém o acesso fácil ao visor, ideal para quem gosta de acompanhar notificações enquanto trabalha.
9. Caixa de Som LG XBoom 360
A LG XBoom 360 não é apenas uma caixa de som; ela também serve como uma linda lâmpada ambiente com suas luzes LED. Ótima para criar uma atmosfera agradável enquanto você trabalha ou relaxa.
10. Teclado Ergonômico Logitech K860
Se você passa muito tempo digitando, um teclado ergonômico como o Logitech K860 pode ajudar a prevenir lesões por esforço repetitivo. Ele é projetado para oferecer conforto sem sacrificar a velocidade de digitação.
11. Mouse Ergonomico Logitech M575
Complementando o teclado, o Mouse Ergonomico Logitech M575 possui um design que permite movimentos suaves e precisos, sem a necessidade de deslizamento constante. É perfeito para manter a mesa organizada.
12. Caneca Ember
Para os amantes de café que não conseguem beber tudo de uma vez, a caneca Ember é tudo que você precisa. Ela mantém sua bebida quente, permitindo que você a saboreie por mais tempo sem se preocupar em esfriar.
13. Suporte de Câmera de Continuidade
Transforme seu smartphone em uma webcam de alta qualidade com um suporte de câmera de continuidade. Uma solução econômica que melhora drasticamente a qualidade de vídeo em chamadas de vídeo.
14. Vaso Flutuante
Por último, mas não menos importante, um vaso flutuante que utiliza imãs para manter plantas levitando no ar. É um acessório incrível que certamente chamará a atenção de todos e adicionará um toque de mágica ao seu espaço.
Esses 14 acessórios de mesa não apenas aumentam a funcionalidade do seu espaço de trabalho, mas também adicionam um pouco de personalidade e diversão. Experimente um ou mais desses itens e transforme sua experiência no escritório. Se você gostou deste vídeo, não se esqueça de deixar seu comentário e se inscrever para mais dicas incríveis!
hey everyone in this video I want to talk about 14 of my favorite desk accessories and these range from some
very productive ones like this back here to some much more fun light-hearted ones like this right here and so no matter
what you're using your desk for whether that is for work for school for productivity like at home maybe doing
online shopping or whatever budget management or maybe even just gaming whatever you use your desk for there
should be something in this video that is either great for you to buy for yourself and just make your desk a
little bit better or potentially a great gift for somebody else who uses their desk Des a lot so these are things that
I really like that I use on a daily basis and I hope you enjoy them as well now there are 14 different desk
accessories before we get into number 14 quick little disclosure here it's kind of a healthy mix in this video of
products that I purchased with my own money some of them I made like with a 3D printer for example and some of them
were sent to me for previous videos for free but there's no obligation to those Brands and they don't have access to
this video before it goes live there is however one sponsored item we'll talk about the sponsor later on in the video
but all the rest are completely un sponsored so with that being said let's get into number 14 here this is none
other than the stream deck even though the name really implies is meant for creators streaming online it's actually
very useful for basically anybody out there so quick little summary of what it is essentially it is just a macro
keyboard that is completely customizable so you have eight buttons on the top one little touch screen in the middle you
can swipe back and forth on and four dials on the bottom so by default if you press like the top left button it'll go
into your apps and you can have this open like the calculator app or you can go into the software on your desktop and
change that to open a bunch of like Chrome tabs or or you know Excel or whatever you're using a lot so if you're
somebody that uses Microsoft Office and that whole Suite A Lot maybe you program the buttons to open that if you do a lot
of video editing maybe it's going to be some useful tools while you're in Adobe Premiere Pro for example or whatever
you're doing this is essentially just a macro keyboard that's super customizable that allows you to just access more and
open some automations without having to type onto your keyboard uh and open them manually or go into like your
applications folder and stuff like that and you can take this as far as you want with customizations uh I've seen people
use this to open a bunch of different Chrome tabs for like Investments for example so they have all their different
investment research tabs they can look at different stocks and stuff like that just an easier way to get your workflow
streamlined with just a nice little aesthetic array of buttons here and the buttons as you can see on the top
actually have little displays in the back as well so they'll change for the right icons based on what you're open or
what you choose those icons to be in the software now number 13 then something completely different much less
productive but honestly how could I not include this of course a doodle bob I 3D printed this one you can find a lot of
3D models for this you could probably buy this as well but this is not just any doodle bob this doodle bob holds my
pen this actually holds either like an apple pencil for example or just a regular pen kind of a fun little desk
accessory that I don't know people come over to my desk and and they kind of always comment on that it's just such a
cool thing to have now getting back to something very productive we're kind of alternating between fun and aesthetic
and you know highly productive desk devices number 12 here is none other than the cow digigit ts4 Hub I've tried
so many different hubs or dongles to plug in more things to my laptop or my desktop or you know my PC whatever I'm
using I find that most of them out there just absolutely suck they're terrible you can plug in like one flash drive and
then as soon as you plug in HDMI uh like it bugs you it really just bugs out like it gets really slow the display doesn't
really work well and uh they never work as well as they're advertised but this the Cal digit Works incredibly well so
I'm able to show up with just my MacBook plug in just one USBC cable and instantly be connected to my display
here all of my hard drives my audio output my SD cards anything plugged into here and nothing is slow at all it's
absolutely incredible how functional and fast this thing really is I mean it's not that surprising looking at it like
you can tell it's really well built you know all solid aluminum as you can look at this uh and like I said it works
really well it also delivers power to my laptop so I can plug in again with just one cable and be ready to go and then
number 11 I think a desk mat is absolutely essential to a desk this is really a great desk accessory in my
opinion and there are of course many different options out there but as long as you have something that gives you a
nice grip on the table so it's not sliding around too much it's very comfortable easy to clean uh and in my
opinion the best way to do that also looks really nice as well is a leather one uh this one was sent to me from
Harbor London like 2 years ago and I've been using it for a while I actually really do like this deskmat a lot um
I'll have some links down below to all the products in this video some of them are harder to find uh so some of those
will be affiliate links some of them might just be whatever links I can find out there um but regardless this is a
you know pretty solid gift it's a little bit more expensive I think it's like $7 or $80 right now uh but if you wanted to
go out and just buy like a cheaper one there's so many different desk mats but that is a solid gift idea and a really
solid thing to get to upgrade your desk setup and before we get into the weird plant thing I have we need to get into
number 10 which is the display I'm using for this desk setup right here which is the sponsor of today's video which is LG
this is the LG my view ultrawide smart Monitor and I've been trying this out as an ultrawide monitor for a little while
now and I have to say it's really quite impressive how much more you're able to show on One display in really multitask
I used to just have like half and half screens or or sometimes use like just a full screen like on my laptop for
example but here I'm able to put them like thirds or even quarters on the display to have more shown on one screen
also media is incred inedibly immersive on such a large curved display and this is something I find especially
interesting because you know I'll be editing a video and then when I want to export the video I'll just let my laptop
you know go through that export and I don't want to like overload my laptop by opening more tabs and doing more stuff
that's more demanding so I'll just switch over the monitor to the smart monitor mode and you can watch Netflix
on here you can watch YouTube on here like it's basically a TV when it's not being used as a monitor it's kind of
cool to have multiple functions on one device here and it's really quite a simple elegant design so you have all
your controls on the very bottom as well as a remote right here that you can control the entire monitor like that
there's different color profiles there's sound output on here uh there's multiple inputs on the back from HDMI or USB and
of course it's a smart monitor like I said so it does connect to Wi-Fi to uh you know to play music or videos or
whatever you're looking for there so thanks to LG for sponsoring this portion of the video uh they are running a Black
Friday promotion I'll have that linked in the top of the description down below so if you want to buy the LG my view
ultrawide smart monitor check out that link down below and again thanks to LG for sponsoring this portion of the video
so moving on to number nine this is something I included in my gift guide as well I'm sitting right now at my desk
right but I like having a sit stand desk so I have a separate desk that I'll stand at a lot and uh when you're
standing you don't want to just like wear shoes you don't want to just stand on like a hardwood floor obviously
you're just a maniac if you're doing that so what I like to use is a rubber floor mat so it's actually meant for
standing it's really nice got little bumps on there you can like massage your foot and kind of you know shift your
weight around it's far more comfortable to stand for really long periods of time I personally do that a lot when you know
I have meetings for example I find that if I'm standing for a meeting I'm much more awake much more attentive and way
less likely to like fall asleep during the meeting but going on to number eight and number seven these are both going to
be more like a ergonomic type things the next one is a laptop stand this one I mean I've tried a lot of laptop stands
if you like one that's smaller and folds up out of like you know cardboard or whatever go for it like you know by all
means that's nice cuz it's lightweight uh but this one is more heavyduty it's one that I really like and uh it's made
of all aluminum this is the minder laptop stand I could be it might be minder minder I don't know I haven't
really ordered anything else from them but I like this stand a lot it's adjustable in the height adjustable in
the angle and it has a little phone stand on the very bottom so if you have like a folding phone or just any phone
you want to watch the media down there under your laptop very easy to set that down there I find this is great uh again
not only for standing desk but also sitting desk just to have my display kind of matching the same height as my
monitor so that you know it kind of is one continuous display there it's easier to kind of move tabs back and forth and
make some use out of my laptop when it's plugged into a monitor number seven is a MAG safe stand if you have an iPhone if
you don't then I would recommend getting a MAG safe case for your Android so you could use a MAG safe stand this one
unfortunately anchor discontinued but this is the mag go and they have a new one that's essentially replacing this
I'll link the new one in the description although there is one small difference so essentially you just have a stand
that you can just drop your iPhone onto it sticks magnetically it charges all day you can see the time or you can turn
your phone sideways and that'll put it into like uh the standby mode essentially showing you like an alarm CL
it'll just show you the time of day and maybe another widget if you have the weather or something like that um but
the new version of this is basically just a charger the old version you could pull it up and it was like a battery
pack on the back um I assume the battery wouldn't last as long if you leave it plugged in Forever which is probably why
they discontinued this but I always thought it was helpful just in case it's like oh my iPhone's almost dead I have
to go on a road trip I'll just grab this and I just know it's always fully charged that's a cool desk accessory uh
anchor is a little bit more expensive honestly I think they're pretty reasonably priced for what they are but
if you want want to find a cheaper one sometimes ug green is a little bit more affordable I know they have some similar
ones or to be honest if you just really want to save some money uh in the past I have just 3D printed these if you have a
printer and then just buy a little mag safe Puck uh glue it on there and you have you know a a homemade mag safe
stand you can make exactly the height you can make it exactly the height and the dimensions that match your desk as
well as the color that matches your desk too number six this is a cool little speaker I mean obviously depending on
what your audio style is you might want some wired speakers for higher fidelity maybe you want two speakers for some
stereo sound uh I think this is great cuz it has a smaller footprint and also has a cool trick up his sleeve this is
the LG xbom 360 speaker um and so 360 it's going to sound a little better in like a larger room so you hear it from
any angle pretty much but if I turn it on oh the battery's dead but if I turn this on it has 360 lights around the top
you can change the color of that and so it acts as like a nice little ambient lamp I think that's really cool on here
or if you're playing music kind of brings it to life a little bit with some flashing colors I mean a little bit of
RGB always makes a desk a little bit more fun and a little bit more exciting in my opinion number five and number
four I know a lot of keyboard and mouse people are going to be very upset with me but hear me out in this one I am not
a big fan of like the big flat mechanical keys I'm not a fan of really flat ones either in fact what I've
really started using in the past is an ergo keyboard uh because I find that it's way more comfortable and I can
still type incredibly quickly using this right here we have the Logitech Ergo k860 that is the keyboard here and at
first like it is really weird it's going to take you some time to get used to this but I mean ask ask any doctor out
there you would never find a doctor that doesn't recommend an ergo keyboard I had like a wrist problem a couple years ago
that's when I bought this I got used to it and uh yeah I can type faster on this now than I can on a regular keyboard I
really like using this a lot and then the mouse I just got this because it has like the ball on there which has a huge
benefit if your desk ever gets messy you don't need space to slide your mouse around instead the ball like you can
scroll really quickly using just your thumb on here and this is the Logitech Ergo m575 Mouse and again having
multiple buttons on here so your index finger to go you know forward or back if you're navigating tabs on Chrome for
example uh the wheel super easy you don't have to slide anything around makes your desk setup also like much
cleaner to not have space that your mouse is always sliding back and forth It's quieter super easy to use I
absolutely love I could never go back from like having the ball on the thumb for the mouse but like I said I know a
lot of people are more into like the Retro keyboards or different Aesthetics of keyboards I wish this looked
different but it's kind of the only great Ergo keyboard and mouse from my experience uh that works with mac and
works really well number three this is for anyone like me that doesn't drink coffee incredibly fast like if I chug a
coffee I'm just going to be so jittery and so anxious I would rather like sit my coffee over you know an hour or so
but I don't want it to get ice cold so this right here is the amember mug that heats your coffee keeps it hot and it
has a little little pad right here so it doesn't it's not just like a regular hot pad that's going to you know burn your
house down instead you can see there's a connection right there uh two Pogo pins and two concentric rings in the bottom
so you set it like that and the mug itself is going to heat your your coffee not this little pad on the bottom so way
less likely to catch on fire if you like drop a paper on it for example and also just like a much cooler piece of tech
that gives you like a very solid sturdy feeling mug that additionally makes it much harder to tip this over because you
have that extra weight on the bottom so not that I'm one to knock things over like like I'm usually pretty coordinated
I don't like knock over water on my desk a lot um but if you do that extra weight on the bottom could make a pretty big
difference for you and I just think it looks nice like a nice minimal clean matte black mug there that matches the
Puck on the bottom it's plugged in on the back with a pin and Barrel right there I don't know like I I really like
that a lot that is the Ember mug uh that you know can heat your coffee your tea your water whatever you're drinking at
your desk moving on to number two this is one that you can finally do on Windows and Android now but originally
it was just Mac and the iPhone and this is a continuity camera mount so this is something you could buy for about $15 on
Amazon you can also just kind of build one if you wanted to uh or you could 3D print one uh as I have done here and
this is going to be a great way to use your iPhone or you know your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra for example behind your
desktop behind your laptop on a video call so rather than just having like a lowquality webcam or even like a high
quality webcam which still is not as good as a phone you can use the rear cameras on your phone to get honestly
the best video quality imaginable for a webcam uh short of you know plugging in like a DSLR for example but you know by
all intensive purposes this is the cheapest and the easiest way to get great video quality on your video calls
and it's something I do all the time and such a cool little desk accessory that surprisingly few people actually have
and then number one I said that I really like this little plant pot this is something I mentioned in my gift guide
recently it's such a cool little device that just adds a little touch of like magic to your desk kind of it looks
really cool like this plant just has no business levitating above the table but it does and that's so cool and the way
it works of course is with some electromagnets inside uh and so when it's levitating there you can spin it uh
you could obviously have a plant in it as I would recommend or you could just have like a dollar bill in there or
whatever you want to set in there something pretty light so it's able to Lev at like that but just kind of a cool
little Lively thing to have on your desk there are several different versions of this you can find them on Amazon there's
like you know matte black ones white ones kind of a light wooden bamboo looking one uh but any you know any
style that matches your desk I think this is a really cool idea to have either at your own desk or like it's a
pretty solid gift for anyone who doesn't already have one like I don't know anyone who wouldn't think this is a
really cool thing to have on their desk just a fun little fidget thing like you spin it you look at it I don't know it's
cool it's a fun thing to have on a desk so those are my 14 favorite desk accessories let me know in the comments
down below what your favorites are I'm sure there are a ton that you like that I probably have not mentioned in this
video but if you watch the video this long hopefully that means you enjoyed it and I recommend subscribing I have some
other videos like my gift guide and a few others coming out soon uh that you might find interesting just like this
video I'll link those I'll I'll link those I'll link those over here so you can watch those next thanks for watching
guys see you over there
Heads up!
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